RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (Full Version)

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Afina -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/12/2015 9:09:49)

“To the nobility,” Sana quipped as she downed her drink and set the glass back onto the bar top, covering the lip of it with her hand as a signal that she was done for the night when it came to anything that would alter her state of mind. The corner of her lip curled slowly at the nobilities words but she didn’t retort. She had learned all she needed to of the person between the verbal banter and their actions. It could have been a fun mark to make but she wasn’t on her home field, so she opted to wait and see if she returned. Then perhaps the stakes could be upped.

“I was searching for ingredients to help an orphanage with a rare disease when the first fog came,” Sana admitted as her ran her fingers along the rim of the empty glass.

“We had just finished taking out a band of slavers the night before that were led by an Anti-Paladin. We were only one day out of the village they attacked when the fog came. For all I know it had to do with that, or nothing at all. Nothing else I have done since the first fog was even close to what I was doing that day, so I don’t know,” she said before shrugging.

“All I do know is that I need to get back, my cousin was left with the nun of said orphanage to be kept safe until I returned after the rest of my troupe was slaughtered by the slavers. She’s alone and only four and I am all she has left,” Sana added before leaning back in her seat. She was about to answer Keystones question when the little goblin came in. She had to smile somewhat. The little one reminded her of dear Drizzak, the artist of slaughter.

“You mean like that?” she laughed as she motioned over towards the goblin. Sliding out of her chair she wandered over to the little one and perked a brow.

“Small in stature, big mouth and even bigger personality,” she said as she looked the goblin over. “You should fit in well with this group,” she laughed as she looked over towards Keystone and Verna. “Don’t you two think?”

Sigil -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/12/2015 17:34:05)

The appearance of the newcomer, precisely two seconds after he asked "Have you noticed anything strange lately?", caused Keystone to actively facepalm, the slap audible over the din of the establishment. As the diminutive newcomer settled in and assaulted his beverage with wild abandon, he leaned over toward Sana and quietly spoke,

"Yeah, Miss Rawn. Somethin' quite like that." Keystone shook his head and let his hand drop from his face.

He sighed and shook his head. He was most definitely not at home. It seemed a curious location; he had never been to a small town on the edge of nowhere filled with so many different kinds of people, some of whom had no difficulty demonstrating phenomenal magical abilities. Best to just go with it, until he had a better grasp on this new realm.

Having never personally spoken with any Goblinfolk, he was just a bit surprised that the creature spoke his language. He quickly altered his look of exasperation on his face to one of general optimism (though a bit forced), and solidly intoned, "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be the best of pals, lovey." The sarcasm, while not striking, was detectable.

Taking a closer look at their new arrival, he tried to shake off the irritation of the past hour as he addressed the Goblin directly. "My 'pologies, little master. It's been an awkward day all around for us. And I don't see a one of us trying to fling you unless you had a cut of the earnings, if you take my meaning. If'n you're willing, I'd like it if you'd join us for a drink and a good meal, when time rolls around for it."

It's quite possible that the Goblin's words were influenced by past events, much as Keystone himself had done with the Dead Guy earlier. He continued, "Point of fact, I have a feeling you might be able to help me, if you've got a mind to. Pull up a glass and let's all open a dialogue, eh?"

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/12/2015 20:29:12)

The undead seemed to have no problem with speaking of his own past and where his was from. Arche listened to his story as she dragged the Grabbi behind her. When Woyadei mentioned human experimentation Arche twitched a bit but only slightly. The practice didn't really sit well with her, but medical advancements had to come from somewhere. Arche glanced down at the tail that was in her hands.

"Plus, I can't really point fingers, can I?"

It may not be a sentient being, but none the less, she had cut up more than a few creatures to see if she couldn't find something that would make life better for people. Besides, she was a hunter by nature, battle was apart of her blood, and while she didn't actively try to start fights, if pushed to a certain point, only a fight could cool her blood-pressure.

“So, that’s my evil past and present, am I threatening enough to be killed yet?”

The undead grinned as he cracked a joke to lighten the mood. Arche shaking her head, rejected the idea.

"-So long as you or your people aren't looking to bring war to my family's land, then you are no more threatening than the new pet that you've seemed to have acquired. It may seem harsh, but, one can not protect everyone. So I focus on that which I can protect; those that I care for the most. To many would-be heroes end up losing their way when they come to this realization."

Arche paused to look up at the sky again while she dragged the beast along.

"-Who knows. War does tend to lead to great advancements, but it also has a habit of wearing itself out on the people, quite quickly. Maybe your people will gain greatness else were if war was to ever slow down in your world. I can't really say I blame you for what happened back in your world, since for one, I'm not from your world and two, most undead are compelled to do what is told of them through the magic that gives them life. I can't really say for your world if that is true or not."

Arche straighten out a bit of her hair that had gotten into her face from a breeze of wind.

"-Well even if you are here out of orders, it doesn't seem as though you're here for hostile reasons, yet. At the very least, you are much more easier to work with than most of the undead I've encountered... as well as a few humans too."

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/12/2015 21:39:22)

"-So long as you or your people aren't looking to bring war to my family's land, then you are no more threatening than the new pet that you've seemed to have acquired.”

“I cannot confirm the intentions of those who command me, but I don’t think the Shuischeieren army will sow strife among your lands, otherwise they’d have sent someone less simple-minded than I am.” The conquistador kept his grin at the absurdity of sending a single ordinary footsoldier to start an invasion in unknown territory.

"It may seem harsh, but, one can not protect everyone. So I focus on that which I can protect; those that I care for the most. To many would-be heroes end up losing their way when they come to this realization."

“You have a strong point. I like to listen when people tell stories, and I’ve heard of numerous examples, especially paladins, who had it in their heads that their loved-ones would not be truly safe until they fulfill a monstrously difficult task, such as the extermination of all undead. I’ve heard tales of individuals who strived for greater power for the defense of their people, but with every ascension in strength, they still never felt powerful enough. Their goals became warped, and they either become obsessed with power, or go on to slaughter masses in paranoia.”

Woyadei took another glance around as his expression fell slightly somber.

"-Who knows. War does tend to lead to great advancements, but it also has a habit of wearing itself out on the people, quite quickly. Maybe your people will gain greatness elsewhere if war was to ever slow down in your world. I can't really say I blame you for what happened back in your world, since for one, I'm not from your world and two, most undead are compelled to do what is told of them through the magic that gives them life. I can't really say for your world if that is true or not."

“You’re correct in saying we undead tend to do as compelled. Most of us are rather indifferent, or stuck in a certain state of mind. I suppose that’s the reason we fought for a long time; the way we think does not change, even as technology does.”

The undead conquistador swept the bit of hair in his face behind his ear, rather clumsily given that his hands were full of tentacle or glaive. He almost considered blowing at his hair, but that’ll probably fail, not to mention look stupid.

"-Well even if you are here out of orders, it doesn't seem as though you're here for hostile reasons, yet. At the very least, you are much more easier to work with than most of the undead I've encountered... as well as a few humans too."

“Good to know my attempts at diplomacy achieved something, and rest assured that I don’t have in mind to aimlessly harm, and I’ve no order to brew hostility.” Speaking of command, there could be something in the saddlebags. I should check it soon.

The thought of potential messages led to another curious mood.

“Do you ever have problems with Dragonslayers? The dragons originally on my home isles did, but then again, they had problems with a lot of things.”

Krey -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/12/2015 23:30:52)

Seemed lots of people were getting disappeared these days. Though Verna had only come from a couple of towns over, both Sana and Keystone had found themselves suddenly no longer where they’d been. A problem to say the least. But when he asked about anything strange, Verna could only chuckle, and would have answered had not, just a couple of seconds later, a goblin walked into the tavern. To be fair, she had nothing particular against their kind, in spite of the reputation that followed them. Every race had its share of good and bad, some just tended to lean more one way than another. To see one in a human tavern, though; that didn’t happen every day.

He went to the bar and ordered a drink, then shot off a warning at she and her companions or, perhaps more likely, to anyone within ear shot. A goblin couldn’t be too careful, she supposed. Sana was the first to react to the goblin, and Verna could only chuckle and nod her agreement. “Anyone is a step above the stuffy lass was in here earlier,” she said, and took a sip from her glass, waving towards the goblin in agreement with Keystone. Shifting her gaze back to the man, she shrugged, “Anyways, in answer to your question, nothing particularly strange so far as I’m concerned. The poor get poorer, the rich get richer and somehow the governor’s horse a couple of towns over turned pink.”

She gave a wink, “I might know a little something about that last piece, but I can guarantee it’s no relation to what you’re looking into.”

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 0:36:11)

“Do you ever have problems with Dragonslayers? The dragons originally on my home isles did, but then again, they had problems with a lot of things.”

The question nearly made Arche stop in her tracks, however she recovered gracefully, as so not to ruin the flow of their movement.

"-There are a few, that fall under the less-than friendly human category, yes. Although that group has grown fewer over the years due to recent events, there are still some of the more vocal members around. They tend to see half-breeds like me as abominations and monsters, much like the one we're dragging. I, myself, ended up nearly killing one of them."

Arche paused, the memories of the event resurfacing themselves.

"-You don't mind if I'd rather not talk about the incident, except that it was to protect my sister. I don't regret my actions. Like I said, I'll do whatever I can to protect those that I care about."

A small smile flashed across Arche's face for a brief second.

"Though, I wonder if the man still would have gone after her if she was a bit older."

The dragonslayer had been rather weak compared to the normal standard of Dragonslayers. No doubt he was someone who believe in human-superiority rather than having a purpose and reason for hating dragon-kind. Arche's face returned to it's neutral appearance.

"-Besides, as I'm sure you've noticed, I don't really consider myself human anyways. So I have no qualms about bearing arms against anyone that would bring harm to my people, whether they are Dragonslayer or not."

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 2:29:29)

"-There are a few, that fall under the less-than friendly human category, yes. Although that group has grown fewer over the years due to recent events, there are still some of the more vocal members around. They tend to see half-breeds like me as abominations and monsters, much like the one we're dragging. I, myself, ended up nearly killing one of them."

So a dragonslayer problem would seem comparatively rare. The inquisitor, crusader and paladin problem in the Archipelago was rather funny in comparison. Every month the urbanised, multi-cultural territory of Karaser would advertise complaints that privateers, blockadiers and bandits from Remilon, the holy territory, would be disrupting trade, raiding cargo and outright murder residents. Said holy territory would counter in asserting that Karaser is a corrupt state, with a puppet government controlled by the mafia and that Remilon was only carrying out justice intended to aide the righteous and innocent. Of course, this would lead to further fury and it is of no surprise at all that the two territories are in a perpetual, if undeclared, state of war.

There were infrequent occasions where commanders from all six territories would assemble for discussion, and in the past, Karaser alongside Remilon would never disappoint to bring upon their mutual turmoil. Two other territories had supported either, Naktenvale to Karaser and Harrowshreik to Remilon. Arguments between heads of the Black City and the Sacred City would become so absurdly expected that Veiron, Sea Lord of Shuischeier and commander of Kleinschar, Woyadei’s company, proposed to ban discussion of the state of affairs between Karaser and Remilon in annoyed jest. Surprisingly, he was supported by commanders from every territory, barring Karaser and Remilon.

Holy organisations were such a funny thing in the Dominion of Mist. On one hand, they were formidably detrimental to the overall peace of the lands. On the other, constant war with them had led to an overall evolution in resistance and durability of demonic, undead and humane Confederate inhabitants. Woyadei didn’t really know what to feel against his supposed exterminators, Confederate ones, anyway.

"-Besides, as I'm sure you've noticed, I don't really consider myself human anyways. So I have no qualms about bearing arms against anyone that would bring harm to my people, whether they are Dragonslayer or not."

“Quite understandable, and you have a good reason. I simply have no qualms about bearing arms against anyone if I am commanded to, period. Family isn't a common concept in the Dominion, so many don't know, mind or simply have no reason as to why they might bare arms. It could be different with demon-kind or vampire-kind, but I don't know. The Holy League of Remilon would certainly use your reason.”

The undead conquistador turned to check upon his assigned millipede.

“Comrade Pedes, you are faring well?”

A shake of plated butt occurred in response. Nodding, Woyadei looked forward once more.

“Where do you intend on storing the Grabbi? Might you have rented or bought storage in this town?”

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 9:58:08)

The woman with hair of wheat was the first to speak after Nilburke's outburst. Her voice was jovial either as an indication of her welcoming attitude or the breaking down of her inhibitions from the drink. If it was the latter, she at least did not seem to have drowned herself in it just yet. Of tavern patrons, there could be worse.

The large brute of a softie was less enthused than his wheat-haired companion. He gave both physical and verbal expressions of his disappointment of the goblin's arrival before making an about-face to offer an apology. The brute need not have bothered - words seldom stung the pride of hidies like himself. Softies were the ones to ignite wars and blood feuds over a few misplaced words. Nilburke supposed he ought to give the brute a bit of credit; making amends were an admirable part of softie culture.

The last softie - who with her fiery hair and white attire gave her the appearance of a candlestick - gave a wave and just like that the goblin had earned the trio's approval. Odd for things to have smoothed over with such ease. Odd, but fortunate.

"Not sure about you, but for meself that time is now," the goblin said as the barkeep returned with a sizable drumstick on a platter. Nilburke tore a large piece from the bone with his teeth as the barkeep moved to refill his tankard. It lacked the natural juiciness and flavor of meat cooked proper, but it was still better than being overwhelmed with a bunch of superfluous spices and herbs. Softies had a tendency to ruin good meat that way.

Nilburke washed the bite down with a little swig. He opted not to spike this one so as to keep coherent for the trio, at least for now. Not wanting to leave his seat but open to the proposed dialogue, Nilburke shifted on his stool so his body and feet faced towards the trio.

"Depends on the help, Brute," the goblin said as he bit into the drumstick once more. Through the mouthful, he continued, "An unknown promise is a fool's undoing.

Bastet -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 15:05:56)

The ongoing battle hadn’t gone unnoticed, as Rajiri had been prowling in the woods nearby. She wasn’t looking for prey, thanks to the fact that she had… convinced an innkeeper to offer her a meal just a few hours ago, and had filled her pouches with what she could carry. By the time the dragon-kin arrived on the scene whoever had caused the disturbance was walking away, and from the angle Rajiri approached the clearing at she could only see two figures walking a while away. Even her sight couldn’t give any more details on the intruders, but she had learned enough from what she had heard. There was more than one of them and they weren’t afraid of making a lot of noise in a potentially dangerous place. A large object was being carried by one of them, it seemed, and the dragon-kin was curious to learn what or who could cause so much devastation as to create a clearing inside a forest.

Rajiri wasn’t very familiar with the woods she currently stalked, but considering the pace her targets were moving at and that one of the paths she had previously explored was close, she was confident she could find a way to either catch them from behind or place herself between them and their destination. That is, assuming they wouldn’t take any detours and would rather proceed in an almost straight line. She didn’t dare put the power of her blood to use, just in case they could detect magic, but still ran as fast as she could. Moving like that, free to chase after whatever she wanted to, truly made her feel alive. She wasn’t bound by the rules of society, rather taking what she wanted through sheer strength. The only places where she couldn’t follow that way of life were major population centres where the law was stronger than she was, and she avoided those places as much as she could: they made her feel like a caged bird, oppressed by the rule of corrupt kings and their lackeys.

It had already happened once that the spirit of the city had followed her outside of it in the form of envoys of death: mostly hunters and those who simply followed the desire to earn the bounty placed on her head without even knowing who she truly was. Her father had warned her more than once that the normal folk would never stop going after her for who she was: either they had something to gain from capturing a dragon-kin, or they simply wanted to see her dead for being the offspring of a dragon. More than a few times they had come close to ensuring that she could never return to the wilderness again, but she always survived, in the end. Sweat glistened on her forehead as she finally reached what she thought would be the path the interlopers would take.

Rajiri was relieved in the fact that she saw what she assumed was the same group she had originally seen approaching her. She leaned against a tree, her pale skin and light armor contrasting the dark colour of the bark. They eventually moved close enough that she could make out their features much more easily, even catching their scent. She didn’t move as they approached, allowing herself to be seen while she observed them further. A scythe-carrying girl pulled the carcass of a tentacled monstrosity, helped by some other creature behind her and with a zombie by her side. The smell of undeath had immediately given the girl’s companion away, as it almost made Rajiri want to turn around and puke. The girl appeared really young, younger than she possibly should have been, indicating that she was more than merely human. An extremely odd fact is that Rajiri could smell something strangely familiar on her, though she couldn’t quite pin down what it was yet. She needed more time to determine what the grey-haired one precisely was, and she intended to stop them in their path. When they moved close enough, she crossed her arms and spoke out. She was ready to lash out at them due to her ever-present fighting instinct, but curiosity overtook violence, for the moment.

“A zombie and an innocent girl, what a strange couple to find wreaking havoc in this not-so-peaceful forest. Would you like to introduce yourselves, interlopers?”

Sigil -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 18:22:39)

The large man nodded to the Goblin, content to see that his apology was, if not accepted, at least noted objectively.

"Don't need nothin' too offputting. I'm from.. um.. Out of town, you see. Following after a set of misplaced merchant wagon trains. They'd be similar to me in dress and talk, y'understand - foreign folk with a really bewildered look to 'em."

He was beginning to think that his own disappearance and that of his caravan were, while not unrelated, separate incidents. Nonetheless, making inquiries to the locals seemed the thing to do at the moment. This was an alehouse, or something similar. Every Inn, Tavern, Pub, Alehouse, and House of Ill Repute he'd ever frequented has been good sources of information; he couldn't believe this realm would be any different. Except that it seemed to be.

Another idea: His sudden arrival in this "Lore" was because of a different matter entirely. It was enough to make his head hurt.

"Name of Keystone, little sir." he extended his hand, "Probably should have opened with that."

Back to Verna, almost as an afterthought, "Pink Horse, eh?" He chuckled a bit before continuing, "Outstanding. Sounds like a proper name for a brothel." Keystone laughed a bit more, shaking his head. Time for a refill.

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 20:11:35)

“A zombie and an innocent girl, what a strange couple to find wreaking havoc in this not-so-peaceful forest. Would you like to introduce yourselves, interlopers?”

The voice had sent the undead conquistador alert, and his prior question unanswered, but he did not take combative stance. Chances are that if the antagonistic woman acted in such a lax posture, Arche and himself were either surrounded, facing an extraordinarily potent threat or merely a grumpy landowner. It would be strange for a landowner to be ignorant of a Grabbi on their land, so Woyadei assumed one of the former two options. Thankfully the element of lightning’s specialty was rapid deployment, and thus the molniromancer was technically in a ready guard; the problem being he wasn’t sure how many threats are present. Bleeding hell, all that looking about resolved nothing!

Bandits were certainly expected, bandits who requested one’s identity was not. A thought that the beige-clad woman was some forest guardian occurred, but it left Woyadei perplexed. What delusional guardian includes a Grabbi in its ecosystem? The molniromancer concludes the beige-clad woman was a stranger to the region as Arche and himself are. Although amused by the notion that the noble hunter was coupled with himself, he intends for said noble hunter to retort. Reason being she was likely a better diplomat to himself, and held more entertaining reactions. Woyadei would smile inwardly if not for the fact there exists a potential for multiple threats.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/13/2015 21:56:26)

As they walked down the path towards town, Arche caught the smell of someone in the woods. Maybe someone was following them? She thought about telling Woyadei, however, she didn't know if whoever it was out there was actually following them, or if they were even hostile if they were.

"Plus, there's something odd about this smell. But I don't know what."

Seeing as their were too many factors, Arche decided to leave it unmentioned. After walking for a few more feet, Arche finally saw the source to her questions. Leaning on a tree was a tall woman clad in leather. Though the odd scent was coming from the woman infront of her, Arche still couldn't reason out what the feeling it generated was. It made her core restless, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. In fact it was more of a calm restlessness, as if she was waiting for a family member to visit or return home; an impatience. As much as Arche tried to push it down, as she looked at the woman's fiery red hair and orange eyes, it kept refacing itself. As Arche was fighting this raising feeling, the odd Woman spoke out to the two of them.

“A zombie and an innocent girl, what a strange couple to find wreaking havoc in this not-so-peaceful forest. Would you like to introduce yourselves, interlopers?”

Arche raised an eyebrow at her words. Really? Was this person a thief trying to play as a protector of the forest, or just like asking really weird questions at bad times? She spoke out to answer her, but subconsciously ended up speaking in dragontongue.

"-Heh, and what about you? You hardly seem like the forest guardian type. Aren't you as much as an interloper to this forest as we are? You should introduce yourself if you want our names."

After a short pause, Arche realized what she had just done; "-Ah!"

"Crap, I really hope she understood that. Otherwise, there'll be two confused people on my hands, unless Woyadei knows dragontongue too. She might think I just insulted her too."

Bastet -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/14/2015 15:06:02)

The sensation of something being familiar in the girl didn't disappear as the group finally approached Rajiri. The zombie that was travelling with the grey-haired one hadn't reacted in a significant manner, leading Rajiri to think that the girl was the leader of the group. The dragon-kin remained in her position, leaned against a tree, as she still tried to identify who she had just spoken to. A necromancer and her pet, perhaps? That could possibly explain the strange smell, but it wouldn't have provided a reason for it being familiar to Rajiri. She has never been one to stay in the company of necromancers.

Rajiri noted that the girl had raised one of her eyebrows at her before speaking, causing her a mild annoyance. She hated not being taken seriously, and those who often made taunting motions never lasted long in her presence. Glancing back at the undead, she noticed that it hadn't taken combat stance. Either they thought Rajiri wasn't a threat, the mere idea annoying her further, they just didn't care or were the usual empty-shell type of zombies that required a command before they did anything. Either way, the mere presence of that bag of rotten flesh disgusted the dragon-kin, almost making her attack the group on the spot. She changed in mind when the zombie's companion finally spoke out:

"-Heh, and what about you? You hardly seem like the forest guardian type. Aren't you as much as an interloper to this forest as we are? You should introduce yourself if you want our names."

Draconian. She had just spoken Draconian. Rajiri couldn't believe her ears, to the point that she almost missed on the first half of the scythe carrier's sentence because her mind didn't acknowledge the words she was hearing. She was surprised to the point she almost lost her composure, but gathered her thoughts soon after that. It still didn’t matter, because the moment of silence between the end of the girl’s speech and Rajiri’s reaction would make it clear even to the filthy undead that something was happening. That is, if it had a conscience of its own. So many thoughts crossed the dragon-kin’s mind that she had no idea where to start from.

Where before she wanted to know who dared stand before her out of simple curiosity and boredom, Rajiri now actually made it her objective to learn just why and how the girl spoke the language of dragons. This could’ve meant that she was a dragonslayer, which seemed the most logical option to Rajiri, or that she had the blood of a dragon inside her. She hadn’t met a slayer that knew her tongue before, but she assumed that they were bound to learn it eventually, as part of their profession. The grey-haired one’s day was about to change for better or for worse, when Rajiri almost growled out and tapped into the power of her blood a little. Her muscles bulged slightly and a few patches of coral scales appeared on her body, only a small part being visible due to her wearing armor.

Lowering her body into a combat stance, and preparing to lunge if the girl offered the answer she wasn’t looking for, Rajiri spoke out, in the same tongue that had previously reached her ears. She didn’t care if the zombie was sentient or not, and if he wanted a part in the conversation.

”You’re right, odd one. I am as much of an interloper as you are, but that does not excuse the fact that you speak the tongue of dragons. If your knowledge of this language isn’t legitimized by birthright, or if you identify yourself as a dragonslayer, prepare to defend yourself. Tell me who you really are.”

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/14/2015 18:10:41)

Things were proceeding as standard intrusions go, that is until the noble hunter started making rumbling noises that sort of resembled language. A lengthy pause was subsequent, and Woyadei guessed the intruder was as surprised as he was, until she too spoke in the...language, he would come to call the “Rumblies”. It truly was astounding, seven past dialects had come to his ears, and this was nothing like them at all. Well, he wasn’t fluent in five of those so the comparison likely isn’t accurate but he’s sure “Rumblies” was notably different.

Even regarding the seven other languages spoken on, or under...or around the Dominion of Mist, they have likely been isolated long enough so to become quite foreign to their original areas. In fact, very few undead and demonic even knew the former names of the speeches. Presently, the languages were relabeled to the areas where their most spoken, Karaseren, Naktenvalese, Morserenese, Shuischeieren, Harrowshreiken and Remilese, with common being common all over the Dominion. Perhaps not so expectedly, popular opinion was that the current names sounded horrible, and scholars had made it a point to research the original terms to describe the speeches. The people of the Confederacy try not to use the current descriptions when they can, skirting around them with “The language typically used by Southeast Shuischeier.” or similar.

The undead conquistador could entertain this train of thought all he wants in a safe area, however, as back to the moment...Bloody corpses, Ich Verstehe Nicht, what are you two grumbling about? An exasperated frown formed upon his expressions as the weird dangerous woman gained a threatening guard and spoke more Rumblies. Woyadei himself took a high cutting position, ready to step aside and bisect the beige-clad antagonist should she leap forward. The Styrian Glaive was not a particularly weighty weapon, but its keen, long edge and seven feet leverage allows an assured slash through leather, flesh and bone, depending on struck location. He was tempted to pull an insult out of his rear and slander the accent of the antagonist but thought better of it; she appeared alone, but best not stir upon greater trouble, those orange growths do not mean a good omen.

Woyadei's millipede had long since gathered to his distant side, maybe amused by this development. The giant arthropod literally wielded no form of offence, but its harsh evolution back in the Dominion ensures it impervious to trauma and magic. Reptiles tend to disfavour attempting to eat it, even when it's possible for some reason.

“Scythe Wielder, if she is initiating a duel, do tell me. I’d rather not intrude on the matter of single combat.” The conquistador was careful to disclose as little information about Arche as possible, as there was a chance the beige-clad antagonist was an assassin or bounty hunter from rivals or some-such.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/14/2015 19:48:09)

The fiery-haired woman seemed to draw a blank when Arche was speaking, but quickly composed herself. Whether it was out of surprise or confusion, Arche wasn't sure, but her answer was given when the woman took a combat stance and scales appeared on a few visible parts of her body. The woman appeared to have understood her just fine, it would seem. When Arche saw the coral-colored scales, her eyes widened. It then suddenly clicked as to why the odd scent from the woman was so familiar; It was the smell of a fellow dragon. Arche only smelt the scent around her family so she never recognized it.

”You’re right, odd one. I am as much of an interloper as you are, but that does not excuse the fact that you speak the tongue of dragons. If your knowledge of this language isn’t legitimized by birthright, or if you identify yourself as a dragonslayer, prepare to defend yourself. Tell me who you really are.”

Arche was confused by these words, then realized that the woman also didn't figure out that she was dragon-kin as well. Dropping the Grabbi's tail and giving a small bow with her hands, Arche spoke.

"-I wasn't aware of the fact that speaking a language needed to be legitimized. Either way, it is a pleasant surprise to see another dragon-kin here. I wasn't expecting to see one near a purely human settlement. My name is Arche Nemes; shadow-element."

It was then, thanks to her lowered stance that Arche could see one of the holes in woman's clothes near her shoulder. She moved so that she could get a closer look. Woyadei seemed to say something, but the words landed on the ears of a mind, who was in other world.

"-Hmm, that is well thought out, those holes are no doubt for your wings and tail, no? I'm a little sad I didn't think of that. Then again, I don't have much of a problem with my tail. Mainly just my wings having room to come out while I have my vest on. Maybe it might be possible to transfer the design t-- oh, right. I'm sorry."

Arche broke her pondering when she realized she hadn't giving the woman anytime to respond, as realization that they were both dragon-kin turned doubt into curiosity.

"-You're fire elemental right? Or magma?"

Bastet -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 7:33:47)

Rajiri didn’t have much knowledge about the carcass the girl in front of her seemed to be carrying, other than the fact that it would’ve probably proven to be quite a threat if it was still alive. The.. thing.. didn’t look like any animal that would dwell in normal forests, reinforcing Rajiri’s idea that there was some sort of corruption around these parts. Whether it came from the duo in front of her was going to be determined soon, but it wouldn’t have mattered much to her. She wasn’t a natural guardian and she didn’t pretend to be one, it was just that the presence of monstrosities would force her to be a bit more careful in her surroundings’ regards. The scythe-carrier dropped the bit of the creature she was dragging it by and bowed slightly, an act that Rajiri almost mistook for an attack:

"-I wasn't aware of the fact that speaking a language needed to be legitimized. Either way, it is a pleasant surprise to see another dragon-kin here. I wasn't expecting to see one near a purely human settlement. My name is Arche Nemes; shadow-element."

The fact that before her was another dragon-kin had briefly touched Rajiri’s mind, but she had refused it as a far-fetched theory until she heard it for herself. It was another explanation for the odd smell, though this one also fulfilled the familiarity clause.

Have I managed to stumble into the territory of another dragon without even realizing it? No, I’m better than that, but the odds of meeting a dragon-kin just by exploring a forest near a human town seem ridiculously small in comparison. Why is she here?

At the very least the alignment to shadow explained the zombie, though it still seemed to have a will of its own since it had just spoken. Rajiri made a point to herself to ask more about the matter, but her thoughts quickly moved to another subject when she noticed that the girl was now looking at the back of her outfit, the sight of which was provided by the fact that she had entered her lunging stance. She looked interested, moving closer to take a better look. If she had done that before explaining herself Rajiri wouldn’t have had hesitation in pouncing her, but the respect for a fellow dragon-kin meant that she allowed Arche to make the observations she wanted.

"-Hmm, that is well thought out, those holes are no doubt for your wings and tail, no? I'm a little sad I didn't think of that. Then again, I don't have much of a problem with my tail. Mainly just my wings having room to come out while I have my vest on. Maybe it might be possible to transfer the design t-- oh, right. I'm sorry. You're fire elemental right? Or magma?"

Rajiri quickly left her combat stance and put what little power she had tapped into rest, shown by the scales on her body leaving room for normal skin again. She assumed a relaxed position again and took a few steps towards Arche, closing the distance between the two of them. The zombie may have been in alerted state, but Rajiri didn’t make any aggressive moves towards the kin she had just met. Still, she saw no reason to speak the common tongue again, continuing to express herself in Draconian. She bowed slightly, returning the gesture, something that she did only for a very limited amount of people.

”My name is Rajiri, daughter of Gilrond the Red, and my element is indeed fire. The leather suit I’m wearing was tailored for me, and you are correct in guessing that the holes on my back are for wings and tail, though trust me when I say I’d rather be free of it if keeping my scales up at all times wasn’t so tiring. I can’t reveal my true self without tapping into my powers.

Rajiri relaxed, finding comfort in the fact that she had found another of her kin after so long since the last time she had seen a dragon. She certainly had made no friends of the other races, thinking of them as little more than scum and constantly being hunted in return.

”I apologize for the aggression, I mistook you for the rabble that lives around these parts. Let me return a few questions: is the zombie accompanying you your thrall, considering you told me that you are aligned to darkness? And what is it that you are carrying, precisely?”

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 15:43:54)

The conquistador squinted one eye in mild annoyance, dropping his guard. With how things are happening, it won’t be long until the two women sniff one-another’s rears. Arche seems to have ignored his question, and is likely still ignoring him while the beige-clad woman reverted to a more civil stance, even bowing, yet still chose to talk in Rumbles! Woyadei almost wish they were speaking gibberish in common tongue instead; at least then he would have some semblance of comprehension. At the moment, the insane dead back at Morseren’s Asylum made more coherent sense, as well as the grumbling plesiosaurs that existed around the Archipelago! Admittingly, not really, regarding the latter, but it was yet still more comfortable in dealing with big scaley piscivores than these two women in front of him.

Still more Rumblies was spoken by, he supposed, the former antagonist and now some familiar fellow judging by how benign their attitudes became. It was rather grating on his nerves. Woyadei glanced toward the giant millipede, who didn’t appear at all disturbed. Antennae flickered here and there, a stubby leg shakes sometimes. The sight eased himself slightly. Such a chill fellow, it’s obvious to tell why these are favoured throughout the Dominion.

Seeing as he wasn’t to be speaking anytime soon, the conquistador humoured himself in hoping random necromancer-professors from Morseren would abruptly spawn, bringing their similarly reptilian Mosasaurs and Pliosaurs with them and having some huge discussion in examining the two women. Necropaleontologists would love the chance to research living, humanoid dragons. Well, I suspect beige-pants here is a dragon. Now thinking on it, he wasn’t sure how’d the alarmingly massive marine reptiles would react. From what he knew, the old dragons didn’t inhabit the water, or even near it. Maybe mosasaurs and pliosaurs fed on dragons, given how the former species held apex predators and the latter species developed some astounding techniques in hydromancy. There was a story, Woyadei heard, involving necromancers who directed pliosaurs and plesiosaurs to summon waterspouts, as to suck dragons straight from the sky…

“Pardon my intrusion, but I suggest we continue to transport the carcass.” It shouldn’t be difficult to converse in Rumblies while moving...hopefully it’s not some ‘magic’ speech and they’re actually casting spells...ha-ha. The undead and the millipede resumed their former positions. A hand on tentacle and a head on blob.

Ted Zlammy -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 16:09:49)

As Daniel Thatcher ran for his bloody life in what he could only describe as a small citadel, he realized he learned two things so far today. One, never ever hit a place before casing the joint, even if the people that you owe an enormous amount of debt to insist on it. And two, that he really, REALLY hated wizards!

"Crap, crap, crap!" Was all Thatch could manage to say as he ran with all he had, taking a peak at what was chasing him from corner of his eye through his mask. Two steel golems in the form of dogs were hot on his tail, literally and figuratively! The bloody things constantly spewed bouts of flame form their nostrils, and occasionally belched balls of fire at him! Quite frankly, it was good thing that Thatch did peak at that moment, as both of the dogs tensed their legs, the pair of them clearly intending to launch at Thatch.

At the sight of that, Thatch stooped down as low as he could while running, and looking once more in front of him he saw the metal abominations soar above of him and total a portion of a freaking stone wall that was up ahead, revealing the room on the other side of it. As he took in the horror that he could've become a fine red mist if he had been hit, Thatch looked into the room on the other side of the toppled over wall. There he saw the flailing rear legs and rumps of the metal golems sticking out of the frames of a doorway for a magical portal.

The portal clearly didn't care for the metal dogs either, considering that the frame of it was now damaged and it started to go into a frenzy, spewing sparks of mana and constantly switching from different views of several vistas. Realizing that it was his only way out of this mess, Thatch sprinted for the portal, not even caring in the slightest that it may lead him to somewhere even worse and dived for it, screaming at the top of his lungs as he did so! As he soared through the air, he saw the portal switch to the scene of a tavern, and he soon found himself still screaming at the top of his lungs, only now sliding on the grimy floor of the seedy establishment! His screaming was cut short thought as he slid and crashed head first straight into the bar of the tavern, hearing his mask crack in the process.

As Thatch laid on the floor being all sorts of dazed, he soon came to realize a lovely fact about his situation, a fact that he intended to share with the patrons of the tavern! "I'm alive! Oh by all that is wonderful and shiny, I live!" Thatch happily yelled aloud, and did a little jig after he stood himself up. Ever so pleased about living, Thatch yanked a mug from the table of an incredulous looking patron, and took a swig of it for himself by lifting the bottom of his mask slightly. Thatch's personal revelry soon ended though, on the grounds of him needing to find out where he was. Being alive was good and all, but if he was anyone near his most recent stomping grounds... Well, the living thing might be cut short.

After a quick peak around the tavern he spotted a curious group of four people that might help him with that issue. And by curious, he meant totally out of the ordinary compared to the other simple folk in the tavern. How else would you describe the crowd which consisted of two woman, one of them armed and the other not even wearing socks, a goblin, and a tower of a man? Deciding to approach them, with the ill-gotten mug still in hand, Thatch walked over to them and said, "Say, you look like a well traveled group! You wouldn't mind telling a lost fellow where in the world he is right now, would you?"

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 17:43:23)

After Arche identified herself, the fiery-haired woman seemed to relaxed and straightened her body; the scales disappearing. Walking up to Arche, the woman returned the bow and spoke, identifying her own self.

”My name is Rajiri, daughter of Gilrond the Red, and my element is indeed fire. The leather suit I’m wearing was tailored for me, and you are correct in guessing that the holes on my back are for wings and tail, though trust me when I say I’d rather be free of it if keeping my scales up at all times wasn’t so tiring. I can’t reveal my true self without tapping into my powers."

Arche sighed inwardly at this. Indeed, she always felt mentally exhausted every time she finished fighting in her dragconic state. Her personality also drastically changes.

”I apologize for the aggression, I mistook you for the rabble that lives around these parts. Let me return a few questions: is the zombie accompanying you your thrall, considering you told me that you are aligned to darkness? And what is it that you are carrying, precisely?”

Arche shook her head to Rajiri's words.

"-It's no problem. Wasn't the first time I've been mistaken for something else and I doubt it'll be the last time."

Arche gestured towards Woyadei and continued in dragontongue.

"-As for Woyadei there, he is his own person. After all, I can not make undead since shadow is darkness mixed with a bit of light. Apparently, he and two other humans were dumped here from their own worlds by fog. I wouldn't believe it, if I hadn't seen one of the humans come tumbling out of the fog, trying to make a poor attempt at swearing. I asked in town if anyone was willing to help take down the Grabbi, since I didn't feel like fighting the creature alone, then be left to drag it back to town, exhausted from having to fight in my dragonic form. He was the only one who offered. Oh well, he is the own one who'll get paid. If you can get use to the smell, he is actually much more interesting to talk to, than the humans in town... sadly."

It was then that Woyadei himself spoke up.

“Pardon my intrusion, but I suggest we continue to transport the carcass.”

Arche realized that the undead was probably feeling a bit left out. Arche had been excited after seeing another dragon-kin for so long. Switching back to the commontongue, Arche grabbed the tail that she had been holding.

"-Your right Woyadei, sorry for the hold up."

Arche then addressed Rajiri again, speaking once more in dragontongue.

"-As for this thing, Grabbi's are known to eat endlessly. By studying it, I hope to create a bag from it that can hold a limitless amount of items. Care to join me? I wouldn't mind sitting over some good meat and talking. It's been such a long time since I was able to speak in dragontongue with another. And don't worry about the locals. Out here in the middle of nowhere they might not like us, but even they aren't foolish enough to try and touch the guest of a noble."

Arche gave Rajiri a small smile as she went back to pulling a creature that was more than half her size.

Afina -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 19:39:39)

This was sure turning out to be an interesting group of people, they were indeed colorful but then again most adventurers were that she had run across. Oddly enough she seemed to be the most tame about them though she might be wrong. Turning around in her seat she leaned back against the bar and watched.

This place seemed like it could be any of any numerous taverns she had run across in the past but some of the people stood out a bit more than what she was accustomed to; especially the races. She was used to elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs, ogres, humans and the occasional undead but other than that there was not much. Sure there were creatures she hunted but she wondered as she glanced around if those even existed here.

Then she got the pull in the pit of her stomach. It always seemed to happen right before something bad happened. Slowly she slid out of her seat and wandered over towards the tavern board, to see if there was any clue to what may be causing it. Though in the back of her mind she wondered that if just being here 2was enough to set it off, then again if that was the case wouldn’t it have happened right before the fog or soon after she appeared here in this place known as Lore. It hadn’t. She had had time to drink, eat, perform, and talk.

Stepping to the board she started thumbing through the numerous flyers that were there.

“Lost child,” she mumbled her to herself. “Common enough occurrence, most of the time just some kid that ran off with dads ale and fell asleep under a tree.”

“Find the Chalice of Mystery,” she read out loud next. “Oh yeah, not going chasing after any more chalices. Last one ended with me on a sacrificial slab where a Wraith was trying play touchy feely.”

“Missing goat,” she groaned. “What is it with goats? I guess somethings never change no matter where you are.”

Sana kept going through the various flyers but nothing seemed to stand out to her as anything different than the ones she had seen a hundred times over during her more than a decade of adventuring travels. Sana let out a frustrated sigh as she rubbed her face. Her brow slowly rose as she heard yet another enter and proclaiming he was in fact alive. Turning slightly she glanced over her shoulder and shook her head before walking back over to the three she had been speaking with earlier. Tilting herself to the side she looked the man over and shrugged slightly.

“You guess seems to be as good as ours,” she admitted to the new comer. “Seems we all have been dumped off here. The locals call it Lore… Other than that, I think we are all about as clueless as you.”

Sigil -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 19:49:37)

Keystone noted with some exasperation the entrance of the newest member of the "Where The Arse Are We?" Squad. Figuring he'd never have another opportunity like this, ever, he chose his words of greeting carefully.

"Oh, you're buggered now, my old beauty!" He screamed, his underclass diction and accent leading the way. Keystone pointed his finger at the recent arrival in a manner part threatening, part accusatory as his eyes widened, his face taking on something close to hysteria.

"You've come to a place where we eat babies! YES! We consume babies for sport, and make pacts with dark gods in exchange for barbed danglies, we does! NOW, unless you want to be part of the menu," he motioned to the Goblin at the bar, "you must give of yourself to our venerable leader, Gronk the Arsesplitter! Ah, hahahaHaHaHAHAHA! Abandon hope, little snotgargle! HAHAHA (ahem) ... nah, sorry Sport, we ain't got a clue, neither. Come join us at the bar, first one's on me."

"Name of Keystone, by the by. Hell of an entrance, y'alright?"

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/15/2015 20:04:12)

Nilburke took another bite and swig as Brute spoke. He was, of course, a traveler who had lost his way. The goblin put down his half-empty tankard as he contemplated the stranger's words. Now that he mentioned it, Brute did have a bit of an accent. It would have gone unnoticed not so much because of its slight nature but because Nilburke himself had a hard time differentiating the speech patterns of softies. He could sort out the nine dialects of the goblin city Tarfurg in a heartbeat but doubted he would bat at an eye at the difference between a whole softie and one who has half his jaw hanging off.

Brute had come to the tavern seeking information, both a wise decision and a fool's hope rolled into one. Wise in that such places drew in a myriad of customers with a hodgepodge of knowledge. Foolish because the odds of any one patron knowing the one exact piece of detail sought after was just as probably as the herald of the reigning monarch strutting through the door and inviting them all to the royal ball. Possible, but not a bet Nilburke would make.

"I did travel with a caravan just north of here, a couple days past," said the goblin as he traced the lip of his mug. "Traded some favors to hitch a ride. But they make that journey every year, or so they claim. They're not...'out of town' like yourself." Brute's hesitation and vague explanation had not gone unnoticed, and Nilburke would be darned if some musclebound twit was able to going to pull a fast one on him.

A meaty hand was offered in the goblin's direction. "Name of keystone, little sir. Probably should have started with that."

"Could've, should've, would've," replied the 'little sir'. "In the here and now is what you did." He wiped the grease from his hand onto his trousers before taking Brute's and giving a firm shake for someone his size. "Nilburke of Gulhorn, if you care about such things." Handshakes were not common among goblin-kind, but this one had some experience of their importance in softie culture. When he was young, Nilburke thought the accepted greeting between two softie males was to an attempt to break the other's hand in order to assert dominance. This was truer with some softies than others.

He took another gulp of his brew as Brute made some off-hand comment about the potential name for an establishment of disrepute. Brute laughed at his own little joke. Meh, could've been better. Their tastes in humor seemed to not be in alignment, but the call for a refill was not one he would oppose. Nilburke guzzled down the remnants before putting his tankard down and opening his mouth wide to belch. At least, he anticipated a belch but expelled a moderate burp at most. The goblin shook his head. "Weak," he muttered in response to his own ineptitude, "but we can fix that." Nilburke raised his tankard to signal for another.

Any attention the goblin may have garnered was stolen away when the bar shook with an audible crack of something breaking. A masked man dressed in black sprung to his feet, dancing in a fit of euphoria. The intruder then relieved another patron of mug before draining the contents. Nilburke closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. Please leave, please leave, please leave.

His silent prayer to no deity in particular went unanswered as the strangest stranger approached the little gathering. May coherency be tossed to the void, now he would need that next drink. Nilburke scoffed at the question of the man in dark garb as Wheat conversed with him. A thief and an idiot to boot. Perfect. "You're in a tavern. Hope you at least know what to do with that knowledge." The words were still hanging on the goblin's lips as Brute broke into a tirade of baby-eating and arse-splitting. Perhaps their senses of humor were not so off after all. Nilburke turned his attention back to the barkeep and raised his tankard. "Refills for me and these two right here." He motioned with his chin to the two women. "For Wheat and Candles, too, if they're not as soft as their skin. And a deck of cards, if you have 'em." He turned back to the merry crew of halfwits. "And if any of you don't take your drink or play, I'll split your arse," he said with a wicked grin.

Krey -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/16/2015 1:59:56)

Keystone took to conversing with the goblin quite comfortably, following his initial, less-than-favorable reaction, and still sought information which it seemed nobody had. Of course, having been dislocated from wherever he'd been, it wasn't too likely that anyone would have any information unless the people he was looking for had ALSO been dislocated from where he'd been, to where he now was. And really, what were the odds of that? “If the governor were a smart man, he'd play it off as a stunt. Wasn't the sharpest sickle, that one, though.”

Chuckling, she raised her mug and took a swig, just as another got disappeared from where he was and dropped right into the tavern where she was. This brought about the raising of an eyebrow and a sly grin, and just enough surprise to make her rise from her seat. She set her mug down a little hard and cast a glance around the room. A motley crew indeed; in her experience, folks of a 'different' sort, never just congregated coincidentally. Something always happened, even if that something was simply one of the most fantastic bar fights she'd ever witnessed. She got the feeling this wasn't going to be like that time; certainly this tavern couldn't afford it.

“Righty-o!” She proclaimed, finished her drink, and gratefully accepted the replacement the goblin called out for her, assuming by the motion that she was being referred to as Candles. Not her worst nickname. “I should like to propose we figure out what chance of fate's broght us all together here today. Three of the lot disappeared right out from under the noses of the gods or, more like, placed beneath 'em for some grand play, the rest a goblin and a troublemaker, not to mention those others what left a while ago.”

She cast a glance to Sana, her ever-present grin... Well, present. “If I'm not mistaken, I'm not the only one what can see the threads of a story when they're bein' spun.”

Ted Zlammy -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/16/2015 12:19:15)

As he overheard the woman, whom he could only guess to be an archer from her appearance so far, mention that this tavern was in a place called Lore, Thatch couldn't help but smile underneath his mask. He had no clue whatsoever what this Lore place was, and that probably meant the people he owed money too likely didn't either! With that bit of good news, Thatch decided to sip the last of his drink from "his" mug, tilting his mask up slightly once more.

Which to be honest, wasn't the most smartest of things to do on account of the brick like man's ravings. Even though this fellow, who Thatch soon learned was named Keystone, ended up joking about his ravings, Thatch couldn't help but spit out his drink into the inside of his mask from them. It was sorta hard not to, since the man had managed to surprise, shock and humour Thatch all at once. He still decided to keep the now soggy thing on though, he'd rather keep the option of ditching his duds and mask and leaving under the guise of well, himself, if these people turned out to truly be loonies.

With his mask still dripping the former contents of his mug, Thatch decided to play along with these folks still, for the two reasons of it might being fun, and his curiosity about these folks. So, Thatch took a seat by Keystone amd the snarky goblin who had pointed the obviousness of him being in a tavern earlier, and replied to the big man, "Phew, ya know how to make a man do a good spit take Keystone. As for my well being, well, let's just say my head aches and is feelin' soggy. Call me Thatch by the way, as in the rooftops. Not that I actually know how thatch a rooftop in the first place."

"I'll gladly take up your offer on the free drink little green man, though I'll pass on the cards. I try not to play against people who suggest a game, my coin purse tends to suffer otherwise!" Thatch jovially replied to "Arsesplitter" and his offer for drink, and waved his hand to the barkeep to refill his drink.

"As for you No-Socks," Thatch began to speak, turning towards the curious looking red head. "I wouldn't exactly say that fate brought me here, but an incredibly grumpy wizard by accident... Or would that count as fate? Huh. Go figure. Side note, I can make a fine pair of socks! You wouldn't be interested in a pair would you missy? It'd cost ya though!" Thatch finished speaking, with a proposal for business at the end. He couldn't help but rub his palms together at the end with the hope of making bit more coin in mind.

Bastet -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (10/16/2015 13:41:58)

Rajiri continued observing Arche while she shook her head in answer to the last few questions that the red dragon-kin had asked her. She was quite the sight, and a great example of how many varieties dragons came in, ranging from the fiery scales of Rajiri to the gloomy colours of Arche. The only things that the two dragons had in common was belonging to the same base species, varying so much more between each other otherwise. Staring down at Arche, Rajiri briefly thought that her relatively short height compared to herself meant that she was younger than her, but she still didn’t take that for granted: a diminutive appearance could’ve simply been a trap for unwary opponents, and the red dragon expected such clever tricks from another of her kin. Perhaps it was best to ask, before jumping to conclusions.

"-It's no problem. Wasn't the first time I've been mistaken for something else and I doubt it'll be the last time."

It wasn’t hard for Rajiri to recall all the times when that had been true for her, too. The people that were sent after her often treated her like a common bandit or some other kind of humanoid creature, a mistake that would often lead to their deaths when they ambushed the dragon-kin only to be immediately overwhelmed. Prideful as ever, Rajiri always made sure to remind them what race the last person they would meet belonged to, before ending their lives. She never was one for mercy, and she preferred those who would die honorably rather than those who would beg for mercy when it was already clear that she wouldn’t leave those who hunted her free to go. Her infamy eventually reached the point where the best assassins available would be the only ones who took the contract to bring her in, dead or alive, and she was glad for it: it meant that every hunter she met would be a proper test of her skill rather than a poorly equipped peasants with vainglorious dreams. She still met the type every now and then, but she fought them purely for her own amusement.

Arched gestured towards the zombie before carrying on with her dialogue. The foul smell still bothered Rajiri, tolerating the creature only because Arche seemed to have an agreement with it. If she made it clear that the fleshbag was unwanted company, Rajiri would be more than pleased to relieve her of it herself.

"-As for Woyadei there, he is his own person. After all, I can not make undead since shadow is darkness mixed with a bit of light. Apparently, he and two other humans were dumped here from their own worlds by fog. I wouldn't believe it, if I hadn't seen one of the humans come tumbling out of the fog, trying to make a poor attempt at swearing. I asked in town if anyone was willing to help take down the Grabbi, since I didn't feel like fighting the creature alone, then be left to drag it back to town, exhausted from having to fight in my dragonic form. He was the only one who offered. Oh well, he is the own one who'll get paid. If you can get use to the smell, he is actually much more interesting to talk to, than the humans in town... sadly."

Rajiri was about to answer when the zombie himself, presumably due to not being able to understand Draconian, interrupted the conversation between the dragons. His manners meant that Rajiri tolerated the intrusion without telling the undead to learn its place, and she watched as Arche returned to the position she previously occupied, preparing to start dragging the.. Grabbi once again. The red dragon-kin had never bothered giving those creatures names, nor had she learned it from her father. What left Rajiri slightly confused is the fact that Arche had apologized for prolonging the conversation with her kin.

He is far, far below you. Why would you apologize to such an inferior creature?

"-As for this thing, Grabbi's are known to eat endlessly. By studying it, I hope to create a bag from it that can hold a limitless amount of items. Care to join me? I wouldn't mind sitting over some good meat and talking. It's been such a long time since I was able to speak in dragontongue with another. And don't worry about the locals. Out here in the middle of nowhere they might not like us, but even they aren't foolish enough to try and touch the guest of a noble."

Rajiri considered her kin’s offer for a moment, and what she had said, watching her start carrying the carcass again. It had been a good few hours since the last meal she had, and she was starting to grow tired of the supplies she had forcefully taken from another inn. Being under the protection of another of her kin also meant that villagers probably wouldn’t dare kick her out of town, and Rajiri didn’t want to lose sight of Arche just after meeting her. It had been so long since the last time she met another dragon that she would’ve followed her almost anywhere just to spend a few more hours with her. Perhaps there even was a friendship to be found.

I gladly accept your offer, Arche; I’m curious to learn where your research on bottomless bags will lead. I also usually refuse any situations that would bring me closer to civilization, but there are many more things we could talk about, and I’m tired of speaking the common tongue. I wouldn’t want to lose contact with another of my kin so quickly. I’ll have to warn you, though, I don’t carry any coin on myself and I don’t enjoy the company of inferior races. That said, I’d be honored to be your companion for as long as our friendship endures.”

After speaking, Rajiri moved closer to the zombie and the carcass that the group she had just joined were carrying, beginning to move with them. She knew Arche would’ve eventually presented her to the undead, but she would’ve rather spoken with the creature herself. The smell of death was becoming almost unbearable to her, between the rotting grabbi and the rotting zombie. Bringing herself to speak the common tongue again, she addressed the creature.

“My name is Rajiri, dragon-kin. The rest you needn’t know."

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