Static Steal (Full Version)

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King Bling -> Static Steal (6/3/2015 8:46:50)

Static Smash of a mercenary is very pathetic, now to show you how pathetic it is if you compare it to other energy stealing skills,
Lets start with Static Grenade.
Now Consider a simple f5 build where the primary damage of the normal f5 will be 450 and with legendary stats 480, but lets pick
450 because we dont want legendary status to dominate this post, ok so, as per the description of the static smash, at max it drains
55% and out of that 55%, 75% of it is given back to its user, considering 450 as primary damage of a normal f5 user.
Calculations : 450 x 55% = 247.5
Now out of that 247.5 x 75% = 185.625, just enough for a level 1 or 2 heal, nothing else not even a bunker buster which is a burst
Now consider a simple f5 bh, possibly a smart bh will have 45+14 support i.e 320 energy
Calculations : 320 x 65% = 208

Now the difference isnt much but, now consider a strength build where the persons primary is 600, as we know str is nerfed and
to attain 600 primary you need 157 strength or you may say 112+35+2 etc
Calculations : 600 x 55% = 330
Now out of that 330 x 75% = 247.5, enough for a bunker buster, which doesnt work with str, now think of a bh with 160 support
yes there is no build but this is just for a comparison, I dont know exactly how much he will steal but it is pretty much above 450
giving over 300 energy.

NOTE : People say mercenary has burst moves thats why it has this kinda pathetic static but we all know it is useless, a level 1 heal
can cover up a max out plasma cannon or bunker, over that if a merc is stuck in an energy trap like tlm or tms then its a GG.

Another point people point out is in a battle one can use blood commander and get more energy later, but it can be cut down with
cores as well and still as said if 600 primary takes that less, no use a str build cannot work against kartherax and rest stuff.

Discuss. Thank You.

santonik -> RE: Static Steal (6/6/2015 8:40:57)

Mercenary is verybad in that energy controll. Every others classes is Much better ways to controll opponent energy.

Static Smash of a mercenary is very pathetic,
This is pretty much true. Only way it is good static smash, is extreme str. Extreme str build is big weakness today. (merc) skills cost much energy and dont be so effective. (STR)
Static smash is super weak whit minimum STR
Static smash is weak whit 5focus build.
Static smash is ok if you have 125+ STR. Still dont trust your energy.


Now out of that 247.5 x 75% = 185.625, just enough for a level 1 or 2 heal, nothing else not even a bunker buster which is a burst
THis is true. Itself get littlebit less that energy. i get normally 160~170 energy back.(5 focus whit 45 str) It is very small sum energy. i can heal myself. others skills cost normally 200 energy atleast. (my builds) So i cant use other skills.
Now mercenary cant trust to energy at all. Because mercenary is weak energy and HP control. Others classes is much better energy and HP control. (skilltree)
High support mercenary get very high sum HP. BUT it is big good sides and big bad sides. Before in this update i get pretty much guaranteed 200 energy. If my static smash get hit. (5focus build)

Static smash need buff. Give mercenary better % leeching. This allow counter play ability. This is weak now. Now mercenary is too easy to shutdown all energy skills. Whit out energy,mercenary is easy target every other classes. Dont forgot mercenary gain only energy IF opponent have energy.


Static smash is over nerfed in this moment.
BUFF---100% hit now. can use all primarys.
NERF---STR nerf.
NERF---Skiltree skill nerf. static smash is nerf. (DOUBLE NERF)

This need fix something ways. Mercenary is underdog in this moment.

Static grenade is very similar in this (static smash). Game makers give big buff static grenade. (old days it is totally overpowered.) Now it is same power again. static grenade must nerf little bit. Boynty hunters broblem is this; they dont get energy. Before static grenade buff.
Now EVERY boynty hunter get pretty good static grenade. This making boynty very good now. They can use very powerful skill now. I think static grenade need buff/nerf style chanfed. Nerf static grenade damage to energy and rising % energy leeching. This dont shutdown opponent build totally. This rising counter play little bit. Boynty hunter dont need invest (support) stats so much and get strong static grenade.

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Cons -> RE: Static Steal (6/6/2015 8:59:50)

Got to agree with this as well. Perhaps have it as a stock percentage of energy taken, similar to the way the Blood Mage steals energy however this is a one-turn energy steal while that of the BM is over multiple.

"Drains target's energy as a percentage of their total energy. Gain 75% of energy drained."

Lvl 1 --> 30%
Lvl 10 --> 60%

If on max, it would take 50% of someone energy.

Current energy of opponent: 600
Energy taken: 600 x 0.6 = 360
Energy Gained: 0.75 x 360 = 270

Note that this skill is blockable (this is as far as i know, maybe they changed it in the past 2.5 years i have been gone lol) so it should have a slight advantage in how much energy it takes if compared to the BH which has a slightly lower amount (ofc that scales and depends on the build while this doesn't).

What do you think of this suggestion?

shadow.bane -> RE: Static Steal (6/6/2015 12:17:21)

you forgot that it's block-able

King Bling -> RE: Static Steal (6/6/2015 17:55:59)

Over all, the enrgy gained by a normal player may be near 180-220, and this same amount is taken by a normal f5 tm around 200, so tm can easily get merc and so can other classes.

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