RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (Full Version)

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Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/2/2015 15:25:46)

Where is the cruelty in doing mini wars, then moving to bigger wars, to assure a fair war, or to you, it's normal to keep the war unfair because it is running in your favor, and there is no rush in finding a solution?. Using my quote again:


The difference between the world and ED, we can control ED, it is a controllable environement, where cruel world rules don't apply, it's called a game. I hope you understand this, anything you gave as en example is irrelevant, because there is a difference between a "Game" and "Reality".

Isn't the current war system unfair for legions? Isn't that cruelty, where the result of the war is already known, and while we are at it, isn't it possible to make it fair? ED is a controllable environement, and sure we can make it fair from today, but such decisions need sacrifices, everything comes with collateral damages.

If you prefer maintaining an unfair war, well that's your problem, because in the end, you aren't in the losing alignement, and each war you end up winning you get a free prize, yup free. If it's not your problem, then I suggest you to whether: A- Give a feedback about suggestions from legion players. B- Explain why you are against the suggestion with solid arguments. Because in the end, this is going to be fixed, with your approval or without it, just like what happened with the underdog mode, and with many other things.

Sure legions might be losing now, but after the fix, legions have some pretty experienced players, and giving feedback while it is possible might help the exiles to stand in the next war when it is fair.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/2/2015 16:01:05)

@ Lord machaar

play in each war and I can tell you how each war went and why.

Dread plains Exile won this war due to lack of organization on Legion's part. The battle plan was put out yet and people were attacking randomly.
Fortune city: Exile won this one due to not only lack or organization but the eventually rolling over when they thought the war was lost. AKA Many gave up.
Frostland: Exile won this war due to lack or organization once again, but also no motivation to compete due to lack of rewards with the old system

Now after the frostland war The new tiered rewards came into play and now lets look at the next wars

Overlord Faculity: Exile won this one however the gap between the two wasn't a landslide like the first 3 wars. This was due to players being motivated to play due to the new tiered rewards. Legion would have won this war but a war rally for exile tipped the scale causing Legion to lose.

Infernal mines: Exile wins this war, however the lost from legion was by 1250 points which is the closest gap that has happened. Exile won this one due to not only hard work but big spenders on exile.

West Navel war: Legion won this was finally breaking the losing streak. This was mainly due to the legion destroying the finisher right after the health objective cutting down Exile's fire power. A smart tactic but a rewarding one for the legion side.

Bio perserve war: Legion once again win's this war due to exiles not following the tactics Legion did in the last war thus letting the finisher stay alive when it the health objective was finished.

Barrens war: Exile wins this war, however unlike the other wars Exile had assistance from the staff due to the previous war being finished so quickly. This cause the barrens war to become a lot tougher and the end result would have been a war that was months long. Now here is the problem that screwed over legion. When the staff weakened each objective The balance of power changed from Legion to exile due to the finisher (which was weak at the time) getting a massive power boost due to the main objective losing a lot of health where as before this it was legion who was winning the war by a good amount. TL:DR Exile won, but not without outside help.

Wasteland war: Exile won by a landslide.

And Lastly will you stop accusing players of not wanting change because they are exile? Personally I would rather then not have these wars at all or go back to the old 1.0 format with daily rewards for the entire alignment that day. This way it would be more than fair seeing as there would be a war every day, with one side winning each day plus unlike war system 2.0 you had to PVP battle even if you had money which means you couldn't buy the wins which make this more fair for all.

If you want to take that as my suggestion to fixing the war you can.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/2/2015 17:43:21)

@mother1 Both wars legion won were rigged. Look at the LB's. Unless people did extreme alting.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/2/2015 17:46:23)

^ Infernal war 1.0 was rigged to let exiles win after legions won frysteland war 1.0, I don't if you have played then or not, but since then legions knew that the war was manipulated and many of legion players quitted playing the wars/game.


I consider that a wish more than an actual suggestion, as they've said many times, the old system is not coming back for various reasons.

newtena -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/2/2015 18:52:30)

looks cool.

elite dark slayer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 8:11:47)

Is the LQS the one with the pyro fly or is it a different one?

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 8:33:22)

All I'm gonna say is no one was bored with flags, even after they removed battle tokens. You could see your own progress (which is what they should do for pvp as well), you could see how much you have to reach, and it was attainable by pvp that was actually way diverse back then than it is now.

Yep, I can say for a fact and not an opinion that no one was bored with flags

Kd -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 17:44:55)

@ranloth So the plan is just for the regional wars to recycle and recycle and recycle?

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 17:48:54)


@ranloth So the plan is just for the regional wars to recycle and recycle and recycle?

I sure hope not, these wars are uber-boring.
Honestly, Battletokens & Flags was much more fun to me.

Kd -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 17:53:58)

^ agreed. If it's a war that's going to be repeated I wish they'd repeat infernal if any. That was a great war.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 17:57:46)

That war was amazing!

Satafou -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 18:09:39)

The infernal war was rigged, not only did the devs actively help exile but the 2vs2 npcs made players who were usually 50-60% ratio +90% and made others who got the braindead mechas as a partner to have a much lower win%.

Kd -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 18:14:04)


Im not claiming it was a perfect war. I just found the mechanics of the war more compelling and entertaining than this war's current form. Fighting opponents to compete against the vault was fun for me. I'm sorry you didn't have the same experience

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 18:42:30)


The infernal war was rigged, not only did the devs actively help exile but the 2vs2 npcs made players who were usually 50-60% ratio +90% and made others who got the braindead mechas as a partner to have a much lower win%.

I'm not talking about the outcome of it, I was referring to how it was designed, you actually participated in the action, not just *le do battle, le drop bombs*

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 18:54:12)

*le do battle le drop bombs* XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 19:01:11)

@ AQWorldsFarmer

My thoughts exactly. We need wars were you PVP battles actually matter. I mean seriously this game at it's core is about PVP battles and yet we have a war system that is basically like frostland 1.0. Meaning you can completely bypass the PVP battles if you have deep pockets to buy bombs with.

With the infernal war 1.0 even with it's faults you had to battle in order to play in the event and no amount of money could get you around it.

I can think off so many positives from bringing that format back and here are a few of them

1) Influence can go back to battle which will bring up the activity of factions. This would really help make factions more competitive again
2) Hard work will be rewarded and RNG will no longer give you the middle finger if you aren't using the war commanders.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 19:03:17)

I cant even begin to explain how long ive been yearning for faction competition again. The mini competitions we used to have at certain flags especially.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 19:22:58)


My thoughts exactly. We need wars were you PVP battles actually matter. I mean seriously this game at it's core is about PVP battles and yet we have a war system that is basically like frostland 1.0. Meaning you can completely bypass the PVP battles if you have deep pockets to buy bombs with.

I think this is one of the few time we've actually agreed, I think we just earned +2 bonding points.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 19:43:49)

AWwwwwwwww <3 <3<3<3. Forums bonding

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 21:50:57)

Some Mechanics I like to have in wars are:
-Unpredictable battle modes (like npc-involvement in the infernal war)
-Some sort of common goal (instead of *le drop bomb*, have a specific goal to work for, that involves actually participating in the event and not just pvping like normal)
-Extra Rewards, who doesn't like rewards??!

As for a way of actually participating, and example would be:
Goal: Taken down the mountain of dread (idk, example)
How to accomplish the goal:
1.) Battle NPC 'Diggers' each time you defeat 1, a certain amount of soil is removed from the mountain.
2.) Use TNT (pvp drop)
>TNT is then stored inside the mountain, collectively. Every 15 minutes, it explodes the collection, removing a lot of dirt!
3.) Hire a construction crew to remove a certain amount of dirt. (15k credit AND 300 variums) Only usable 5 times per day per person. (to prevent mass spamming)

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 22:19:32)

I played in infernal war 1.0, it was the best war I've ever played, despite the fact that it was rigged, I hope, they make a recyclable version of it alteast, where in other regions, NPCs change; and vault changes also (e.g, fighting the legendary endless of 20 million HP?)

These pictures remind of many beautiful things that sadly are gone now, battle tokens, passives, uniqueness of each and every item, enhancements and how you can control your build (not saying they are a good thing, but they contributed to game variety), the best war of the game infernal inflitration and finally the leveling up system. (and also the chat box if you know what I mean [:)])

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 22:29:42)


Those pictures made me cry a bit, especially the last one, depicting the old item stats and them passives. [X(] How i do miss those days.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 22:58:41)

I suggested a war where we fight Dage (just like the infernal war). Only thing is that its both Exile and Legion Vs. Dage.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/3/2015 23:17:18)

I think it would make more sense to have a non-alignment war if it included dage. It could be like a subdivision (like nulgath vs Dage in aqworlds).
Only, instead of nulgath, it could be alydriah or someone.
And the players choose who they want to side with (exile or legion doesnt matter).

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= May 28th, 2015 - Bido Showcase Preview (6/6/2015 5:45:58)

No Jugg fix is what i see. :/

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