RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (Full Version)

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Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 13:24:57)

Posted, at last.

Dream exposition, and now she's going to try and make sense of whatever's happening in the town. Trying to get back in to the swing of things. This fight has me completely lost.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 13:37:07)

And posted. Hope I didn't transgress upon anything, if I did just let me know and i'll be quick to update it immediately.

The TL;DR is I freed one of you and opened the gate for Vanir and TJ.
Am kinda rusty so I hope the post isn't too dull to read through.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 14:33:56)

You may be rusty, but that was a sound post! The part about paying upfront was a solid addition to describing Sorlan's experience as a veteran hunter.

He also wrecks over yet ANOTHER door XD

I won't be able to post for maybe two days, but the story so far has me excited!

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 15:18:23)


The TL;DR is I freed one of you and opened the gate for Vanir and TJ.

Hot dog! I'll read the recent posts and get one of my own in pronto.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 15:41:40)

Ya BK, like I told Rem in pm's, the vines are apart of the plot, you're not gonna be able to cut through this as they are powered by Gugl's magic.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 16:07:01)

Damn, even with how powerful Master Sorcerer Sorlan's Hilt ability is, he couldn't cut through simple vines!? :O

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 16:23:16)

Ahh so those vines are more supernatural in nature than expected. I'll edit my post to Sorlan trying to [and failing in the process] before confronting both foxes.

Can I bunny them or are they a back and forth thing between you and whomever is fighting?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 16:28:59)

they are semi-bunnyable, like the nazha were. Tho, which foxes are you talking about?

@Rem: Sorlan's fire might burn away the vines for a bit, but they'd instantly regrow. Other than that, his sword won't do a thing to these vines.

Gugl is over a thousand years old and his magic power makes Kit's look like it belong's to a child that just learned of their magical talent.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 16:33:12)

The two that were surrounding Remaint.

And care to remind me how semi bunnyable characters work? ;p

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 16:50:41)

Pretty much you are allowed to bunny them, but I'll also be putting up posts of actions that they'll be taking in the fight. Also, if you're going to be fighting the foxes, do remember that there are four other foxes around that aren't fighting anymore. I doubt Sorlan is looking for a 6v1, so he'll have to be careful about how he approaches this fight.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 16:59:51)

Tbh i'm counting on Vanir and TJ to come take some of the heat so it ca atleast just be a 2v1

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 19:06:59)

In-Fer-No! In-Fer-No! In-Fer-No!

Set them canids all ablaze, haHAHaha!

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 20:28:17)

That would be many ways. One being that you are right next to Sorlan:P

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/28/2015 21:44:26)

Oh! in-fer-no then X(

Wouldn't want Folliwen to be Roast Elf Special or something.

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/29/2015 20:49:22)

Corvus joins the battle!

I'm not sure which fox has which name and is in which geographic point, so I did not make his target specific. Whichever foxes are staring down Sorlan, Corvus shot one of them.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/31/2015 7:35:53)

Cool beans. I think Dracyos is posting next because what Sorlan will do will depend on your arrow hitting its mark and the other fox decided to do.

I read through this OOC and if you end up deciding to do a classic werewolf plot, it'll be over pretty quick considering we've got many hunters in this RP.

Otherwise i'm just trying to think where I want to take Sorlan after this arc is over. I don't have any real sub plots planned and I don't know how feasible hunting Kitsondra would be considering how integral she is to the story.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/31/2015 14:00:43)

Man, I don't know why I just suddenly forgot about this, after I decided to come back. Apologies guys, again.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/31/2015 15:29:24)

You're in luck. I just cracked open the door that allows your character and Vanir's to enter.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (12/31/2015 21:41:24)

I think I'm going to wait to introduce Gadrin until the current arc is over.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/1/2016 0:14:51)

Happy new years all:)

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 8:51:41)

Ging, TJ, are you planning on posting, or would you like if I went ahead and posted?

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 10:54:05)

Hmm I may have an idea for your character, Remaint, once this arc is done.

Sorlan needs a hunting partner to hunt big game. Filoween [sp?] wants to learn pyromancy.
There is a mutual, beneficial exchange of interest there.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 14:40:50)

"Filoween" would be up for that X)

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 14:50:44)

Fantasy names are a nightmare haha. The hardest part of a bio for me is always naming the character.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 16:30:42)

So long as the names don't have apostrophes in them, I'm fine with it~

I tend to preemptively create names. There are times where I read history and think, "what if I move a couple of letters here and there?" I like to make names that are influenced by existing languages, but don't really relate to the language, or have an actual meaning at all(to my knowledge anyways). "Folliwen", "Ethna", "Woyadei".

Master K, do you intend to continue the Stone-Faced Saint arc after the "White-Hatted Vampire" arc?

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