could this bring players back (Full Version)

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ambien -> could this bring players back (10/7/2015 9:43:50)

maybe having more double weekens like even trying a double week of play . maybe if not that how about giving more credits for wins, an exp points, maybe bring back the influence system back then just having it for the wars, which have not happen in a very long time.

my thoughts on trying to get more players back

always the syfy

8x -> RE: could this bring players back (10/7/2015 12:27:03)

I haven't been in a PvP battle in 521 days, double/triple/quadruple/quintuple exp and credits would not make me want to play again. As for wars, they would make me want to stay further away.

But, this is just my opinion.

dfo99 -> RE: could this bring players back (10/7/2015 12:49:45)

/\ you opnion is obvious and exactly what i say about in my threads, if the game stay in same concept state, wars, power weekends, new missions, or anything will not made the player base go higher and stay higher, the christmas gift event made the old players back temporally, but after it they all quit again. same will happens when a large amount of biobeast players try play epic duel, see the game and quit.

i have a possible solution but it is already said that it never be implemented due unclear reasons imo.

DELTA BEING -> RE: could this bring players back (10/7/2015 19:06:27)


I don't think by increasing the rewards will make players want to come back because bigger rewards doesn't necessarily mean more fun and also an action like this could potentially hurt the game economy


I agree with you because over the years Epic Duel has gotten stale due it not introducing new features or concepts to freshen it up.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: could this bring players back (10/7/2015 20:54:02)

New balance overhaul. The current meta is terrible. Energy=everything

Xendran -> RE: could this bring players back (10/7/2015 23:47:55)

Double weekends don't make players come back. They tend to do the reverse, they make players feel like it's a waste of time to play during any time that doesn't have some sort of boost on it, so they play less overall.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: could this bring players back (10/8/2015 0:06:52)

One really easy way that the staff can at least make the game more interesting right now is to just screw around with all the numbers of everything. It will cause a huge meta shift, probably have a lot of balance problems, and people will be scrambling to try the large numbers of new possible builds that have arisen from such changes.

Drawback is that it won't be balance tested. Main pros of it though are that it gives people a lot of motivation to play and explore build options again, while making the game feel a lot more different so people don't get bored of the stale state that it is currently in. Also really easy to actually make happen.

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: could this bring players back (10/8/2015 4:48:02)

World domination is a badge that would bring some people in. Thats my opinion.

Front45 -> RE: could this bring players back (10/8/2015 9:07:37)

They don't want that people back. there are many problems and EpicDuel Administrators don't care about that

op items are: azrael's gun, dread aux, infernal android and endless armor. no matter other items to have. 1 vs 1 is dead because of high ranks. there are many unfair battles. jugg is dead. there is no balance between each other classes. op builds are str tm and str tlm and support tlm. no war starting. no back old best coreable weapons. there are only 150 people online. everything is dead. and no one cares. they don't wanna help us. infernal android has 9 of 10 people because it is op. i have 750 hp and on rage it can 500-600 damage. merc class is dead. static smash is weakest energy skill. bh getting so low energy only 213 for 4 turns. EP is weak also. strength and support builds are op. they don't trying back passive skills. already 3+ years that game is killed. maybe titan is doing other work. just i don't know what about are they thinking i mean ED Team. shame on you. fail

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 12:20:07)

They wont be updating the game much anymore, Income has stopped coming in , Their just trying to milk it for every penny they can get before they suicide the game.

If ED makes it long enough to see the end of flash it will be the end of ED , IF it makes it that far.

No chance on earth anyone is going to spend the money required to transfer this game to unity with its current numbers.

It just isn't viable

Its over

shadow.bane -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 14:11:21)

there is only 1 chance for them to have massive player base like beta , gamma , delta ... is to bring back what they took from players and the main reason that these paying player quit is that they took off passives and enhancements and agility with Varium advantage and remove the seasonal rare promise they made 2 - 3 years ago . simple as that but developers are to stubborn thinking the made the game better but the reality is that they killed the game when they did that and make 2000 + players quit instantly .

8x -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 15:06:43)


there is only 1 chance for them to have massive player base like beta , gamma , delta ... is to bring back what they took from players and the main reason that these paying player quit is that they took off passives and enhancements and agility with Varium advantage and remove the seasonal rare promise they made 2 - 3 years ago . simple as that but developers are to stubborn thinking the made the game better but the reality is that they killed the game when they did that and make 2000 + players quit instantly .

Yep, we all loved passives.

Enchantments on all weapons were a bad idea to begin with. They should have kept 3-4 enchantments on the primary weapons and stopped there.

Oh, you should have seen the outrage when agility was first introduced... But I guess we grew to love it and now want it back.

Yup, varium advantage would probably make paying customers happier. Currently, it just seems like a complete waste to spend money just to buy better looking weapons and armors.

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by remove the rare promise, but they should definitely not bring back any of the permanent rares. There is nothing that makes people angrier than their rares being completely devalued.

Mother1 -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 16:39:11)


he means make it so when promos go away they stay gone like they used to for most.

As for you last line sadly there are some people who don't care about that and just want all old items to come back.

8x -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 18:02:22)


he means make it so when promos go away they stay gone like they used to for most.

Oh, I see.


As for you last line sadly there are some people who don't care about that and just want all old items to come back.

Yup. And the irony of the whole thing is, that if they had their desired rares, they most likely wouldn't want them brought back either.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 19:22:31)

Personally I find it disgusting that people even think it's acceptable to ask for promised-permanent rares to be brought back just because they really want it. It's completely selfish and inconsiderate of any others who have said permanent rares.

I'll stand by my idea that if the devs actually showed that they're spending more time working on ED it would at least bring up community morale a bit. Also maybe more of directly talking to the forum members. These tiny balance changes aren't really bringing about dynamic change that'll make the game interesting again.

Daph Duck -> RE: could this bring players back (10/9/2015 22:57:05)

Let's just be honest n real... Ed is dead there's no hope players don't care devs dont care just like human bodies cheap flash games have there expiry date and epicduel is near its, just enjoy it (or dont) while its still up and dont think too much about it.

DELTA BEING -> RE: could this bring players back (10/10/2015 12:17:10)

@daph duck

I agree that Ed may be dead, but it still doesn't mean we still can't try to save it even if there's absolutely no chance

SonicTbear -> RE: could this bring players back (10/10/2015 12:48:46)

HeroSmash: Lack of writers
OverSoul: Loss and lack of game lead with the addition of coder lack (mostly working on mobile games and market, which also made it a bad time for this game to be released)
EpicDuel: Loss of players because the game sucks due to balancing fails, the addition of hurtful/harmful, useless, and/or unnecessary features, and the removal of helpful, useful, and/or necessary features

Basically for the major given problems for AE's games dying other than the fact of Flash limitations/death, loss of interest, or teens to young adults just simply "outgrowing a game," there is a fix for it. Just fixing the problems and adding in support to stabilize things will be the start of bringing players back and keeping a steady number of players active a day with tons of game content to take part in. If AE [and their games] becomes successful again, then the only thing that would kill a Flash game at that point would be the death of Flash itself.

ambien -> RE: could this bring players back (10/10/2015 22:46:29)

what rlly gets me is that the devs titan, night, knew 1 year ago flash was coming to a end an they did nothing did they. instead they posted this we all remb something new is coming we cannot tell you right now but soon ( an it was ios app called bio beast ) we can remb that in the ds notes. wow we are not little kids devs an titan and night you could of told us the truth, instead of hush hush rlly boys. unless ed does turn to unity, ed will die, you can dream all you want to the hand writing is on the wall. just be honest with the game players it is simple yes ed will live on or no ed will soon go away.

balance why even do balance. the devs cannot even just tell us the truth will ed go another 3 years or just die,or will ed die sooner then that. l wondered that is why battleon took ed over did they know flash was coming to a ed. maybe l do not know for sure just makes you wonder does it not.

any way my thoughts on this very sore subject always the syfy

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: could this bring players back (10/10/2015 23:01:47)

Syfy here is the thing in '09 when AE bought Epic Inventions LLC there was no plans for Unity. Flash was still the power house of gaming on the web so there was no need to look at other things, aside from the obvious Flash is a terrible program and you can read a good number of design notes in all AE games about that.

To quote Korin

Here's our timeline of learning Unity.
First Warlic and I played with it many years ago, probably around 2009 or 2010. We made a simple MQ game where you ran as a mech and shot things. Then we left it alone as AQW picked up speed.
Then we had a gametastic-week challenge where Dumoos, Llussion and I decided to learn Unity and we did and it got some attention and we finally started planning a little.
Then we tried Legends of Lore and it was a train wreck. Everyone was being told different things for optimization and it was truly insane and didn't work out.
Then Kraken (Undead Assault programmer) had free time and wanted to do something in Unity and started Bladehaven 3D which ultimately did not get released but we learned a butt-load about optimization and how Unity works.
Now Zhoom is taking what Kraken, Xero, Llussion, and I have learned from that game and applying it to the new game. So it took us 3 tries to now have something that we feel confident we can release and maintain as such a small team.

So it takes time and effort and to tie this back to ED for relevance, this is their Legend of Lore / Bladehaven 3D except theirs will actually get released and they're learning a lot. They may do another learning project or jump into a bigger one. No one knows. The focus is on getting BB and keep making things in Unity before browsers completely cut support Flash.

So I'm afraid all Flash games might be going the way of the dodo due to constant security flaws that browsers don't want to support and learning Unity is a must and I can say from experience that the last thing you want to do is rush into things and waste 2 years on projects that do absolutely nothing.

ambien -> RE: could this bring players back (10/10/2015 23:14:46)

well rlly hmmmmmmmmmmmm seems funny l play on the syfy web site. an about 2 months ago their game were once flash but now you got to have unity to play. an they have some of the top rated games on line for free fantasy games an role playing games. an it took them what maybe 3 months to change over. l do not understand . l am not trying to be a pain, but they knew it an you can say nope but they did, if other gaming sites now have gone to unity systems, why is it taking so long for ed to do it if they ever will. l just would like to know if l should spend more money an this game which l like a lot, or not if ed will not last more then 3 --4 months. that is all l would like to know like a lot of other players would to.

always the syfy

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: could this bring players back (10/10/2015 23:34:07)

Syfy do you have an official timeline from Flash to Unity as well as any possible Unity work from that team prior to the transition? These are important things as the ED team came into Unity in roughly march with no experience at all so everything up to this point is learning a new coding language as well a new art system and it took about six months to make a working game. Now if the team on your games had experience with Unity it is understandable that they would finish sooner than the ED team and being it is an online game that most likely follows the standard of receiving patches it is okay to make it not perfect. Whereas BioBeasts is a mobile game so it has to be pretty flawless otherwise it is going to receive a good bit of negative user reviews on bugs which could kill momentum towards a larger Unity project.

Again take a look back at Legends of Lore and how that failure halted the majority of Unity work for something like a year if not more. If that hadn't happened we probably wouldn't be having this conversation about Flash ED's lifespan and would of had BioBeasts and already be onto the next project be it a major PvP game or just a small multiplayer game before the Dev's dive into a major project

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: could this bring players back (11/1/2015 10:40:41)

more doubles = more botters

Battle Elf -> RE: could this bring players back (11/1/2015 18:32:40)

Please don't post in threads that have been inactive for 2 weeks or more.


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