=AExtras= Discussion Thread II (Full Version)

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Zyrain -> =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (8/20/2015 18:24:27)

Please read the FAQ Information Thread first:

This is a new system for us, so please be patient while we work out all the problems and issues.

slayerx2 -> RE: =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (9/5/2015 7:38:39)

Can someone help me. Earlier this day i decided to try and use BattleBar again after all this years.
After i installed it a pop up in-browser came up saying it was for personalized offers.
Without giving it a second thought since i thought it was from Aqw since i downloaded it via the link for the DN from a few years ago;
I put in the information that was asking of me which was gender, birth year, email ,and zip code.
It said it was for"personalized offers". The Bad thing about this was i put my real email in there and the other information.

Since from the DN it seemed like AritxEntertainment partnered with FreeCause a few years ago to create the tool bar. Aside from some malware/adware complaints
is Free Cause a trustable company or should I Change the email of my accounts from other stuff

QuimChim -> RE: =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (2/29/2016 12:08:26)

I need help with aextras. How can i change the mobile app os list? I selected one accidentally and i cant change it to Android

TheCorruptorX -> RE: =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (3/27/2016 17:52:13)

So...how just did one on Mobile Strike, I did what they told me to do to get the AC's. But how do they know if I have done it or not? Thanks in advance

Dancing Toby -> RE: =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (5/31/2016 21:56:25)

Please help me. When my brother made my AQW Account, he accidentally put his birth year in mine. My birthdate is October 26, 1999 but he accidentally put 2002. I contacted AQWorldsHelp through email. They said they finally changed my age in the game. But I still can't access AExtras and I still can't use free servers. I still use moglin-safe servers.

Sheridan -> RE: =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (9/3/2016 3:39:02)

I'm quite sorry to say it, but AExtras is just not what it should be. Most of the offers that I tried, wether surveys or confirmation, were either not free or were not a good match for me, thus wasting much of my time.

There is a good way of earning Artix Points that is completely free and does not require any form of registration; it is a simple referral service, where you post your own unique referral code on your FB page and get your freinds and family to click on that link. For each click, you get one point, and you can redeem 12 points for one Artix Entertainment gift card worth 4000 Artix Points.

Send me a private message if you would like to learn how to do this.

sudz16 -> RE: =AExtras= Discussion Thread II (9/21/2016 21:24:48)

The sad thing is by all measurements AExtras has gotten worse with time.

Peanut labs surveys used to be completeable and every 5 completed would reward you a bouns 500 points. Now its a short miracle not to get an hour long run around before saying you're unqualified then giving ya 2 to 3 pity points.

Another thing is Super rewards only pays out 1 outta every 10 and even with screencaps and evidence they'll give you the run around if not ignoring any and all evidence completely

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