Remove Field Medic Skill From All Classes Trees (Full Version)

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Uchiha Sarada -> Remove Field Medic Skill From All Classes Trees (5/27/2015 12:08:43)

I think that they should get rid of medic from every classes skill tree and turn medic into an universal skill that every class can access but outside the skill tree and of course it will still require skills Points to Upgrade just like before.

Why doing this is good for the game and for the variety?

Because We can use the Removed Field Medic Spot to add 1 new skill for each class because i believe that its been a while since we get new skills added to the game dattebayo

King Bling -> RE: Remove Field Medic Skill From All Classes Trees (5/27/2015 13:27:19)

First of all this should be posted in the suggestion section as it has nothing to do with balance, and secondly it has already been suggested and declined so no it wont be happening unless titan wants it himself.

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: Remove Field Medic Skill From All Classes Trees (5/27/2015 13:34:19)

This Totally belongs on balance, I made this to discuss if it was a good idea and how it will affect the game if they add a new skill for each class, if an AK feels like this is a suggestions then they are free to move the thread.

And there are alot of suggestions that have been declined and added to the game.

So what are your thoughts of the idea? Do you like it or Not? Because If you're only posting Irrelevant stuff then Do not Post anything at all, dattebayo.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Remove Field Medic Skill From All Classes Trees (5/27/2015 20:04:30)

This has been suggested quite a few times before and since then nothing really has changed, so I would say it's safe to assume that this isn't currently being looked into.

Variation -> RE: Remove Field Medic Skill From All Classes Trees (5/27/2015 22:17:45)


...turn medic into an universal skill that every class can access but outside the skill tree and of course it will still require skills Points to Upgrade just like before.

The current engine doesn't support applying skill points to skills that aren't a part of the classes' skill trees.


Because We can use the Removed Field Medic Spot to add 1 new skill for each class because i believe that its been a while since we get new skills added to the game

That would be nice, but again the engine doesn't support it yet.

At the time each and every Field Medic is unique to the class it's on. As in it's possible to alter Bounty Hunter's Field Medic while not altering the other Field Medics. The developers could make a universal Field Medic and simply give it to every class -- however, with the way the current system works it would accomplish very little.

The developers could add more skills and they've made it known more than once that it takes time. The skill rows/columns we have access to aren't huge issues to the developers. It's more so the fact it takes a full design and implementation of the skill -- art assets including animation, mathematical calculations and programming of the skill, adding the necessary skill data to the appropriate tables in the database, and last but certainly not least testing.

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