RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (Full Version)

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Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/28/2015 21:56:43)

BOOM! Back in business! It's showtime!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/28/2015 23:21:48)

Apoc neglected to mention that he and I previously discussed ideas on what to do while we were waiting on bastet's post.

So he had my permission in taking control of Dell in order to do the combo shield.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 0:08:24)


Lucia landed on her stomach and skidded across the marshy ground. Hair stood on end as she passed beneath the orb of lightning, but the paladin cleared it without incident.

Uh,Apoc. You do remember in our PM's I said getting close to it would shock you right? Yet you dove under the spell and only had the hairs on your neck stand up? Don't forget, the sphere is fairly large so I fail you see how you weren't zapped there.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 0:51:11)

Okay, Draycos777 and myself have talked about how to resolve the issue at length.

and we've come to a peaceful agreement between each other. So my most recent post will change just as soon as permission to do so is received.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 10:19:17)

@Draycos777: I have checked the PMs but no such comment was made. Please check the PM I sent you for the full presentation.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 11:06:39)

Pm resent. I think you missed a part or misunderstood it. Either way, I also talked about the details of the size of the sphere and it's position to the ground as to why I still believe that is not possible.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 11:54:08)

Post Edited. @Apoc, I know you said the addition to the shield is anti-magic, but I had agreed with Dray to take a hit. So there we stand.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 13:58:17)

@Draycos777: Still not convinced. I suggest we PM Ronin about our little disagreement. (It figures that this would happen when Ronin would be harder to reach). Letting the tyrant moderator decide would be the fairest way, I think.

EDIT: I sent Ronin a quick summary on the predicament. I advise sending a PM with your own. You know, so it can be judged and all that.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 14:18:44)

Whelp, guess that means I can't post, since I need to wait on Draycos. And since the Ferret is out of town....

*totally blames Apoc for this*

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 14:21:29)


But while we'll blaming people, I'm gonna take a second to blame Kanye West and Donald Trump. They're not here right now, but their egos are so massive that they're throwing so many other things out of whack.

Draysin -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 17:18:15)

10/10 would agree.[:)][:)]

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 20:34:07)

Hmm, I pm'd you just now. Also I would have waited on pming Ronin, I kind of wanted us to work it out together without needing to call on him.

Edit: Actually, I'm fine with pming Ronin. Rereading you post I found another fatal flaw. You failed to mention the explosion of the tom-bomb, and the appending shockwave that comes with every explosion; instead you only mentioned the lightning afterwards. I assume you were allowed to bunny Dell in you're collab, however, I don't know. dnw told me that the spell you used on the ice shield was anti-magic, that in-and-of itself is fine. However, For someone to block a direct hit with a circle shield, then withstand the shockwave(the releasing of the lightning, cause it has to be let loose somehow) and not be pushed back you stagger one bit is down right remarkable if you ask me.

Was there a detail I missed here or a misunderstanding of my post?

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/29/2015 21:42:32)

I am not in a position to commence an Arbitration while out of town. Nor will I allow things to come to a screeching halt in an arena until I can return home and be in a position to do so. You will merely have to continue with the current writing of facts regardless of the arguments.

Draycos and Apoc, you may each PM me your case and arguments. This will influence review factors or advancement, but to be fair, this entire affair already has.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/30/2015 11:37:41)

True and fair enough Ronin. For the sake of people's posting, and general understanding of situations, I'll sweep my issues of the matter under the rug.

Edit: Posted. I find it interesting that you all left Bastet unattended. Oh well, guess that works for me.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/30/2015 13:18:58)

DRay, it' a capsule. Not a soap bar. Like Batman's smoke pelets? Except instead of smoke it's a sticky goo grenade of sorts? (not near the range of a grenade).

It'd explode near you once it hit the ground, so you either dodged or get covered in it.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/30/2015 13:37:58)

I know, Raiu doesn't.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/30/2015 14:20:44)

Dray, let's talk about this online please, there's a few... discrepencies I'd like ironed out if possible.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/30/2015 14:42:07)

I've sent a pm your way Draycos777,

Like Moogle, I had a few questions that need to be answered.

Also just a note here. I'm starting back to college as of Tomorrow.

So you will see me probably only on Friday's the weekends, and late weeknights as well. (estimating 6-6:30 pm my time and on, I should be back home) This will be on Monday/Wednesdays. Tues/Thurs my schedule will be from 8:30 AM until usually 3:30 pm my time.

in the case of college, on IRC I will have the nick Dnw|College

In regards to the tues/thurs it'll be Dnw|Nothere

So if you see those two messages listed on the Rpboards irc channel, you'll know what it means.

I'll repost this information for those in the finals ooc thread as well so they are aware of the schedule.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/30/2015 19:03:29)

Hmm, if that is the case then I shall join irc as soon as I finish dinner.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/31/2015 0:34:49)

To clarify...

Lucia is sort of focused (crazy-focused) on Raiu, so she's not noticing everything that's happening around her. So not everything got a mention.

Ultrapowerpie, Draycos, and I worked out the gel explosion. All agreed to it like good little RPers.

I feel like I was gonna clarify something else, and will probably be abusing my right to edit tomorrow when I remember.

@Ultrapowerpie: So, uh, does the sticky stuff wear off at all? And how much strength does one need to "break" its hold?

And why has Lucia been hit by every single radius attack? Really tho, she's been hit by 'em all.

EDIT: @Draycos777, the whip-around-the-head is an intended action. It has not happened but will immediately follow the sword thrust unless something occurs to prevent (PMing me to see if your specific action will or will not do it would probably be best). Also, it wouldn't go around Raiu's neck like a loop or noose, but would over one shoulder, round the back of the neck, and over the shoulder (should it succeed)

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/31/2015 1:36:20)

After a lengthy discussion with Dray, I've decided to just roll with it seeing how close to the end-time we are.

Whatever input Ronin chooses to add, will be accepted.

But for now, I've decided to roll with it all.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/31/2015 9:27:59)

One problem Apoc, Raiu still has ahold of the whip so how would Lucia throw it again?

Edit: Nevermind, you might have saved my life. I'll work on a post after work today.

Also Dnw, I did say in irc that the spell was weaken to the point that it'd dead out before hitting the wall.

"that cursed ball of death, finally crash landed against a wall near the golem.": Isn't this against what we agree on for the spell then?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/31/2015 9:35:39)

@Apoc- A Werewolf should be able to pull it off quite easily. It's made to incapacitate a human. of course, you can always slice it off, but be careful about gunk in your hair...

also, you're the one that keeps getting near the energy mage for these later attacks so XD

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/31/2015 10:01:02)

@Ultrapowerpie: Avas, villain! Thou hath outed this secret of mine! How dare thee! (Though be honest everyone, who actually DIDN'T read my spoilers?)

And true, but Lucia's hit list goes shockwave, wave, chained lightning, Wings of Mercy, light explosion, chained lightning again, Tom-bomb, and now gel. Magnet for trouble, she is.

@Draycos777: The thong of the whip (the lengthy middle part) is to be thrown around Raiu's neck (Lucia had been reeling that part in). The handle is still in Lucia's hand and the other end is still coiled around Raiu's hands. And to be clear, Lucia is just trying to get whip around Raiu - she has not had the intention of actually pulling her forward (it will depend on what Raiu and others do, after all).

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike OOC (8/31/2015 17:45:56)

I am officially returned from my ventures out of town.

The continued rise of problems disturbs me greatly. Especially since they are confined to the same arena and the same basic core players. The actual issues themselves are...not irrelevant per se, but certainly secondary to trying to find a root cause to why they have happened. Do we have a 'failure to communicate' style issue going on behind the scenes? It feels like these issues, in the main, could have been easily avoided by one of the simpler methods of collaboration: having your competitors vet your posts (or fragments) which involve them. Timing ruins that argument, and even I realize that. But I am asking in an open forum manner - what do you all feel is the cause behind the issues? (Also, Draycos, still awaiting that PM from you. I appreciate the offer of sweeping the issues from that bit under the rug, but I am still wanting your side of things for my notes.)

Granted, my absence did not help matters per se. Yet you did work together to work out a progression for the narrative despite some writing miscues and wrong assumptions. Kudos to you all for that, you have my thanks for doing so.

Let's try to finish out this Phase without any further issues, shall we?

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