Classes legendary mode. (Full Version)

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nowras -> Classes legendary mode. (7/16/2015 11:51:11)

A legendary mode skill tree that's given to a person based on his class

(Note: You only get 12 points to invest in whatever ur rank is. So, choose where to invest them wisely. You have to unlock them with credits or varium first.)


Get 2 LM (Legendary Mode) options

-Blood Lust
10% life steal + 1% per a point

-Shadow Arts (another name)
1% block and stun chance +1% per a point


get 2 LM options

Deadly Aim

1% more gun damage per a point

Reroute 10% energy regen + 1% per a point


Gets 2 LM Options

Heavy Armor
adds 5 more def and resis + 5 per a point

Mad Dog
10% more rage gain + 2% per a point

Changes to some skills

Mark Of Blood stacks with bloodlust (7% less health regen at all levels)

Battery Back Up increase cooldown to 5 turns

Hybird armor Reduce it's boost by 10% at all levels

NOTE:This mode is disabled in a 1v1 match versus a level 39 or less (not disabled in juggernaut or 2v2)

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Classes legendary mode. (7/16/2015 13:24:54)

I am not sure about the exact numbers given but I will definitely support anything that brings passives back into the game in a reasonable and fair way, which, in my opinion, this does.

The numbers might need some tweaking to make all of the passives fairly equal but aside from that I like the idea a lot.

shadow.bane -> RE: Classes legendary mode. (7/16/2015 16:03:41)

i support fixing jugg cause am getting frustrated about this mode and how lame it is

Warmaker04 -> RE: Classes legendary mode. (9/16/2016 14:30:38)

I support it.

Satafou -> RE: Classes legendary mode. (9/16/2016 15:31:05)

Not matter how much we'd all like this to happen, it simply won't come to be. The devs are stubborn mules, especially whenever one judges their horrendous balance decisions. Threads that mention passives in any form usually get the same copy and pasted response from a dev followed by a swift lock.

Stonehawk -> RE: Classes legendary mode. (11/16/2016 16:12:06)


Threads that mention passives in any form usually get the same copy and pasted response from a dev followed by a swift lock.

They should remove all passive skill-cores then, because they are somehow passive skills.

There ARE other ways to make passives come back without changing the skill-trees, and I think they would listen to those ideas because all old players want to come back to the game with good news.

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