Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:03:50)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury I
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 100 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 90 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 25 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 10
Damage: 27-39
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +2, Dodge +2, Parry +2, Crit +2, WIS +2, END +1, INT +2, DEX +2, STR +2, Bonus +2
Resists: Stone +2, Water +2, Immobility +1, Health -1, Mana -1

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:24:08)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury II
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 155 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 140 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 39 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 20
Damage: 35-57
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +3, Dodge +3, Parry +3, Crit +3, WIS +3, END +2, INT +3, DEX +3, STR +3, Bonus +3
Resists: Stone +3, Water +3, Immobility +1, Health -1, Mana -1

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:27:19)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury III
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 225 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 203 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 57 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 30
Damage: 48-64
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +4, Dodge +4, Parry +4, Crit +4, WIS +4, END +3, INT +4, DEX +4, STR +4, Bonus +3
Resists: Stone +3, Water +3, Immobility +1, Health -2, Mana -2

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:29:54)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury IV
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 275 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 248 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 69 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 40
Damage: 54-76
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +5, Dodge +5, Parry +5, Crit +6, WIS +5, END +4, INT +5, DEX +5, STR +5, Bonus +4
Resists: Stone +4, Water +4, Immobility +2, Health -2, Mana -2

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:31:53)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury V
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 325 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 293 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 82 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 50
Damage: 65-79
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +6, Dodge +6, Parry +6, Crit +8, WIS +6, END +5, INT: +6, DEX +6, STR +6, Bonus +5
Resists: Stone +5, Water +5, Immobility +3, Health -3, Mana -3

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:34:31)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury VI
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 350 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 315 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 88 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 60
Damage: 70-88
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +7, Dodge +7, Parry +7, Crit +9, WIS +7, END +6, INT +8, DEX +8, STR +8, Bonus +6
Resists: Stone +6, Water +6, Immobility +3, Health -3, Mana -3

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:37:21)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury VII
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 375 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 338 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 94 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 70
Damage: 78-94
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +8, Dodge +8, Parry +8, Crit +10, WIS +8, END +7, INT +10, DEX +10, STR +10, Bonus +6
Resists: Stone +7, Water +7, Immobility +5, Health -4, Mana -4

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Occavatra -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/3/2015 18:40:22)

[image][/image]Patriot Fury VIII
The fury inside will always be there to help preserve your feelings!
(No DA Required)

Location: Fourth of July Weapons, Patriot Fury (Shop)
Price: 475 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 428 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 119 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 80
Damage: 82-100
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +11, Dodge +11, Parry +11, Crit +14, WIS +10, END +10, INT +14, DEX +14, STR +14, Bonus +8
Resists: Stone +9, Water +9, Immobility +8, Health -4, Mana -4

Rarity: 60
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Jorath -> RE: Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (7/4/2015 23:53:04)

Your weapon special activates on hit.

Effect: Applies 'Blinding Fury' (-30 Bonus) to target for 2 turns. (Pop-up: Your foe is blinded by your fury!) (Rate: 5%)


Other information
  • Weapons have Mana flavor resistance.
  • Weapons are animated; the blade crackles with energy.
  • Weapons' special initially applied -35 Bonus to target; this was lowered to -30 on September 8th, 2023.


    Thanks to Jay for image, special image and information, other information, and corrections.

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