Cyber Dream -> Should skills only be availabe to use once per battle? (9/23/2015 15:52:34)
Considering this discussion, lets take into account of what this new change could effect. Energy control, strategy, importance of your skills/timing and when to use them, the length of battles Energy control- With this change, energy control will be greatly reduced considering that you will only be able to take/gain energy only 1 time during the match. The player will no longer be able to control the energy throughout the whole. Meaning that when the skill is used, it could be a vital turning point for the battle. This change could indirectly buff classes which could take energy and gain energy with the same move, so I would suggest taking a look and redoing the skills that has this effect to fit in with the new battle mechanics. If you had to decided, how would you change these skills? Strategy/timing- Now with this new system, strategy will greatly be effected considering the fact that a skill/robot can only be used once per fight. This change will cause the player to use the cause/effect system better than they already use it meaning they will greatly increase their thinking before using an skill. Length of battles- Now this could either make the battles longer or shorter depending on the players skill level. If the player just comes into battle and doesn't develop a strategy then the battle will end quickly for him. Now what im about to say, I haven't really thought about it. But what if the normal strike had a fixed amount of damage of about 50 and doesn't improve with anything? Another suggestion/discussion I would like to bring up is showing the exact amount of the damage rnage the player can do to you with his or her weapons,skills considering the opponent's defense/resistance instead of just showing the range of damage based on the players stats How would you guys feel about this?