(Pre-AQW) Project: HEROES (Full Version)

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Arachnid -> (Pre-AQW) Project: HEROES (6/28/2015 4:24:06)

Project: HEROES

Discussion thread is HERE!

Please be warned: This story is going to be of a darker theme. Please do not read if you are not prepared.

Chapter 1


Diary Entry #1
Fourth of Sun's Eve
Day 29 of holding

They said I could write in here to ease the pain. The stress. The nightmares. I hope they are right.
My name... I can't even remember my name. They've taken it all. My home. My parents. My rights. My mind. My name.
I don't know why. I'm fourteen. I'm not special. I've never stolen. I've never killed. I've never hurt anyone.
Yet they still took me. My parents tried to stop them. They couldn't. They made me watch.
If they expect writing this down will make it any better, they're wrong. Nothing will make this better.
Nothing can excuse what they've done here. What they're doing here. What they're doing to me, and the rest of the prisoners.
It's wrong.
They say we have... Magic? I think that's the word they used. I don't know what it is. Is it a disease? Is that why they're studying us? Studying ME?
It happens every day, just before the sun hides from us. The men in steel armor come to my cell. Down the hall. There's only one door in this hallway.
Probably because the others don't like the screams.
This room is where he is. They call him "Drask". A thin man, medium height, looks like everyone else, except for his damned green eyes. He is the one that experiments on me. On us.
Maybe that's what they're doing with this diary. Just another test. They did this before, gave me a test. An eyepatch. I'm not even blind. I don't need it.
I still wear it. It sits comfortable on my left eye, specifically fitted for me. I've noticed that is somehow fits both eyes perfectly, contouring to my face to fit perfectly.
Is it a special fabric? It works. Is that what you want to see in my diary? If your tests work? Well, that one does. I always wear it on my left eye until they take me to the green eyed man.
Then I switch it to my other eye. And I wake up back in my cell. The torture just a hazy memory. But that's when the nightmares happen. Blood. Screams. Laughter.
My laughter. My hand controlling limp bodies.
I don't know why. I don't know what they've done to me. They say they're just looking in my brain for the "magic", but I know that's a lie. They aren't looking.
They're changing it. Me. My mind. My brain. I am Experiment #217. That's my name. I remember that name. They tell it to me before the torture.


Why? Why do they tell me? To keep me thinking that i'm a prisoner? I know I can't escape. I'm a fourteen year old girl. Do they think I can fight my way out?
Still, some of the steel armored men seem nervous around my cell. They don't send the same ones to bring me to the green eyed man anymore.
Why? Is it what happens in the nightmare? Do I kill them? I hope so. They treat me like an animal. I'm just property here. I have no family. I have no things. I barely have a name.
They've taken so much from me, all I want to keep is my mind. My sanity. I want to stay me. Why do they experiment on my brain? Do they know about this wish? That I want to keep my mind?
If not, they do now. It's written down. Maybe that was their goal with this?


A steel man just ran past. I don't know why. Maybe someone escaped. I hope so. No one deserves this. But they won't go far. The wall is too big. They won't get out. They'll just die.
Is that a better fate? Death? But what happens? Do we just...end? Is there a life after? Do we come back? Can we stay? Do we think? Do we feel pain? Could it be worse than here?
So many questions from such a young girl. But what do you expect, when you lock me in here for a month. Nothing to do but sleep. Count the pebbles in the cell.
It's not like it's that big. Maybe ten feet in every direction, height, width, depth. I have a bed, maybe two feet above the ground, though i'm not sure why. A hole in the corner for waste. Don't try to escape down there.
Another steel man just ran by. He looked afraid. What do they have to fear? Us? They've beaten us so much, who would dare to fight back? No, something must be wrong.


That noise again. Some booming noise, repeated. It's coming from the direction that the steel men are running toward. The right. What is it? Are we near a fire mountain? Is it erupting? Would the walls keep me safe from the red rocks?
No, they wouldn't run towards a fire mountain. But what else erupts? Is the prison being attacked? But no, that doesn't make sense either. Humans can't erupt.
Could it be a fire beast? Those flying monsters, what did mother call them? Dragon. But they don't live here. They live on the island made by the biggest fire mountain.


It's close. I don't know what it is. I hope it's an escape. I want out. I want to escape with my sanity, I want to be me.


It's not an escape. It's here. Help m

The ceiling crumbled under the weight of something. I threw my diary under the bed and dove next to it to avoid the rubble. Boulders the size of dogs fell next to the bed, but it seemed only smaller rocks hit the bed. A massive dust cloud rose from the now crumpled ceiling. I stayed under the bed, forcefully closing my eyes against the dust. Hidden. Unmoving. I breathed in.

Exhale. Silence. I opened my eyes. The dust had settled into a fine carpet. Even more luck blessed me, it seemed. No boulders or rocks blocked me from exiting my temporary safe haven. I moved my head to quickly peak out from the bed. I was instantly blinded by an intense light above me, forcing my eyes closed and a hasty retread of my face into the shade of my cover.. It radiated heat...But it wasn't painful. It felt good, refreshing. Then I remembered. This is the sun. This is the first i've seen it in a month. I moved my head out again, slowly allowing my eyes to open, to embrace the intense light of this life giving orb. Beautiful. I forgot how beautiful it was. I shuffled the rest of my body out from under the bed, dragging my diary with me. Then I laid there, looking at the sun, feeling the embracing heat calm my body.


Time to move.
I slowly stood up, carefully avoiding the sharper racks strewn about. Huh. The cell door isn't touched at all, and yet it's wide open.
Should I escape?
But they'll catch me.
No. GO.

I walked through the cell door, clutching my diary, my one possession in this world. Looking left, I see nothing odd. The same hallway. Left turn, then the green eyed man. Looking right...
Gods above.
Blood. So much blood. Dripping from the walls. Thick and scarlet. The smell itself was enough to make me gag. So much blood... But?
There's no bodies. No insides. Nothing. Just blood. What is this? No, it's time to act. Left or right.
As much as I hated the green eyed man, I wasn't ready to die yet. I chose left.
I ran down the hallway, and I turned left.


Bright lights flickered from the door to the torture cell. Sharp grunts of pain come from the door.


I walked closed to the door. Ten feet. Six feet. Two feet.
I stopped next to the door. I was breathing heavily, and shaking uncontrollably.


I peeked in, and saw the green eyed man. He was holding a bloody dagger. Standing over someone in a chair, someone young. Younger than me. I leaned in closer, and then I saw.
Baby brother. Selk.


The green eyed man stood up abruptly, clutching the dagger. He stared through me with his piercing green eyes.

"Oh. Hello 217. I'm not scheduled to see you for another two hours. I'm a little busy right now, please have a guard escort you back to your room," he said with a bored tone. He turned back to his work.

I stood there, quivering, staring at the limp body of my baby brother.
He did this to you. He wants you to break.
My brother. I remember. We were five years apart. He was my best friend. He was my family. He was all I had left.
Are you broken? Show him. Let him feel your pain.


"I'm sorry, 217. Now is not the time," he mumbled. He looked back up at me, again piercing my very existance. "Please, I don't want to have to end your trials too soon like this one. Unfortunately," he said, placing the dagger on a nearby shelf, "he was too weak to go through even half of what you did."

"Y...you searched his mind?"

"His brain, 217. Please, I explain the procedure daily. You'd think as my most succesful experiment, you'd know better. But please, dear," he removed his gloves and placed them next to the dagger, "Go back to your cell. We'll play later."


A tear fell from my right eye. "You did it. You took the only thing I wanted."
He took your mind.
"You took the last thing that made me myself," I sobbed.
He made you hate everything.
"You took my brother."
He killed him.
"You took my family."
They killed them.
"You took my life," I whimpered. I began to move my eyepatch towards my right eye, my left eye shut tight.
Are you afraid of the dark?
"And now... you took my sanity." I placed the eyepatch on my right eye.
We'll play later?
My left eye opened, and everything went black. I heard the laughter. And then my voice, but not me speaking.

"We'll play now."

The last thing I heard was the sound of ripping flesh, and the piercing scream of the man who once tormented me.

No more.

Arachnid -> RE: (Pre-AQW) Project: HEROES (6/30/2015 23:55:08)

Chapter 2

A Failed Escape

My name is Experiment 003, and I am a murderer.

It didn't want to be. I don't like killing. Red thinks that is wan't really me who killed them all, but we all know it was. I'm sorry, i'm getting ahead of myself. We need to start at the prison.
First, a little about me. I am a third generation Krieger. Our family is known by all as guardian knights, daring adventurers, and savior heroes. We are know as the kindest, most noble, and most giving family in all of Arcenell. I was training to be a knight; what better way to help protect people than defending our cities from the monsters outside the walls?

But then, one day, a group of... I don't know, mercenaries? Knights from another kingdom? I don't know. Either way, they called themselves the "Silver Axe". They came into the city, offering peace and protection to very few people. It was suspicious behavior, but not anything we could act on. So they're offering some extra protection to the richer? Who's gonna stop 'em? But they didn't protect the richest, they were protecting civilians in all I could tell as a random fashion. Then three of them came to me, while I was training. They said I had excellent reflexes, and offered to give me some protection.

Me? A knight? Extra protection? Was I really that scrawny? Yes, it seemed that's what they thought. Later, I went to the tavern with my "protectors"; why not share a drink and hope to make friends? That's when everything went wrong. After a few drinks, they started talking about their order, and about something called "magic". The situation happened something like this.

I slammed the now empty mug down, seconds before Gregor slammed his down. He stared at me in disbelief as his friends burst into raucous cheers.

"YOU GOT BEAT BY THIS LIL FELLA!" the largest, I think his name was Feldon, yelled.

"Shaddup you big buffoon. You know what we've been goin' the past few days, yeh can't make fun o' me fer not drink in' it away fast enough," Gregor mumbled.

"Oh?" I questioned, "And what have you fellows been doing that would keep you from winning this fair game?"

"Been huntin' fer some disease or somethin', I think," the third one, Shaldum, said, finishing off his own mug, "The higher ups seem to think you've been infected. S'posed to take yeh in for some tests."

"Shally, that ain't right an' you know it. Look sonny," Gregor said, motioning for another drink, "There's this new thing people have been gettin'. The top fella's are callin' it "magic". S'posed to be humans with the power o' gods. Apparently, more people have been gettin' it, so we've had to start roundin' up folks for some easy test, make sure it ain't too dangerous, y'see?"

"I think I follow. This "magic" think sounds dangerous if the wrong people have it. If there's a cure, I'd be happy to help you boys out to try and keep it from the more dangerous people around here."

"Haha! Now that's a good lad! Tell ye' what. We'll take you to the place tomorrow. But tonight, we play until I win, boy! Eh! Barkeep! Another mug fer us!"

I was a fool.

Fast forward to the prison, about two weeks after. Chained to a wall, drained of so much blood that I could barely even see, much less stay conscious for more than two minutes. It wasn't a cell, per say, just a room. One door, dirt floor, walls made of stacked rocks with what appeared to be mud sticking them together, and a ceiling made from the same mud like material. About twenty feet cubed for space, with the only light coming from the door. No bed. A small hole near me for waste, though with all of the blood taken, I couldn't even crawl to it if I tried. Outside the room, two guards, and a long corridor that only went straight. Every other day, one man would come in, take some blood, and leave. Five minutes at the most. I never tried to fight. Why would I? I'd never hurt anyone. If they chained me to the wall, it must've been because this "magic" is uncontrollable and dangerous. I didn't want to hurt anyone, and certainly didn't want to impede their efforts to find a cure. So I just waited, every day, hoping they'd find a cure and let me go.

They didn't have time.

During the night of the fifteenth day, something happened. I had been drained of blood not but twenty minutes before; I was nauseous, and my vision was blurry. I could hear my own heart, beating in my chest with slow, irregular breaths. Then a noise from outside the door.

*Thump* *Thump*

The door opened, and a woman, dressed in prisoner's rags, was dragging the bodies of the two guards into my cell.

Are they still alive? Are they breathing? I thought to myself. I looked to their chests. Yes, still alive.

The woman placed the bodies about four feet from me. She bent down to pick up one of their swords, and I saw strange marking on her neck. Two small dots. Or holes. She looked marked by a prisoner's tattoo. She was bad news. She picked up the blade, and walked over to me,staring at the wall.

Is she going to kill me? Why? What have I done to her? Why would she...


The chains broke, and I fell to the ground, too weak to stand. The woman looked at me in pity, then ran from the room.

So that's it? Does she think i'm too weak to handle myself? She's probably right. I'm to weak to walk, and I don't need to escape. I don't want to.

And then, a surge of power. Energy coming back, my vision sharpening, my queasiness stopping.

What? What's happening? What did she..."

I looked up, towards the bodies. Blood was dripping from their mouths, their noses, their ears, even their eyes. Draining into a river, and flowing towards me. I looked down, and saw a puddle of blood on my hands. I din't move. I just stared.

The blood... It's nourishing me. Is this magic? Is this why I was chained? Is this what I can do? Am I...evil? No, I have to stop this. I need to find whoever is in charge, and tell them what's happened.

I stood myself up, wiping the blood onto my tattered shirt. I walked over the bodies, and through the door. Alright. Forward. I ran through the corridor, passing door after door of rooms like mine. They smelled of blood and decay. Failed tests. I hope I can make their sacrifice worth something. I continued running, more rooms, more smells of blood and death, until I finally reached a stone door at the end of the corridor. I pushed it open, and walked out into the night. A huge expanse of space lay before me, with more buildings barely within shouting distance. Guards wandered about, others were standing by a central platform, with what looked to be a small gathering of official looking soldiers. I began to walk towards them.

"Halt, prisoner!" a voice to my left announced. "What are you doing out of your cell?"

I stopped walking and turned towards the voice, confused. "Prisoner? Cell? I'm here for testing, to help find a..."

"That's enough, now," another voice, this one from behind. "Please, private, leave our friend alone. He is here by choice."

I turned towards the new voice. He was a skinny man, without armor, only wearing alchemist robes. He had short, uncombed black hair, with piercing green eyes.

"Hello," he said, smiling. "And just who you might be?"

"I...Um... My name is..."

"No, no. Not your name. What number are you?"

"Oh." They had assigned us numbers that we were to remember when we got here. "I am 003. I came here to..."

He held up a hand to silence me. "To find a cure for magic, yes. I was told that you were one of four who were still alive from the blood trials. Yet, you appear filled with blood, and not phased in the least by your stay here. What are you doing here?"

"That's why I came looking for you. Or, someone like you anyway. I was in my room, I had just given blood. This...woman appeared, knocking out the guards and breaking my chains. Then something happened...with the bodies. I..."

"GODS ABOVE, THIRD! DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!" The woman ran towards us, throwing a knife into a guard's shoulder before being tackled to the ground. "Agh! Third! Don't tell him anything! He's the enemy!"

Third? The enemy? What is this woman talking about?

*thump, thump*

My heartbeat...

"I assume that this is the woman you were speaking of?" the green eyed man asked. "And why was she... Private, please. Don't pull the knife out it'll only make it..."

*thump, thump*

The soldier yanked the blade out of his shoulder, blood spilling from the wound.

"Worse." The green eyed man sighed. "Honestly, if they expect me to care for the idiot soldiers and the subject at the same time, they ought to pay me more. Follow me, private. I can't have you dying on me." The green eyed man walked away with the soldier.

*thump, thump*

I looked to the pile of blood, and watched it flow towards me.

"Guards, this is what I was meaning to tell that man. Look at the blood. It's flowing towards me, see?"

*thump, thump*

The guards stared at the blood as it made it's path towards me.

"NO! STOP THE BLOOD! KEEP IT AWAY FROM HIM!" the woman yelled, struggling against her captors.

"What are you on about, woman? What's he going to do with it? Throw it at us? Fredericks, take her to her cell. And this time, make it a double lock."

*thump, thump*

"Yes, sir," the soldier said, tying the woman's hands together. "And what about him?"

The blood was only a few inches away now.

"We'll take him to the doc in a few minutes. He's not dangerous, just look at him."

The blood touched my foot.



My heart... it stopped beating.

"Oh, sh..." the woman hissed.

Everything hurt. My body was growing, too much, too fast. Bones cracking, flesh ripping, blood oozing from my body. Everything went black.


Arachnid -> RE: (Pre-AQW) Project: HEROES (7/5/2015 1:36:01)

Chapter 3


I awoke laying in the hallway outside the green eyed man's room, my eyepatch resting on my left eye once again. Sitting up, I was hit by the powerful smell of blood.

What did I do?

What did WE do? We played with him, and now he won't play with us.

What? A voice in my head. Lighter than mine, more childish. But who? Who is talking in my own mind?


Who are you?


Silence. Fine. I slowly stood up, intentionally looking away from the room. I don't want to know what I did. What she did. I... We need to get out of here. This building isn't safe, not with steel men and whatever monster was running around. I continued walking down the hallway in my original direction.

Faking a smile while the gods forsake us...

Right turn. Another hallway, with a door that looked like it led outside. Was that safe? Had to be safer than in here.

Playing in darkness, our doom is here...

I reached the door; thick and made of iron. With as much force as I could muster, I shoved it open. It gave way much faster than anticipated, and I fell through to the outside.


Death has arrived, can you feel it near?

The monster stood within a few feet of me, devouring its latest kill. It looked strange, some hybrid creature made with the intent to kill. It's rear half looked like what Void dragons appeared as in storybooks, it's front half was much more grotesque. Four arms, all armed without hands or fingers; but with massive sickle like appendages. It drew deep heavy breaths, as if simply moving was too much effort. It didn't appear to have any eyes, though I didn't have a clear view of its front from where I was laying. I couldn't discern the color; maybe dark purple, though it was near impossible to see through the excessive amount of blood that oozed from it. It finished its meal and immediately turned to face me, it's massive maw threatening to engulf my entire body. It didn't. It faced me, unmoving, breathing ragged heavy breaths. Then the breathing stopped.

The monster began to shrink and change abruptly; bones cracked, flesh ripped and rejoined, blood was absorbed into it like it was filling a void. This went on for a few moments until all that was left was the body of its meal. No... That wasn't its meal. The body began to move, groaning. It appeared to be a man, maybe early thirties, with short, thick brown hair. He looked up at me, staring in pain with sharp green eyes.

Green eyes

My hand moved to my eyepatch subconsciously.

No! It's not him. You killed him.

Green eyes.


The man groaned and slowly began to sit up. "Girl...Are you hurt?"

You will be soon.

No, stop. He hasn't done anything to us.

He was a monster. Monsters are scary.

She had a point. I just watched this man transform from some bloodthirsty monster. How could I trust him to not become the monster again?

"I... I know what you're thinking," the man said, in a strained voice, "It won't come out for a while. I need blood for it to come out."

Monster needs blood.

"Who are you?" I asked, sitting myself up. "How can I trust you?"

"My name..." He sighed. He looked like he had been broken, like his happiness had been destroyed. "I have no name anymore. I am Experiment 003. And I came here to rescue however many mages I can."

He's an experiment? Like me?


What do you think those are?

Magical people. Mages.

She had a point. It would makes sense to associate magic and mage; mage seemed to come from the word magic. But to free us? As that monster?

He's scary.

"Look, I know. You must be scared of what I was, you must have a lot of questions. But we don't have time to..."

An arrow, out of nowhere, flies directly into his chest, piercing a lung, maybe even his heart. His face contorted in pain. He weakly grasped at the wound before fainting.

Ding dong, I have found you.

I jumped up, looking at the arrow, trying to judge its trajectory to find the source.

Ding dong, you are here.

I grabbed my eyepatch and quickly shifted it to my right eye. I hear a whooshing noise as an arrow approaches me.

Ding dong, now you're it.

My left eye opened. And this time, I could see everything; though everything looked like a negative. I... She looked around. The arrow frozen in space. It slowly turned to face its source. She smiled.

"You're it." The arrow flew back to the archer who shot it, and I watched it pierce through his eye, into his skull. He fell to the ground, dead. She looked toward Experiment 003. "Now. What do we do with the monster?"

Don't hurt him! He came to help us! We need to find him help.

She frowned. She took a step towards him, and held her hand on the arrow. She jerked it out, and blood spewed from the wound. Some other fluid leaked out, though I didn't want to guess what it was. I knew he would die; the wound was too deep. She flung the arrow to the ground, and moved her hand over the wound. A sharp pain echoed through our body.

"Now he needs to take a nap. So do you. You can take a nap now."

And everything slowly faded to black.

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