Doomful Lord -> RE: =DF= Ancient Exosuit Armor Discussion Thread (8/10/2015 23:31:07)
I do personally love the armor. I was saving my DC for when Chaosweaver came, but I decided to go for it on the day it came out to personally try it and I have to say it's pretty good. Some of the attacks are less useful than others for my sort of play style, but that's mostly against personal preference. It's closest comparison is to Dragonlord and it's weirdly both better and weaker in both offense and defenses. It's regens are only slightly worse than dragonlord, though dragonlord is actually better over many turns in terms of health gain even considering Exosuit's lower cooldown. However in return you also deal damage, multiple times, towards an enemy, meaning you never stop damaging your opponent when you heal up. The shields are comparable to the old Dragonlord Earth Shield, but somewhat weaker but also makes you heal more towards yourself which might make the regens better actually. The attacks that lower enemy stats are also comparable towards the light and ice attack of the dragonlord, being more or less just the same in most regards, with small differences either way and a damage type restriction to dragonlord with higher cooldowns to the Exosuit. Quantum cannon is very comparable to DragonHeart, but with a higher cooldown. Fire Dragon Spirit is comparable to the Corruption, dealing the same damage overall, but with corruption having a lower cooldown. The Multi-enemy attack of the exosuit is weaker, but not type restricted. Then the major differences. Dragonlord has Dragon Soul which is relatively useless to the class, but still generally a good attack if you do end up at low health, and dragon eye which is both a near guaranteed hit and a crit put together which Exosuit has apart. TL:DR: Overall the Exosuit looks like it deals more damage, but it does so with having damage in more attacks, whereas Dragonlord has more defensive abilities. However it also has higher cooldowns, and a less reliable rotation of abilities than dragonlord which means dragonlord can deal some more damage potentially over, but loads up damage quicker and earlier in the game, wanting to end the battle slightly sooner than dragonlord to make up for it's somewhat lower defense and higher cooldowns. However exosuits stun is more reliable. Neither of them replaces the other also, but fill close niches to each other. Personally my favorite part is that it's a great armor to change up from Dragonlord if you ever get bored of it, or want to utilize the armor's multi-hitting nature for on hit specials, but I can see reasons to like either of them over each other, or liking both for being great.