its not enough (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> its not enough (6/9/2015 9:42:59)

Right now diversity is shot and it seems as if there is no plan to undo the recent balance changes. I dont really understand why since its left us stuck in a ditch so here's an alternative solution.

Right now our stats and and skill points aren't enough. We can't just stay stick here or people will indeed grow bored quickly after rank 201 (if they want to get the cheevo, 100 if they don't care). What I am suggesting is two things:

1) 1 skill point for each rank up to rank 110. There are many skill tress that could use more skill points efficiently. These Legendary Skill Points are optional so you do not have to force yourself to use all skill points.


2) 1 more stat point for each rank past 200. This is how you create a legendary player and that's how you give players a greater incentive to play. Ranks are supposed to be a quest for power, those are literally the words used on the home page so if youre gonna let us continue on past rank 201 then might as well give us an incentive for it. (Example: Legendary NPC shops available at Rank 250 and a Legendary Dage Shop available at rank 999 or something crazy like that).

I really dont think this should affect balance that much but tell me your input guys

King Bling -> RE: its not enough (6/9/2015 16:20:50)


1 more stat point for each rank past 200

comical is 203, soon he will be 220 then 250, according to you he will get +50 stat points at rank 250, and so will others. But then thats pretty op. same for skill points

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: its not enough (6/9/2015 16:34:18)

@kingbling Nah, energy costs.

Lord Machaar -> RE: its not enough (6/9/2015 16:49:56)

I find that the game is fine as it is right now, requires some tweaks, an underdog mode for juggernaut and 2vs2, and then testers can wait and see how things evolve. Underdog mode has proven that balancing the game for 2k players is better than keeping it unfair to satisfy 2 players.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: its not enough (6/9/2015 16:53:24)

This will just imbalance the game further. Its a powercreep.
The one solution (without bringing back pre-selected stats-which I wish would happen) is removing the stat cap on items.
For example,
right now a lvl 40 sword has a stat cap of +12 in each stat, what i am suggesting is removing that cap. So all points can be invested into a single stat.
Now you may say: This will encourage abuse though!..and thats exactly right.
Right now all the builds are either F5, or an attempt at an abuse build (only 2 successful abuse builds that i know of).

Imagine, we could have tech abuse back (a long forgotten build by now)...
and bloodmage strength abuse could rise again (with limitations due to passives->actives and gun scaling with dex.)

shadow.bane -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 3:17:15)


1 skill point for each rank up to rank 110

really ? :O ., then comical should have max heal , max battery , max surgical , max double strike , max poison , max every where ? are you serious with this suggestion ? i support 1 stat point each 10 ranks maybe . never skill points .

VanitySixx -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 3:20:36)

I do not support this at all. Higher ranks would most definitely beat the lower ranked/newer level 40s.

King Bling -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 5:59:31)


2k players is better than keeping it unfair to satisfy 2 players.

I feel someone is trolling.

The berserker killer -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 12:22:22)

Oh my god sorry, I meant 1 skill point for each rank up to 110 AFTER you reach rank 100. Meaning you get only 10 points.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 17:00:54)


really ? :O ., then comical should have max heal , max battery , max surgical , max double strike , max poison , max every where ? are you serious with this suggestion ? i support 1 stat point each 10 ranks maybe . never skill points .
I'd like to see someone do max Heal, surgical, double strike and poison in 1 battle.

shadow.bane -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 18:27:52)

^ maybe you didn't read right ! it was sarcasm ... re-read .

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 18:35:48)

I just Re Read it 10 times and It looks serious to me with no sarcasm at all

shadow.bane -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 18:41:11)

^ RE-READ what berserker said and then RE-READ what i said u will understand little one ! and the (Really ? :O) at first said it all little wannabee ;) .

strange u didn't say dattebayo or whatever that is xD

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 18:44:03)

What Do I need to read she posted alot of times, which most do you mean?

And Dattebayo or dattebane are not supposed to be used everytime

shadow.bane -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 18:53:46)


.Lord Ginger. -> RE: its not enough (6/10/2015 23:20:32)

Come on Bane, stay on topic and stop making fun of uchicha

shadow.bane -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 1:07:19)

^ dude you believe that she said to me your not good and if u need pvp help am here ? :p who does she think she is ? O_O

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 8:31:29)

Well Bane, she says I'm not good because she knows I am. And second of all, I don't even think we need skill points....because I'm fine with the 40 I have right now...

Mother1 -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 8:46:18)

Adding more Skill points for each rank?

Nope horrid Idea for several reasons.

1) There aren't enough skills to use them all.

We already have people complaining that there are already too many skill points and some stick them into moves they never use just to get rid of them.

High ranked players will have major issue with this which leads to the next reason

2) Energy crisis still here

High ranked players will be even worst targets when it comes to energy draining skills due to them dealing with higher costs. This will make it even harder for them to use their moves making it even harder for them to win against decent players in the game.

Lord Machaar -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 8:47:29)


I feel someone is trolling.

That's the truth, look at the game before the underdog mode and after it. I'm looking forwared for a buff to the underdog mode or the removal of ranks.


I'd like to see someone do max Heal, surgical, double strike and poison in 1 battle.

It might seem like an OP thing, but where is the energy to do all these skills? If there was enough energy, you would see everybody with max health medic, but energy draining/regaining skills limit this. So I consider this as drawback.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 11:42:54)


It might seem like an OP thing, but where is the energy to do all these skills?

I think that was his point.

shadow.bane -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 12:41:37)

^ my point exactly ! if we have all those free skill points to use we put in all skills will eventually lead to maxing all skills then a player will need at least 2 k energy to be good in battle .

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 12:49:33)

Can the players of the forum read carefully the OP? She Clearly says that there will be only 10 more skill points which are from rank 100 to rank 110.
Bane; You must learn how to properly read before posting, and if you still need that help im here if you need me, don't worry.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 13:01:10)


Right now our stats and and skill points aren't enough. We can't just stay stick here or people will indeed grow bored quickly after rank 201 (if they want to get the cheevo, 100 if they don't care). What I am suggesting is two things:

1) 1 skill point for each rank up to rank 110. There are many skill tress that could use more skill points efficiently. These Legendary Skill Points are optional so you do not have to force yourself to use all skill points.

It may have been loosely implied, but it wasn't stated. I myself thought it meant a total of 110 extra skill points.

Berserker even noticed the mistake later on..

Oh my god sorry, I meant 1 skill point for each rank up to 110 AFTER you reach rank 100. Meaning you get only 10 points.

So no, it wasn't stated in the OP.

Back on topic...
I don't support the skill points, but I could support the stats with a minor adjustment:
-Give 1 stat point every 5 ranks after 100
-Add a MINOR cost (maybe ~1000 credit)

King Bling -> RE: its not enough (6/11/2015 14:44:16)


1) 1 skill point for each rank up to rank 110. There are many skill tress that could use more skill points efficiently. These Legendary Skill Points are optional so you do not have to force yourself to use all skill points.


2) 1 more stat point for each rank past 200. This is how you create a legendary player and that's how you give players a greater incentive to play. Ranks are supposed to be a quest for power, those are literally the words used on the home page so if youre gonna let us continue on past rank 201 then might as well give us an incentive for it. (Example: Legendary NPC shops available at Rank 250 and a Legendary Dage Shop available at rank 999 or something crazy like that).


1 skill point for each rank up to rank 110


1 more stat point for each rank past 200.

So as per that quote, even if you had maxed out surge, heal and other skills, you would have well over 200 "extra" stats to get your energy up to 10k, with having your build as well.

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