Exploding Penguin -> RE: Change Infernal Android to Infernal Android P and E (11/1/2015 2:32:57)
The only reason I bought IA is because it's cheap. It is very cheap, especially for something that needs no upgrades. I think it's a good thing. It was the only robot I could afford, and is still my only robot. The other ones are insanely expensive; 45K is just too much when you've missed the gifting event. IA is nice because it's cheap so I have to agree with you there. I am going to say that 45k is nothing and this is coming from somebody who is constantly broke from retraining every 30 battles or so on average. Bots always costed obscene amounts of credits years before the gifting event last year and people dealt with it. Assault bot cost like 30k or something and people used it because back then it was really strong for F2P robot (during the time where varium had a large impact on the game). Stuff like the Endless's shop is absurd and pretty much requires the gifting event or arcade, but I'm hesitant to say 45k is an unfair price for stuff. If anything, we shouldn't be treating a special event like the gifting as a necessity for stuff.