Defeat me once, now do it again. (Full Version)

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Autasai -> Defeat me once, now do it again. (7/28/2015 15:58:23)


Sunrise; the pale blue sky glows a light purple as the sun emerges from the east. It was time; after four years of battle and raging war on the Queen of Monsters; it seemed to have finally be coming to an end. As slowly, the party continues their journey, alongside the hero to continue their battle against the Queen's monsters. Fighting bravely against the foul beasts that dare attempt to defeat them. Alas, their attempts of attack on the group failed as they are one by one taken down by the club. The leader; the heroine - Autasai, or rather called by the name 'Pastelly' fights bravely. Although attempting to find any sort of shortcut possible to create a more quicker and efficient way to make her way up to the top. Though, none seemed to be good enough or just lead to a dead end. Of which happens multiple times due to the lack of the heroine's sense of direction. TO the point where the rogue ended up having to direct the way. One job, Pastelly. Leaving Hiroto to the work. Good going.

Of course, they felt the need to rest; getting closer to the lair of the Queen. As their HP still became more scarce the more they battled. Resting for the night, someone's gonna have to take turns, of course. Why, it would obvious that some sort of monster would end up appearing when they were sleeping. So they might as well try to defend themselves, the one with the highest HP would be the one to keep an eye out. Though the Hero ending up having to watch over by being able to sit down and rest the fastest; which means that she regenerated the most HP the quickest. Having to keep watch over the teammate was quite boring. As there was absolutely no on to speak to in this dark hall. Watching as spiders slowly build their webs. Does the queen enjoy spiders or what? She always seemed to see spiders in every corner in her eye. The lit lantern barely brightened the place as no sunlight would never be able to reach this far underground. Putting a palm up to her face as to cover an incoming yawn.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sounds of footsteps began to echo throughout. Obviously not one of her party members but from someone else. Not wanting to move, as though monsters may come after them. Sitting still, watching as the footsteps seem to go riight past them. Not even flinching, and barely catching a sight of whoever just passed by. She was a bit too tired to end up going on any extra quests. Whoever it was; it seemed pretty fine. It was no worrying at all, smiling before yawning again. Eyelids heavy, soon enough falling asleep.

To the sound of what would be a fight, a very serious one. With swords and demonic laughter coming from deeper below. Though, it seemed as if whoever just passed by had just began to Solo whoever it is who came down.

Autasai -> RE: Defeat me once, now do it again. (7/28/2015 17:15:15)

It was time.

Chapter one.

It was time, finally. As the party finally drew closer, as they drew out their weapons. Slashing and defeating any monsters that had gotten into their way as they were just on the level cap. The atmosphere grimaced with Anxiety and decorated with joy. As finally the reign of terror the Queen gave on them was to finally come to an end. Or so they thought, at least. As the last layer of the many trials that the Mother would had putten them through. They had defeated every boss; completed every single quest. It was time.

Taking a moment for deep breaths or to settle down. It took more then a minute, before opening the doors, slowly halfway before bursting it open the next. The leader took a small baby step forward, only to examine to setting that they were to fight her in.

The area, was dark. Stoney. As what would be a spider-like throne stood in the middle along with decorations of stain-glass covered the dusty, old walls of the tomb. Awfully ruined, though still seemingly majestic. For wherever the artificial light that shines through the glass seemed to shine from -- no one knew or wanted to know. As for all they could think of it would had come from a billion lost souls the queen had claimed or some sort of light monsters powering the place. The throne, seemed to be vacant. The purple-haired woman was missing at the moment. Along with that was a cloud of confusion and panic that consumed the party. No one was here. Within a minute, beckoning their bodies to move inside. The doors, abruptly slamming shut as they entered. The last one in flinching away, slightly stumbling away from the locked entrance. No way out now. This was it, afterall. Who would dare back out on a finale such as this?

Taking precise caution while moving about. No traps. Hopefully not anything about that would cause them to lose a team member to an unseen trap. Statues put in corners as more cobwebs stuck onto almost every angle of them. This woman certainly loves her spiders. Though, no time for making jokes at the moment. Should they wait? Probably not a good idea, for one. Being sitting ducks and all. Though, there were two other doors, evenly put to both sides of the same back wall. A decorated metal frame, as the one of the left was shut and cut-off, the other one; seemed it was open recently. As dust had been brushed off by someone’s hand. Should they supposively follow the Queen or stay there like sitting ducks. They shouldn’t split apart, though. That is, before two members decided to scamper off into the direction of the opened door. Another, chasing after. No one else decided to follow and huddle. There goes three other members, hopefully they can make it out without having to respawn.

Within the dark hallway was an extensive trail of tentacles of a familiar hue, purple. Of course, the color that defined it all. Slowly making their way to the other side. Not even a monster in sight. It, infact, looks as if it was cleaned recently. Like someone decided to Solo these things just a moment before. Must be another player..? Let’s see. Soon galloping into the dark hallway, deeper and deeper until pausing at the entance. A room. A darker one that the last one. Not even bothering with any windows or any source of light. However, it was extremely hard to see about anything. It was hard. Very, very hard. However, seeing that there was no way of seeing. They decided to return back --

A spider respawned. And then another one. Another one. And much more became and attacked.
And so, the players trapped had to respawn for a long moment.

Autasai -> RE: Defeat me once, now do it again. (7/29/2015 17:26:47)

Chapter two
Chapter two

The final battle raged on. As the campers had stayed long enough for the Mother of Monsters to finally reappear into her main lair. For what she had been doing before; no one will know. Although, as the battle waged on, few had fallen. Although, the ones who survived continued on. Taking no moment to rest for any reason, the healer beginning to warn out of breath and MP to continue healing. The warrior going for the tentacles that attempted to slash and tear at their bodies. Cutting off by the many, the paladin player going from offensive to supportive to let the healer rest. The mage trying to spam as much fireballs as directed by the leader. The hero, was fighting just finely alongside with the other two -- Shengnan and Hiroto. The three formerly had another player; Linhalte. But where is was wasn’t identified. Though, they had to continue and hope for the best. The Mother was almost halfway with her HP, dropping quickly. Time to bring out a move, as a warning that she would unleash a power among them. Soon, lashes of spiders appeared. Fighting them off as some went to the other area to rest. Almost as if it was a tag team, they began to take turns on resting. It was hard, though they couldn’t afford to lose under no circumstances. The final part, as the Queen finally began to shed her own human-like skin. Turning into the known demon that she was. An inhuman person, whose shriek of enragement sent shivers down the player’s spines and ringed loudly through the halls as a church bell would do.

Facing their fears and putting aside worry for themselves. Putting themselves into a completely selfless form, throwing themselves, and all their skill at the Mother. Fireballs among along with multiple casts of explosions and double attacks. Stuns and even more stuns compared with large lashes of tentacles whipping about the area as to scarce their HP. The fight, almost seemed to be what to be a thousand years. It was hard, and it really hurts. As the Healer had finally been deceased and that paladin finally returned to it’s supportive place from offensive. It wasn’t too bad, as all of them charged up. Before yelling a warcry from the depths of their lungs before going up against the MoM to attempt and deal the finishing blow. It was finally when the hero did the last blow to end it all. The ‘woman’s head fell from her throat, calling her defeat from the dropping sound. Soon, almost instantly, falling onto the ground. Seemingly dead. A few kicks, hesitantly sent to the tips of shoulder. No response at all. It was done. The deed and the end of Chaos and everything of the infamous evil purple hue had finally ended for good. A cheer roared throughout the lair. The Queen was dead! Before going to happily march off into the distance, as Warlic had set up some sort teleportation circle, similar to one that was used at the intro to the epic when the Hero fought a dragon for the first time. Of course, they didn’t exactly bother to look back. They didn’t want too as happiness pumped through their hearts.

Although, the woman that layed there, continued to lay there as the doors finally slammed itself closed. It was dead, or, rather -- the vessel of flesh was. Oh no, the Queen wasn’t even done yet. Why, she knew that they would defeat that. That’s why she called over her ‘precious’ son who had done her oh, so well. Even made a simple entrance for him! How nice was that; although, he seemed to take the call as a fair fight. Something that she didn’t plan on having him do, as her puppet’s deed wasn’t quite done yet. The Green-eyed fallen prince, or at least what was left of him at that -- was currently entangled within a coffin of cobwebs. The currently formless soul soon travelled through the walls, taking on no spiritual form at the moment. Finding no reason to do so at that moment, as she did already have something to use. Through the dark hallways as her beloved children went to surround the shedding of a corpse she left on the ground. Eyes bent on finding that other vessel, once in the room of spiders. It doesn’t take much to know what’s in there, though being very dark. Soon, to move up onto the ceiling, where she put the other. Within a web, Drakath was unfortunately knocked out and put up there. Aside from some bruises, especially the one at the side of head -- he seemed relatively fine. And he’ll be better in a moment.

Soon, almost jumping into him. The dark soul soon perverting into his body. The soul was gone from naked eyes, As soon as a minute passes. It seems whoever is now in that corpse-like being seems to be in wakeful consciousness. Eyes slightly fluttering open, looking fine for a moment before a vibrant violet color stains the sclera of his eyes, corrupting from the bottom all the way up. Shot eyes now paired with slit pupils darting about. Dark as ever, though, as the eyes had been almost completely reformed. It would be best no not be slapped in the face with such bright lights, for the sake of it’s eyesight. Still within the web -- the silver strings seem to split as soon as the possessed body found consciousness. Soon falling to the fall, though the space between the ceiling and the floor gave ‘him’ enough time to land onto his feet. Though, it did hurt however, though not by much.

Looking about, before going to inspect the newly possessed body too see if anything ended up being misplaced from the wall. Slightly hard to see with the armor; that as soon as the Mother acknowledged - was rather.. Uncomfortably heavy. Nothing like the light clothing she had wore for so long. However, no helping that. Or is there? It wasn’t like it was the only she could wear. Maybe just change some things and.. It’ll be good to go! She didn’t exactly favor this armor as anything relating to fashion. Soon enough, now to move into a corner. Raising her - or his’ hand before snapping. Almost summoning a few spiders to their feet. Spinning on heels to face them. A grin forming. As the son had wanted to have chaos bow to his feet; isn’t this what he wanted? Ironic, really. Confused spiders, almost threatening to attack before having slit eyes glare at them. Soon realizing who this person was.

“ Ahem. “
“ Your King - Or Queen, has returned. “
She’s probably going to have non-binary nouns at this rate, oh well. Soon to pat down at the leggings of the armor as to attract attention to it.
“ I’m going to require a new attire, by the by. So, if you all would make me one.. “

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