1 vs 1 high rank players (Full Version)

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Front45 -> 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 17:05:00)

why 1-5 Rank player battling Rank 20-100 players? where is justice? what game interest if 100% lose? i can't beat 20+ Rank players. i no more get enjoy. delete these Ranks or make 10 Rank difference 1 vs 1 battle. underdog mode not helps. any ideas? i wanna play 1 vs 1, but i don't like 100% loses. what can i do? wait for balance? or what

Satafou -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 17:29:34)

You can l2p, i also heard varium makes you very Op'd, you'll be sure to win some battles with the help of 10k varium :)

Mother1 -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 17:30:37)

A small player base is the answer.

The game can't support isolation like this. Especially in the higher ranks were there are so few players within. Players like comicalbiker who have 200+ ranks will be punished by said change seeing as very few players have that many ranks.

It will also screw over people when the playerbase is at it's lowest. I have seen the player pool go as low as under 200 in these times, and even with the way things are now wait times are long during those times.

Isolating players even more will at best make wait times so long people may rage quit, or at worst not get a fight at all.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 17:51:10)

If I'm a level 37 beating rank 5 40s consistently you can definitely beat rank 20s as a rank 1.

Lord Machaar -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 20:10:34)

The game though promised there will be a hard cap, which is 5 eLevels (5 levels or 50 ranks). So a rank 1 can't face a player ranked 50 or more, or a level 38 face a rank 30 or more.
Although this is not happening, as a rank 31 player, I do face lvl 36s, which is 7 eLevels in difference.

InFlamed Fury -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 22:33:48)

I'm rank 9 and i have no trouble beating opponents of any rank. Also i'm a cyber hunter. Apparently it's a "weak" class. Pfft, it's so strong IMO.

Underdog mode does help but it's not meant to put the opposition at an unfair disadvantage. It's only meant to give the weaker more of a chance to beat the higher level/ranked player but 10 ranks worth of bonuses are better than having one extra stat.

If you are having trouble battles you really shouldn't be blaming ranks. Maybe your build just doesn't work or is easily countered. If this is the case, you need to experiment with different builds and try to find something that works better.

Foulman -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/23/2015 23:30:08)

I have a question for Exploding Penguin. As a level 37 like you, I can only beat up to rank 5s consistently with my 4 focus build. Do you beat rank 20s a lot?

Exploding Penguin -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 0:00:01)

Rare that I go against rank 20s. Really I mostly face off against ranks 1-10, so I can't really say.

nowras -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 0:47:26)

Underdog mode is not good when you're rank 1

It becomes good when u reach rank 17


Becuz u will have def even more than any other high ranked player

This is why underdog mode is unfair from rank 29-79 against rank 80 players.

Plus the 1st turn chance. Lol. I mean u can decrease ur dex by 30 and add these points to support then u never start 1st against a low ranked player even when u have 30+ more support than him a level 38 can start 1st against someone whose rank 80 with all stats to support.

This is a problem becuz u lower a stat to increase support that means u lower ur def/resis/gun/bot damage to START 1ST but u don't and what? the low ranked players will have more bot damage/gun/def/resis than u u will only have more aux damage faster rage and higher def ignore
not to mention the 100% chance for him to start 1st which can change the whole battle if u fight a good player.


I wonder why the game hasn't listened to me yet and GAVE THE PLAYERs WITH THE LOW RANKs 50% OF WHAT THE HIGHER RANKED PLAYERs HAVE OF PERKS.

Post edited to remove all caps, which is spam, and other unnecessary content ~M4B

Front45 -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 4:50:36)

i can say many player's names which against i always lose because of these Ranks. Ifte, Lord machaar, bane.hallow, eslam dragon, ruthless rko, ruthless dragon, ionut 100, solom, just4crazy II, lobo demolidor and etc. can anyone explain if i am getting 100% die, what for I'm playing? for guarantee loses? why game is so destroyed and broken. there are many players 20+ Rank. i can't beat them. they have 30+ dex 30+ tech 40+ bot damage 40+ aux damage and etc. i don't want play against high ranks, my wish is that everyone must have same power each other. this is so boring. 2 vs 2 taking long time plus need robot play with tan build, jugg is dead, 1 vs 1 is also die because of high ranks. what i do? i wanna play game. when will be fix these ranks?

Foulman -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 5:03:04)

Dude, I screwed over ruthless dragon and i'm level 37. He was rank 19 at the time...

Darkwing -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 6:30:18)

I'm not sure bonus stats was the best plan.

I see high rank player even started to use the ethernal core that gives plus 2 to all stats bonus, so they can ignore the underdog mode for good or just make it lower with that.

Yes, I know anyone can get that core, but high ranks that play the game a lot are more likely to get a core that is worth 250000 credits.

And arcade is just luck based. I think I wasted hundreds of tokens and only got 1 gem( and yoiu need 7). Also killed Bido way too many times and only got 1 gem too.( and it's not even the same type.

shadow.bane -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 7:44:40)

dude , i am maintaining a solid 90 % + win ratio since i was rank 5 ... when i started pvp , only thing ranks helped me with was increasing my ratio bu 2- 5 % xD , maybe it's how u play idk , maybe you should watch the game play of the names u mention and try to be similar it will help .

Satafou -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 8:45:16)

Maybe you lose to those listed players, because they're all better than you xD

Exploding Penguin -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 11:36:51)

This is true. For the most part they are long-time, top tier players.

nowras -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 12:16:46)

Just4Crazy II is a bot

How do u lose vs a bot? lol

and btw lobo himself told me that he only losses to me xD and that he really hates vsing me becuz I beat him most of the time

8x -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 12:58:38)

Just be happy that you even get any opponents.

nowras -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 14:29:07)

lol true the player base is so low..

and I just wanted u to know that my % before underdog mode was 99-100% then after it 95.2%+... bs.........

its becuz its unfair.

shadow.bane -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/24/2015 16:20:37)

last encounters between me and lobo was like 4 - 0 to me , and nowras u haven't beaten me in months :p the only time u did was in challenge when i don't give all i got in it xD good luck when u vs me :p

nowras -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/25/2015 1:12:33)

Hazmat suit is really helping him now he is 1000x harder xD

and its becuz u rarely fight me bane ^

I remember vsing u 1 time as a bm and I got trolled thought u were using pure dex and one in a challenge I defeated u with a bad build (my build)

as a BH we fought 0 times

as a ch it was the last time we fought a lot lol so ofc it should be months

Front45 -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/25/2015 7:42:16)

I am losing and losing without a chance. Ifte is 68 Rank, ruthless rko is more. why there are 100% unfair battles? we don't want play such game. need help wake up team. solve this problem. people wanna play 1 vs 1. people wanna interesting battle, people wanna enjoy, people wanna get pleasure, people wanna more colorful game. always are same why 5 Rank player battling Rank 68 player? win chance is 0%. change something !!! people need help

Mother1 -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/25/2015 8:48:37)

Just had a battle with a rank 42 player and with the right planning I was able to beat him as a mere rank 18. But still my greatest win with rank difference was against a rank 67 when I was only a rank 6 and this was before the underdog thing came in.

While ranks give an advantage they don't make the player unbeatable.

Darkwing -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/25/2015 9:12:50)

Well a good plan can win you a battle. There also the thing that some builds can counter other build.

If you are a 5 focus then you are much more likely to counter most builds then other builds.

Then there's the class. Some classes like CH have that EMP that ruin most energy based builds, and combined with cores of the same effect it's even better. Mage class that has great energy control and variaty of skills.

Then there's classes with poor energy control. If you lock mercenaries static smash with pyro fly and them EMP them, good luck winning with mercenary class.

shadow.bane -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/25/2015 11:17:06)

@ nowras ... as ch i fought you 5 times with glass cannon build ... and was 5 - 0 to me lol , and as bm lol fought you over 10 times ;) i won all except the challenge cause no one give his best in a challenge :D , of courseu will forget or playing that u forget cause all were loses ;) .

InFlamed Fury -> RE: 1 vs 1 high rank players (9/25/2015 20:59:22)

Now Front, what class are you and what build are you currently running?
As stated above, most of those players who you where saying that you lost to are indeed 'high-tier' players (played the game for a long time)

Right now the only thing that I'd recommend you do is learn the game for more that what it appears to be, a childish flash game and actually understand that it is a complex PvP game which involves fast thinking and strategy. Once you have understood this and can properly play the game like this, you should have an easier time when battling high ranked players (half of the people playing nowadays are botters anyways)

Post edited to remove unnecessary content ~M4B

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