RE: Reputation Farming Guide (Full Version)

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The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (3/21/2016 12:07:35)

Skytower Aegis
The forces of Good refuse to stand down in the face of evil!

The Quickest Way
Although there are a lot of quests, only a few are worth doing. Fortunately, they're all very close together, so you can /join aegis-100000 to turn in quests very effectively.
    Skytower Aegis
    Do the following 3 quests together. Accept Wilfre, then 2 right for Fablen, and then up -> far left for Onager. Now, walk right to get 1 of each type, and then walk right twice to get 1 more of each. After that, go up -> far left -> right and repeat. Turn in when applicable. Seraphic Assassins and Virtuous Warriors are humankind, so (Dual) Chainsaw Katana gives you +25% damage.

  • Kick Some Can - Wilfre Beat 6 Seraphic Assassins and 6 Virtuous Warriors.
    Reward: 300 Aegis Rep

Other Tactics
    Skytower Aegis
    If you want a bit of a less effort-intensive method, use /join skytower-100000 and walk up twice. Destroy the stones, then room hop until the quests are filled. Easy with anything that can hit 3 monsters at once.
  • Smashing! - Wilfre: Destroy 4 of each kind of gemstone for 300 rep. Just walk up 2 rooms from the spawn, so it's very easy access.
    Reward: 300 Aegis Rep

  • Celestial Stones - Ithuriel: Destroy 3 of each kind of gemstone for 300 rep. Although this seems like a bit of a ripoff at 33 rep per kill (and 25 for Smashing!), this makes for a total of 58, which is better than the average 50 you would get from doing the other quest.
    Reward: 300 Aegis Rep

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (WIP) (6/4/2016 0:44:25)

Bacon Cat Lair
We humans are the supreme meme machines, but bacon cats are also suprememe.
This faction is by easier to grind for Legends. The difference is actually so large that you might as well put it off until membership, because even though it's fairly fast for non-Legends, it's much faster for Legends.

The Quickest Way: [image][/image]
A very small faction, accept just a few quests and then go ham. The monsters are all low HP and easy to kill with a multi-hitter, so even the weakest multi-hitters can suffice.
Room hopping in order to clear the cloud shark room and the ice cream room appear to give the best returns.

    Bacon Cat Force Headquarters
  • Robo Sharks! - Ziri: 10 Robo Sharks for 1000 rep. Easy peasy.
    Reward: 1000 BaconCat Rep

  • Sharks Should Not Walk - Ziri: Two sets of 4 Robo Sharks for 800 rep. Easier peasier.
    Reward: 800 BaconCat Rep

  • Grab Those Quarters - Ziri: 7 Robo Sharks now gets you 800 rep. Easiest peasiest. 10 Robo Sharks gets you the crazy amount of 3143 rep, which translates to 3929 with the Cape of Awe. Very easy to grind, but if you want a different method...
    Reward: 800 BaconCat Rep

  • Wheel of Bacon - Wheel of Bacon: Got some Bacon tokens? Turn in 5 for 500 more rep!
    Reward: 500 BaconCat Rep

Alternative methods: [image][/image]
    Bacon Cat Force Headquarters
  • Giant, Huge Cyborg Shark! - Ziri: The boss gives you 1500 a kill, which can go by extremely quickly with a good group.
    Reward: 1500 BaconCat Rep

The Quickest Way for Non-Legends
A very small faction, accept just a few quests and then go ham. The monsters are all low HP and easy to kill with a multi-hitter, so even the weakest multi-hitters can suffice.
Room hopping in order to clear the cloud shark room and the ice cream room appear to give the best returns.
    Bacon Cat Force Headquarters
  • Ziri Is Also Tough - Ziri: Kill (almost) any breed of shark and get their teeth. Teeth can drop up to 3x in a stack, so strapping on Blaze Binder or Shaman and clearing 2 rooms will more often than not net you enough teeth.
    Reward: 800 BaconCat Rep

  • Get Those Waffles Cones Already - Ziri: 5x Ice Cream Shark gets you 500 rep. 100 per kill is great, and it's even more swell when combined with the above quest!
    Reward: 500 BaconCat Rep

  • Save Kittarians - Ziri: Go through the cat-clothed shark room twice to get the stuff.
    Reward: 800 BaconCat Rep

  • BaconCat Force Needs YOU! - Ziri: Go through each room and clear everybody for another 800 rep. While you can do fine by only doing the first few quests, the more quests you do, the better this one becomes.
    Reward: 800 BaconCat Rep

  • Cloud Sharks! - Ziri: Kill 6x Cloud Shark. The drop isn't 100%, so more than two run-throughs may be necessary.
    Reward: 200 BaconCat Rep

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (WIP) (6/11/2016 10:51:06)

Death Pit Arena
This one's actually kind of sad... Just grinding away at the weakest general for big rep rewards...

The Quickest Way

    General Velm
  • Battle: You vs the Brawlers! - General Velm: 3 fairly weak monsters for 600 rep. Useful if you can't find a party, or just want to fly solo. Great for any class that can put out an aoe 3 of 2k damage.
    Reward: 600 Death Pit Arena Rep

Death Pit Brawl
Beat face in PvP to get rewards and be the master of the arena!

The Quickest Way
    Stack all three quests together for the best results, stick to the last 2 for less headache.
    General Hun'Gar
  • Flex for Hun'Gar - General Hun'Gar:
    Defeat 15 other players in PvP. Might be a bit harder than traditional factions because other players have skills
    Reward: 500 Death Pit Arena Rep

    General Hun'Gar
  • Pummel for Hun'Gar - General Hun'Gar:
    Defeat 3 Brawlers and 4 Restorers. Normally this is doable in the standard PvP game, but for those who don't want to interact with other players, only doing Pummel and Destroy can still give a respectable rep reward.
    Reward: 300 Death Pit Arena Rep

    General Hun'Gar
  • Destroy for Hun'Gar - General Hun'Gar:
    Only engage the boss when enough of the monsters are down. Going solo, the classes that can beat the minions quickly don't always beat the General as efficiently, so plan accordingly.
    Reward: 500 Death Pit Arena Rep

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (WIP) (7/15/2016 14:03:56)

Massive ancient mechanisms? Time travel? Pyramids? This is clearly the work of the Illoreminati!

The Quickest Way:
    Fourth Dimensional Pyramid
  • The Black Plague - Sekt With a good party, defeating the Black Plague is by far more productive than Sphinxes. Not only can a group take down this boss quickly, but in doing so, no player interferes with each other's progress.
    Reward: 300 rep.
Other Tactics
    Fourth Dimensional Pyramid
  • Sphinxes are Riddled With Gems - Future You - Part 2! Without a good group at the boss, Sphinxes are faster to do individually. Get 2 white gems and 2 black gems, turn in for a hefty rep reward. Not a guaranteed drop, though, which can be frustrating when the two types of Sphinxes decide to be uncooperative.
    Reward: 500 rep.

T7388 -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (WIP) (7/18/2016 23:01:25)

Eternal Rep:

For the /Yasaris map;

  • Combine Secrets and Whispers and The Venom is the Key
  • Combine Cross the Chasm and Needs More Energy
  • Combine Activate the Levers and Reveal the Paths

    As each combination gives 400 Rep, just thought I'd suggest them. Classes like Daimon, AbA, Blaze, TSS can easily clear the enemies.

  • The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (7/19/2016 0:01:20)

    Looking at the numbers, Secrets/Venom is 400 rep for 11 kills, and from what I could tell, they're not 100% drops.
    Chasm/Energy is more appealing, but suffers the same problem of being non-guaranteed drops.
    Levers/Paths is not viable because of the large hp values and Levers being a click quest (forcing re-logging)

    As much as I want to encourage people to collaborate with fighting the Black Plague, even doing Sphinx Gems is more efficient. Roughly the same amount of hp each as Falcons and Serpents, but you only need 2 sets of 2 for 500 rep.

    Other than the once-only quests, Yasaris hasn't been a very big boon for Eternal faction, although people have observed that it's not too hard a faction as opposed to some of the older ones.

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (10/11/2016 12:37:33)

    Mysterious Dungeon
    Cursed antique stores, where the paintings really do follow you with their eyes?

    The Quickest Way:
      Cursed Antique Shop
    • Lamps, Paintings and Chairs, oh my! - Cursed Bust An easy 4000 hp fight for 200 rep. Boost with effects accordingly. At the moment the cutscene always seems to play, although skipping that is fast and still twice as efficient as doing the loot farming quest that has no cutscene.

      If there are too many people mobbing the Writing Desk, you could always go to the next miniboss. They all give 400 rep and are extremely fast to grind.
      Reward: 400 rep.

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (12/17/2016 12:15:49)

    Frozen is like 3 years old now, so I'm just going to let it go.

    The Quickest Way:

      IcePike Cave
    • Take down Kezeroth - Syrrus Might not be ideal because it's a 200k hp boss, but 500 rep per kill goes by fairly quickly with a dedicated party.
      Reward: 500 rep.

      IcePike Cave
    • Free the Moglins - Syrrus Finally a good reason to use Eternal Inversionist. Fire off Caricature, and immediately collect 200 rep.
      Reward: 200 rep.

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (2/17/2017 22:02:46)

    Dreadfire Keep
    Infiltrate the Infernal army, and reap their rewards!

    The Quickest Way
      Dreadfire Keep
    • Gather Crystals - Haasheth Break Arcane Crystals for a shot at 400 rep. 10-20% drop rate thing makes for very low effort grinding, made even better by rep boosting gear. Blaze Binder autohit is your friend.
      Reward: 400 Dreadfire Rep

      If you don't feel like rolling the dice, there's also 2 other quests that give a fair amount of rep:
    • Sparring Practice - Haasheth Beat 6 Scryers. They go down fairly quickly, and the quest giver is in the same room for fastest turning.
      Reward: 300 Dreadfire Rep
    • Fill the Vials - Haasheth The other half, since you're going to have to clear the room anyways, might as well rack up an extra 300 for every 8 mana kills.
      Reward: 300 Dreadfire Rep

    Infernal Army
    The other half of the Infernal faction for now, get in the pit and get to fighting!

    The Quickest Way
      Dreadfire Keep
    • Get That Beetle - Malurach Surprisingly, the second tier monster actually rewards slightly more rep per hp! 1 rep per 53.6 HP, as compared to 55.7 for the Living Brimstone. Both are very close, but this Megacerus is overall the best.
      Reward: 350 Infernal Army Rep

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (3/24/2017 18:38:25)

    Chaos Militia
    You need Rank 10 Chaos to start this faction. The old quest at /Mountdoomskull is quite easy, and makes this take very few pints of sweat.

    The Quickest Way
    • Expect the Inquisitors - Iaste While Doomwood Soldiers have less converted HP when factoring in BLOD, there are currently no zones with guaranteed 3x or even 2x Doomwood Soldiers. 2 Inquisitor Guards appear in the second room of /Citadel, and can easily be blown apart for fast rep.
      Reward: 300 Chaos Militia Rep

    • Sparring with Chaos - Iaste Enter the training room and fight 3 sets of Chaos Virago, Mage, and Rogue. They have proportionally much more HP than the Inquisitors, but you can jump between three rooms for faster fighting. Blaze Binder or Shaman using Chaorrupter Unlocked is a must.
      Reward: 175 Chaos Militia Rep

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (4/14/2017 18:32:32)

    Monster Hunter
    Don't get down with the sickness, because when the Queen of Monsters' forces have invaded, it's time for the hunters to become the hunted!

    The Quickest Way
      Charred Path
      • Destroy the Zognax - Gravelyn: Beat up a single monster over and over for an unprecedented 500 Monster Hunter rep! It's easy with friends!
        Note: Following subsequent updates to the /charredpath map, after beating the Zognax the first time, you'll have to talk to Gravelyn to fight it again, rather than walking back to the same room.
        Reward: 500 Monster Hunter Rep

      Alternate Method
      You have to string a lot of quests together to get meaningful progress, which is going to hurt a lot. The best way to grind is to accept all of the quests, and after completing a loop, joining a new room and restarting the loop.
        The Rift
      • Don't Inhale - Khargryn: Collect samples from 5 Clouds and 5 Fumes. Simple.
        Reward: 125 Monster Hunter Rep

      • Energize Me! - Torque: This is the main quest. It needs 12 kills, but it's 12 of any monster which means everything in the map gives a little bit of progress. You need to have one of the Inspiration potions in inventory to do the quest, which may or may not be a bag slot tax.
        Reward: 125 Monster Hunter Rep

      • Get Samples - Lord Brentan: Collect more Fumes and Bile. Pair with the Warlic quest.
        Reward: 150 Monster Hunter Rep

      • Get the Poison - Warlic: Collect even more samples from 5 Clouds and 5 Fumes. Not a guaranteed drop but this is one of your main sources.
        Reward: 125 Monster Hunter Rep

      • Slay the Strays - Lord Brentan: The Plague/Parasite route has weaker monsters, and can let you farm for Ascended Paladin. If you want Ascended Paladin, you should do this. Otherwise, default back to kicking gas.
        Reward: 150 Monster Hunter Rep

      Daily Quest:
      • Reclaim the Research - Loremaster Emily: It's a fairly generous daily, ensuring that even the least motivated of farmers can get the class in 200 days.
        Reward: 1,500 Monster Hunter Rep

      Once per login
      Don't hope to get meaningful progress out of these quests, but if you're going to be doing some anyways, you might as well pick these up each time you do log in. 350 extra rep isn't worth breaking your flow over.

      Greenguard East
    • Wave of Mutilation - Artix: Kill 10 of the Rift monsters invading Greenguard Forest for 150 rep and collect Rift Defense Medals to merge some cool rewards.
      Reward: 150 Monster Hunter Rep

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Reputation Farming Guide (3/17/2019 20:06:13)

    Faerie Court
    Complete these in sequence as they become available. Zoom through the quests and get the Queen's Answer. Very straightforward.

    The Quickest Way
      Fae Grove
    • Gain the Sight - Shamrock Fairy Get 3 Clovers from Lucky Harms in /rainbow. /goto or complete the zone to get to the boss.
      Reward: 2,000 Faerie Court Rep

        Fae Grove
      • Oak for Luck and Joy - Shamrock Fairy Get drops from Acornents in /faegrove. Requires less walking and is faster overall. Requires Rank 5 Faerie Court.
        Reward: 2,000 Faerie Court Rep

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