Weapons & Achievements (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


shadow.bane -> Weapons & Achievements (8/30/2015 12:32:09)

Since now it's all about new weapons and achievements i have 2 suggestions :

1st : make a general achievement for each player and he will choose what country he want (he can choose his or whatever) and when he choose the achievement take shape as that country's flag he/she picked , u can only obtain one achievement with flag and name of ur choice that is worth up to the Developers desire .

2nd : same as the achievement but on a weapon that have the flag of the specific country that a player want and comes in energy and physical version .

hope you like ^_^ .

DELTA BEING -> RE: Weapons & Achievements (8/30/2015 13:12:49)

but what if you change countries? or a country that's not provided?

shadow.bane -> RE: Weapons & Achievements (8/30/2015 13:15:21)

my idea is that they should provide all countries on earth , and if u change country it's ur problem just put ur home country xD

DELTA BEING -> RE: Weapons & Achievements (8/30/2015 14:21:53)

you have to be more specific than 'all countries on earth' because the number of independent countries on Earth varies depending on what source you're using. for example, would you consider Taiwan a country? many nations do and others don't. It really depends what countries you recognize as an independent nation

shadow.bane -> RE: Weapons & Achievements (8/30/2015 15:37:06)

devs can enter there database and see what countries uses ed . simple as that .

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