Energy Parasite without % (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> Energy Parasite without % (10/6/2015 16:47:57)

There many reasons about why EP shouldn't work with a %:
-Is a good advantage vs NPC and Bosses. BM gets a lot of energy from this kind of battles.
-Don't let players have in a high level some skills like: Super Charge, Surgical Strike and Massacre. These skills required a lot of energy and have a highest warm u (3 turns). If you are CH and you want a build with Massacre level max, you need all your energy and dont waste it for 3 turns (with regular energy). If you stay with all your energy for 3 turns, you are giving a big advantage to BM cause they can drain more energy. Even you wouldn't be able to use it: you wait, BM use EP, you use Static charge after both turns and you probably won't have the enough energy.
-Don't let players have build with quite energy, because its a big advantage for BM. Again with the CH example: Max Massacre but with malf, you need more energy. There are some CH Mass builds with 900 energy, but vs BM they dont work, a lot of energy given.
-If the enemy dont have quite energy it doesn't work properly . you are BM and you are fighting a TM, is the moment of the fight when both has no energy and low health, if the TM use battery to heal himself you can do nothing. EP wont take the enough energy and he will heal, probably making you lose. Even you will neither get the enough energy to heal yourself.
-You dont have defined how much can you take or gain. All class know how much energy is allowed to take and get. You dont know if how much will you take, if you will have enough energy, nothing at all.
It should be similar to Static Smash, because that skill improve with strenght, and BM is supossed to be a strenght class. That would foment the BM str, dont make problems to bm with the drain of energy and will allow players to use builds with high skills or energy.

Cookiesaregood -> RE: Energy Parasite without % (10/6/2015 17:24:58)

I actually support this

The Jop -> RE: Energy Parasite without % (10/6/2015 19:16:09)

Yeah, that's all part of it. It's the best when the opponent has a lot of mana and the worst when they have very little. You want it to lose all uniqueness and just steal a pre-specified amount like every other energy absorbing move? You're just describing the positive aspects of it, the things that make it a special, unique, and sometimes risky move.

Cookiesaregood -> RE: Energy Parasite without % (10/6/2015 19:25:24)

nvm I dont support this anymore because I forgot blood mage has mob
It shouldnt have a strong energy gain

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Energy Parasite without % (10/7/2015 12:52:56)

Cookiesaregood I am not talking about making a stronger skill for BM. I'm just suggesting to take the %.
Jop you prefer the %? That skill is destroying massacre, super charge and surgical; and also builds with high energy. For me it seems wrong to take a % of opponent's energy.
If it worked in another way it would be more balanced.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Energy Parasite without % (11/3/2015 15:20:54)

i think bloodmage should have a static smash kinda move , supported

And this thread is practically a month old. Therefore, it will be locked as such. If you need to talk about the specific skill, go to the respective class thread.

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