Kooroo -> RE: A Look Back on the RP Boards (8/10/2015 16:19:31)
We haven't had a successful 'short' RP in ever, really. They always seem like they'd need to go on into the ages to be successful. I mean, there could be just a simple one or two 'slay this guy' RPs, but noone really hosts simple ones. ... I'd participate in one of those RPs. They sound fun. Or even as a single guy that runs around, trying to slay everyone. Like hide'n'slay. That sounds fun. As for the sideplot development bit, Hallows Inn seems to be going alright there, though. I suppose getting the setting right is just another important thing. Regarding suggestions, I'm not sure how well that'd do here. These forums are handled very differently to other places I wander around, so I'm not sure they'll be that suitable here. There're things I'd look into, but I'm not sure if they're personal irks, possible to do or overall any good, so iono. The whole 'epic' RP thing leads to laziness as well, I suppose. 'Oh, it's my turn to post, but since it's such a large RP, I'll just catch up later' leads into bad things, I suppose. Especially if people are centered around that character, then it becomes awkward. Also, vanishing. People still need to be better with regards to handling that. Sure, people apparently have things called 'lives', but still. Courtesy is a thing. Pop on, do a post. "I'll be away, feel free to slaughter my character in the most brutal manner." Too bad hosts are nice, though :/ As for RP hosts, ehhhh. All the people with the huge, awesome ideas keep vanishing when they're needed. Or people throw interest checks in RPGD and they don't go far. People probably just need to try and put down a prototype of the RP in the main boards and then see how much interest it gathers. I'm pretty sure we do have some form of a base to get things rolling. Since, you know, DoC and the EC drew out a whole bunch of lurkers. Though the EC may be more of a migration/fly-to-the-RP-Boards-for-the-winter thing. Iono. Not sure if that makes sense. Probably should note I haven't really hosted any RPs here or looked into it much, so that might just be random rambling. Hmm, probably could've worded ALL of that better, but I'm good at doing that thing where you write down what comes into your head and then going back to rearrange it. Right, footnote. Yulgar's. Not even sure what's happening there. Several people are in there, but've forgotten they're in there or something. No idea. Poof. Vanishing cannon. It's a strange phenomenon.