=ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 20:32:52)



June 5th, 2015
EpicDuel Guest Artist Team
Do you want to join the EpicDuel Guest Artist Team? GREAT!
Before you submit your portfolio, please read through the following requirements:

A Link to Your Portfolio Must Include the Following Samples of Work
  • Completed EpicDuel game asset samples including:
    • Weapon sets of both physical and energy versions
    • Armor designs for male and female character models
    • Hairstyle designs for male and female character models
    • Bike designs
    • Home item designs
    • Mission item designs
    • Background environment designs**

  • Sample sketches in the EpicDuel Style – these are to show your thought process in design
  • Anatomy studies and examples of NPC designs
  • Color studies and value studies
  • Any animation examples to show a basic understanding of animation**

Technical Qualifications
  • Legal version of Adobe Flash CS5 or higher
  • Reliable computer and internet connection
  • Understands how to use Photoshop or SAI**
  • Skype account
  • G-mail account
  • Twitter account

Personal Qualifications
  • A desire to want to learn and grow as a professional artist
  • A minimum of 5-10 hours a week to dedicate to the team
  • Work well with others on team-based projects
  • Active member of the AE community in good standing
  • Offers and accepts constructive criticism well
  • Works well under pressure and can meet deadlines
  • Can handle tedious tasks
  • Able to fit the EpicDuel style
  • Can read and write in English
  • Is in compliance with the Terms of Service Agreements of Artix Entertainment, LLC.
  • Must be at least 18+ (or 16+ with parental permission and a valid work reference)

**Not required, but strongly recommended.

If you are still interested in joining the EpicDuel Guest Artist Team and meet all the above qualifications, please submit your portfolio to Nightwraith@battleon.com. We will consider all applications that meet the requirements, but we will not be able to respond to all submissions.

Tags: charfade

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 20:50:06)

Good luck to all artists who submit their portfolio! I look forward to working with all of you [:D]

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 20:55:49)

Why is there such focus on new artwork for weapons and stuff when it's already been noted by the community that constant releases of new equipment brings almost nothing to the game?

Not to rain on anyone's parade, cause there is a lot of really cool guest artist weapons and stuff, but I really think the focus on how time is spent in developing the game is way off what it should be.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 21:20:39)

@Exploding Penguin Having more or less artists on the team doesn't change the speed at which Titan and Rabble are able to develop the game. Unfortunately we can't put out a call for guest programmers as that would have to go through the proper channels of being hired by AE and assigned to EpicDuel*. Whereas Charfade has a team of artists and writers that she trains to have an expanded portfolio with industry references.

Similarly the Balance and Moderator Teams can contact the Dev's saying they have openings they need filled leading to things like the old DN's calling for Moderator and Tester applications

*Source: SO YOU WANT TO BE A MOD by Cysero

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 22:24:18)

What Exploding Penguin is saying here, to implement art made by the artists/guest artists, it has to go through a programming phase to implement it in the game. Such time can go to making new cores? features? But I know the answer to this question, the devs are working on a new project, thus, if I knew that the game is going to die, I will genuinly try to make it easy to be developped when it is already down the hill, pumping zero profit, or the team is working on another project, in other words, if I already know that cores are hard to be programmed, why not choosing another easier path in the first place? doing so would have made the game much more enjoyable for much longer time, because frankly, ED compared to other AE games, it is still doing great, and the gifting event proved so.

WhiteTiger -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 23:07:06)

Lord Machaar, I think what One Winged Angel's saying is that the programming required to add new weapons into the game is so small that it has no impact on how quickly the programmers can implement new features or new cores.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 23:08:00)

@Lord Machaar data-basing art and missions is done by NW not Titan or Rabble so development isn't impeded there either

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/6/2015 23:30:33)

If anyone here knows of the Game "Elements" (A card based game focused around 12 different elements)...then you know the path ED is going in.
Titan will become to Epicduel like zanzarino has become to Elements (The lead developer of that game).

overdead -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/7/2015 2:38:14)

Lmao. XD I have a question though, do guest artists get compensated in any way beside having their own NPC?

Satafou -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/7/2015 6:54:15)

Don't we have enough guest artists already? Although, i would possibly buy some of Jake's art, it looks quite unique indeed.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/7/2015 14:27:19)


If I remember correctly you get the weapons that you drew the art for. That's about it.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/7/2015 18:40:10)

@Saf, 10 in total that are graphic artists. How many more do you need? [&:]

Kd -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 0:48:04)

I think that the move to wars that just cycle over and over again without the devs needing to change anything + more guest artists that make new content with what WhiteTiger describes as requiring little need for work from the devs + the devs working on a new app or whatever sends a pretty strong signal. What onewingedangel says about having more guest artists not preventing the efficiency or work ethic of the developers is true, but it's pretty clear that the message is that ED has been put into an autopilot mode where there's a never-ending war to occupy the loyal (and ever-dwindling) player base and third parties to create some new content that doesn't require much effort on the dev's part to implement. The devs have moved on from ED and to their new app project. Hopefully one day they'll come back to ED or someone else will, but right now that doesn't seem promising. It's a shame, really.

Charfade -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 13:44:21)

Wanted to come in and answer a few questions and concerns.


Why is there such focus on new artwork for weapons and stuff when it's already been noted by the community that constant releases of new equipment brings almost nothing to the game?

For most countries end of school exams are over so I wanted to put out the call for new artists who are looking for the opportunity to expand their CV / resumes / portfolios over the summer. This doesn't mean we are only focusing on only art or writing on EpicDuel.


I really think the focus on how time is spent in developing the game is way off what it should be.

There is a lot of art that goes under appreciated by the player. Such as new backgrounds, mission items, mission drops, achievements, NPC battle views, animations, that war bar that gets graphicly changed out each war, on top of all the gear you guys really care about. All of this takes several weeks for a single ED release. So there is a need for new artwork always for ED, you couldn't have new missions or battles or new achievements without this team.


I have a question though, do guest artists get compensated in any way beside having their own NPC?

There are several perks guest artist and writers receive who are in good standing. Such as special events they receive promo gear, var and sometime depending on the even perks in other AE games. But more importantly I stress the value of learning and developing skills under the close eye of industry professionals. I've taught college courses for 3 years in interactive media design ( fancy name for game design ) and then I pass along this knowledge to the artists and writers of the team. Anyone working on the team have a early jump into college placement or if they chose we help them along their own career paths. This includes building a portfolio, having your name on a published game and having AE as references. The course material I cover would cost a student on average $600 a month in a private american college. So the knowledge of interning rather then taking college course is just another option people can take.


@Saf, 10 in total that are graphic artists. How many more do you need?

We currently have 6 active Guest artists besides NW and myself. As I mentioned it's summer, and guest artists are entitled to vacation just like anyone else. While there might be active, there are several weeks where we will be down to 3 or even 2 artists. We plan ahead for these weeks, but still. Emergencies happen when people need to take personal time off. And its good to have artists trained when these situations happen so the players of ED can still receive timely releases. Besides the EpicDuel concerns, as a educator I want to make opportunities available to those who what to further themselves. There is room on the team atm for 2 new artists and I can offer the opportunity if for those are interested in it.


The devs have moved on from ED and to their new app project. Hopefully one day they'll come back to ED or someone else will, but right now that doesn't seem promising. It's a shame, really.

Dev team is still actively working on ED. Actually today, I just planned ED releases through Oct 2015. Titan and Rabble are on the new app project but are also still helping with ED releases. Think of it as our time just being split between the 2 projects currently.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 15:49:08)

Before I begin let me just say: THANK YOU for responding. You have no idea how much it means to the community to hear back from the ED team.

For most countries end of school exams are over so I wanted to put out the call for new artists who are looking for the opportunity to expand their CV / resumes / portfolios over the summer. This doesn't mean we are only focusing on only art or writing on EpicDuel.

I'll give you this one, its always nice having people look after you in a world where its difficult to find a FIRST job, let alone get it without "experience".
(I'm struggling with this right now because I have no background)


There is a lot of art that goes under appreciated by the player. Such as new backgrounds, mission items, mission drops, achievements, NPC battle views, animations, that war bar that gets graphicly changed out each war, on top of all the gear you guys really care about.

I realize artist have a lot of work to do and it doesn't go unappreciated (by everyone). Since when did we begin caring about the latest 'cool looking' weapon unless it had a GOOD core to go with it?
Edit: You could give us a toothpick, but if it had an extremely useful core, we'd get it rather than a coreless awesome-looking weapon.


Dev team is still actively working on ED. Actually today, I just planned ED releases through Oct 2015. Titan and Rabble are on the new app project but are also still helping with ED releases. Think of it as our time just being split between the 2 projects currently.

Becareful of your use of the word 'actively'. Now I know your thinking "If only they knew how much work went into each and every release". But work is measured in output, not the struggle.

I hope you don't think I'm criticizing ED just because I want to- I really had high hopes that one day the game will return to its glory years. But thats gonna take communication between ED and the community, and listening to what we have to say.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 16:14:30)

@AQWorldsFarmer Your last quote is wrong so you might want to swap that out real quick

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 16:33:56)

Thanks, fixed.

Kd -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 17:49:59)

Thanks for the response Charfade. It's great to hear back from a member of the ED team and know what we are saying is being read! I'm going to respond to two of the responses that were posted.


I really think the focus on how time is spent in developing the game is way off what it should be.


There is a lot of art that goes under appreciated by the player. Such as new backgrounds, mission items, mission drops, achievements, NPC battle views, animations, that war bar that gets graphically changed out each war, on top of all the gear you guys really care about. All of this takes several weeks for a single ED release. So there is a need for new artwork always for ED, you couldn't have new missions or battles or new achievements without this team.

I understand your point that a lot of the artwork done isn't noticed by the playerbase, and I do think that is true and a fair point. That being said, I think a large portion of the community is not looking for "new missions or [NPC] battles or new achievements" that are released every few weeks, but rather a more extensive makeover of the game that has to do with the game's mechanics, classes, balance, etc. I think that is Exploding Penguin's point-that the developers shouldn't be focused on pumping out more "win 5 pvp battles and come back"/"go find these 3 items on the ground a report back" missions that end with "fight this npc" and "get an achievement" and focus on how the game is PLAYED instead.


The devs have moved on from ED and to their new app project. Hopefully one day they'll come back to ED or someone else will, but right now that doesn't seem promising. It's a shame, really.


Dev team is still actively working on ED. Actually today, I just planned ED releases through Oct 2015. Titan and Rabble are on the new app project but are also still helping with ED releases. Think of it as our time just being split between the 2 projects currently.

I'm glad the ED dev team is still working on ED, but I think that the point still stands that in a lot of ways ED has been put into an autopilot mode where the devs are content with providing small releases in the form of the missions and the achievements and the new npcs rather than giving the game the complete makeover many think it needs and deserves

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 18:07:34)


I think that is Exploding Penguin's point-that the developers shouldn't be focused on pumping out more "win 5 pvp battles and come back"/"go find these 3 items on the ground a report back" missions that end with "fight this npc" and "get an achievement" and focus on how the game is PLAYED instead.

Couldn't of said it better myself.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/8/2015 18:17:09)


For most countries end of school exams are over so I wanted to put out the call for new artists who are looking for the opportunity to expand their CV / resumes / portfolios over the summer. This doesn't mean we are only focusing on only art or writing on EpicDuel.

I think Biobeast logo should be added so the guest artists understand that they won't work on ED only, but on various projects, and I assume it is a good thing since the artists will get used to working on different projects/themes/etc...

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/9/2015 9:55:28)

The problem is that some people care about Epicduel, not the new mobile game.

It's not nice to see that Titan and Rabble focus on that mobile game instead, and you guys try to cover this with guest artists.

Can guest artist make new cores? new classes?

Epicduel is a PVP game, focus should on PVP, make it better. And no you don't make pvp better if you make a mission that need x pvp wins and you get a reward.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/9/2015 11:35:51)

@Darkwing Google is already starting to cut flash support on their browsers as Linux uses have to use the same work around that Artix posted on twitter the other day to make AQ3D work on Chrome just to make flash work. As they continue to cut "out-dated" plug-ins it is really only a matter of time until Mac and Windows users lose Flash on Chrome.

Now we still have other browsers and anything made in Unity 5 will work on Chrome but it is nice to see basically the whole of Artix Entertainment learning an engine that will last them longer than Flash will

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: =ED= June 5th, 2015 - EpicDuel Guest Artist Team (6/9/2015 13:21:31)

Thats the ONLY reason i'm still around- Hope.
I'm hoping that once they gain an understanding of unity they will not only return to epicduel, but listen to what we have to say about omega.
Edit: But I'll still continue to make suggestions even though they have very little chance of being added in the near future.

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