Uskius -> RE: Uskius' Beastiary and Armory (10/16/2021 23:12:49)
Chicken of Salvation Armor After dusting off my manual and performing another necrobump ritual, I decided to get back to work on an armor. Since the beginning of my adventuring career, I've been fascinated by flight, and have wanted a shiny golden armor with feathery white wings. Since I still haven't been able to find anything quite like what I was looking for from Yulgar, I figured I would just make it myself. The first thing that came to mind was my Sacred Chicken pet, Samma. Her breastplate would work nicely, and I figured I would create a copy of it. After analyzing it I saw it didn't contain any innate magic, which would thankfully make producing a duplicate with alchemy pretty easy. So, I made a copy and scaled it up in size, then looked for armor to pair it with. After scrolling through a big catalogue I settled on the Salvation Armor. Just seeing it brought back a lot of memories, and I could feel that it would be the right choice. My analysis, though, revealed a lot of inherent magic. This would mean I'd have to poke around more to see what could be modified without the whole thing blowing up or falling apart. That process took a while, but I did it, and then proceeded to make a copy with alchemy. After that, I made a few adjustments to the straps and fit on the new breastplate, then sewed up some new fabric to match. Now, while I couldn't copy the magic associated with the parts, without any blessings or magic of its own, the armor just felt incomplete. When I thought of what would be appropriate, my mind went back to Samma, and of a strong warrior bursting with good health. So, I thought of my paladin training, and enchanted the armor to occasionally heal the wearer after attacking. I added another enchantment that would break off any burning or bleeding or poison or disease effects of the wearer, for free the first time, but subsequent uses would take a little skill. While I wanted to just make it the best armor I could, the strong magic of the cleansing enchantment already had a negative effect on the armor's defenses, so reluctantly I decided that would be enough. In testing, I found the armor had nice and equal resistances to Light and Wind element damage, and a nice amount of mobility that allowed for strong offense. While it normally didn't allow me to hit super hard, about half of the time I found I could muster up my strength for a much larger attack, similar to my Revenant armor. Doing this was a nice test of my alchemy skills, which I hadn't used in a long time. I stayed away from SWF-type alchemy and used another method that combined taking a magical snapshot of the armor's properties with using the ancient MS Paint method of magical forging. Pictured is an old Guardian colleague of mine called UltraGuy, taken in front of a green screen, which I use for tracking the visual coding of a spell. [image][/image]