=AQ3D= Design Notes September 10th, 2015 - New Logo (Full Version)

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Azan -> =AQ3D= Design Notes September 10th, 2015 - New Logo (9/11/2015 12:58:00)


Artix Krieger

Slattery Dragon Logo!
By Artix Krieger on Thursday, September 10, 2015

New logo! Same great taste. Yergen and Dage combined powers to conjure this splattery dragony-goodness filled AdventureQuest 3D logo. Doth thou like as much as we do?


This is not the final version though... Dage created new text and painted it. I suggested tweaks to the eye and mouth of the dragon to make it 9.78% more fierce and intimidating to other game studios who are likely meeting right now about how to copy our concept to create a game that you can login and play the exact same character in the exact same world from any device. It feels really good to be back on the cutting edge building things that do not really exist yet... we are not as big as our competitors, we may be outnumbered by the sheer number of larger studio's artists and programmers... but we have heart. WE A LOT OF HEART. AND WE HAVE BIG SPLATTERY ART FREAKING AWESOME DRAGONS!


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