Ruined 2vs2 (Full Version)

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King Bling -> Ruined 2vs2 (6/16/2015 14:12:43)

Now everywhere I see is dex/support build in 2vs2.
What I see more is, always 2 dex/2 supp are teamed up.
Trying to use str, getting beat by rank 1, and in 2vs2 dont even ask.
Where has ED gone to?
Changing gun scale with dex was a wrong decision?
Is it just me, that sees dex/supp in 2vs2, or does anyone else find it as I say?
I need some answers, but this is neither related to balance nor questioning.
Its a discussion that all forumers should do.
Please Reply.
Thank You.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (6/16/2015 14:35:39)

They are the most dominate builds right now, Ranloth has a thread in balance to bring back more builds- you should try making some suggestions in it.

Mother1 -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (6/16/2015 14:41:19)

I see them and to be honest they aren't too much of an issue for me.

For support merc I tend to use my defense matrix which either

A) stalls them


B) they use it for less damage to me/partner.

Then there is the yeti's. I still have mine and I have up to 4 to choose from. One good chomp at the right time will cripple them for a few turns. I prefer to use it when their aux is just one turn away from cooldown.

I am guessing it was also the main reason why people brought up those pyro flies as well since they can possibly cripple the opponent or slow them down.

King Bling -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (6/17/2015 16:29:31)

Honestly, shielding in 2vs2 is pretty much a dumb move, since it will just lead to the change in target, plus some supp build user are pretty smart to stack rage and hit lots of amount. Plus now normal builds dont really work, because like f5 the bot itself does hardly 40-100 damage, unless the enemy is really stupid and low of either of defenses, but really shielding doesnt help in 2vs2 and I have personally seen that, plus gambling on pyro fly in 2vs2 is kinda more risky than 1vs1, no one uses yeti since its normal is blockable which is so useless, blockable bots = useless, unlike IA though.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (6/23/2015 17:18:04)

allot of builds i see is support builds so the bazooka does 500/600 damage but i have a defence build

kittycat -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (7/2/2015 0:58:44)

It may be that there needs to be a robot that needs to stop all Energy flow for two rounds.

The berserker killer -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (7/2/2015 1:41:18)


dfo99 -> RE: Ruined 2vs2 (7/2/2015 13:53:56)

the str players is gone from 2v2 but still remains a lot on 1v1, also there is many f5 players in 2v2, make the balance be fine for the 2v2 and 1v1 is not just buff or nerf it.

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