Make defence buff cost more skilltree points. (Full Version)

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santonik -> Make defence buff cost more skilltree points. (6/13/2015 23:08:10)

Boynty/Cyber hunter can stop now all str builds in pretty easyly.
Tech/bloodmage can stop STR build whit shields.
Same thing is Tactical mercenary too.

This forces you to use a few skill tree more point-defense. This would bring about natural weakness of skilltree. I mean that one can not invest in defense and attack effectively. Or at least not so well what is currently capable of.

In general, the STR build stops shield which has invested 2-3 skilltree points.
It would be interesting to see how the protective shields weakened. (costs more skilltree points) This could bring more variety to the game.

Mercenary class, this does not apply. because it has a unique hybrid armor.

King Bling -> RE: Make defence buff cost more skilltree points. (6/14/2015 5:38:49)


This forces you to use a few skill tree more point-defense. This would bring about natural weakness of skilltree. I mean that one can not invest in defense and attack effectively. Or at least not so well what is currently capable of.

A person can invest in shield as well as attack moves efficiently


In general, the STR build stops shield which has invested 2-3 skilltree points.

I think you ment it vica-versa


It would be interesting to see how the protective shields weakened. (costs more skilltree points) This could bring more variety to the game.


This could bring more variety to the game

More like less variety since you would have to invest over 9 points into just shields and then you wouldnt have enough skill points left in your arsenal to make "variety".

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