Piston punch bug (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> Piston punch bug (6/25/2015 22:36:00)


Even when there is no energy to steal this core is not only active but can give energy when there is none to steal when used.

Can bug be duplicated yes

If so please explain

1) Get your opponent's energy down to 0
2) See that piston punch is active when it shouldn't be
3) use piston punch and it works as if your opponent has energy to steal even when they don't.


Shego/Tech mage



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King Bling -> RE: Piston punch bug (6/25/2015 22:50:42)

Lol this has been like this always, if you have 120 on defense and 0 on resistance which means it drains - 290 and gain + 50 , then it doesnt mean that if he has below 290 then you cannot use it. Even if he has 0 energy you can use it and get +50 energy just like generator it doesnt depend on enemy.

Mother1 -> RE: Piston punch bug (6/25/2015 23:02:35)

@ king bling

Just because it has always been like this doesn't mean it is right.

Besides generator and piston punch are two different cores. Generator doesn't steal energy or health it as the name states generates it based on your armor points. However piston punch steals energy from your opponent and based on the armor points can either give you back a good chuck of energy, drain a good portion or both. However there needs to be energy to drain in the first place. Here is the description of the core right here.

Description "Steals an opponent's energy based on your armors Defense and resistance.

In other words it steal energy from the opponent in order to give to the user.

The berserker killer -> RE: Piston punch bug (6/26/2015 1:53:28)

I thought it was normal. Parasite can steal energy at 0

King Bling -> RE: Piston punch bug (6/26/2015 10:12:01)

If we would have gone by the description, the core would have been utter crap, so it is perfectly fine as it is now.

nowras -> RE: Piston punch bug (6/27/2015 8:24:43)

This is not a bug

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