SnakeYear -> Collection (10/13/2015 16:31:13)
COLLECTION (We have two spaces open right now! Apply apply apply!) Our two webpages are: Motive: Collection is a guild that loves to have fun! We duel and chat a lot, and we help each other farm too. You'll notice that everyone here is friendly and the general environment is very laid-back and amiable. Quirky people welcome! Requirements to join: You have to be level 50+ to join, and most of us like the Artix server. Additionally, wherever in game, such as in yulgars and battleons across the Artix server, ask one of us and you can apply! Rules: -Do not spam/try not to troll people -Try to be helpful and kind -When there is a problem, either ignore the person in question or contact a higher-up so that they can take action if it is serious. -Try to be respectful as well Leader: Revakul Co-leader: Zene (a.k.a. Zenie the Genie) Officers: Wii Player Same Baby_savage Ikairo banana Eques du Wisdom Members: Dreamville Cre Sonen 117 King Lokos ILLUminix SmokeyRevolver trum Bluetonguedlizard Drawingchaos500 hhh406 sky guard 21 no game no life hassan the 1 angel2kool Dr. Emo BrianTurtle The Dud Victor Don Doom Mana 1817 Wafi x Heuchell Neferas meme best blade lion claw Ray AE Goku gs_savasci_gs zioks cameronfraser Bestplayerever10 william99cool Fightingspirit1 Goddess of AE lord_hadez derpxpony ilovegod911 Overtalker Yugonick Vodka Juwaniie akshdeep 00 Rampage 00 maxi_619 RemyCabella