Exploding Penguin -> RE: New Skill Suggestions to Eliminate Overlapping Skills (11/21/2015 17:24:54)
Sorry, here are some clarifying details I forgot to include: -For the skill with no name, poison simply doesn't damage the shield but will instead directly damage health as usual. The skill also has a long cooldown -Physical damage means physical damage, not energy damage. So energy weapons and skills like plasma bolt would just damage the target as if the shield were never there. -The skill with no name serves mostly as a general defensive skill. It can be used to drop fast, bursty kills or it can be used to generally heal some health over time, so the enemy has to make a judgement call of whether or not they want to break the shield very quickly to stop the health regeneration or they want to ignore the HoT and instead try and go in for a quick, bursty kill through energy damage -The skill with no name will have its numbers work so that it will NOT be cost-efficient at all if the physical shield is broken on turn one or two, unless the physical shield would have otherwise prevented a kill. -Retrograde does NOT have a long cooldown (probably just 3 turns) but will have a moderately high energy cost. -Retrograde also makes heals do damage, just as damage becomes heals. Thus, it is basically a high-energy cost skill which sticks the target in a state where they're just kind of stuck at their current health. You don't want to attack the target, but that target doesn't want to heal either. Its primary use would be to stall a turn (or 2) for a player at the cost of a lot of energy, revolving a lot around coordinated strategy in particularly 2v2. Also don't forget that the target who is affected by retrograde cannot deal damage to others or heal allies because it is just straight-up going to end with a negative outcome for that person. -Because of the above listed factors, retrograde would be a very situational skill that tries to introduce a playstyle more involved around manipulation of cooldowns for both you and your opponent. Hope this clarifies some of your initial thoughts everyone.