Lord Machaar -> RE: Support Merc + Blood Commander (1/2/2016 8:45:55)
This would mean that you want to prevent my suggestions because they are not in your personal interest as YOUR interest is not balance and build diversity. You transmit and mirror your own behaviour on me with your accusation. I had never seen a balance suggestion from you where you suggested a nerf for TLM which was your class for a very long time even that you wrote that you think that this class is OPed. This would benefit my interests in what way? Because I'm defending a class that I'm not even using? Mercenary as a class has simply been the most unused, in a very long time now, that's the first reason why it shouldn't be nerfed. Second of all, your mathematical comparison* between MoB & Blood Commander is wrong, as one skill works with different builds while the other doesn't because it improves with one stat. Does that benefit all mercenary builds? No, but does that mean it should be nerfed? Absolutely not. Blood Commander should be tweaked not nerfed. I wouldn't say TLM as a class is OP, you haven't played it before, therefore I don't think you can X class is OP or not. I can state many weaknesses of TLM as a class, and the different builds that encounters TLM's 5 focus and TLM's support. With only 2 viable builds, I wouldn't say this class is OP, I would say TM (which I'm currently using) that has 4 viable builds should be looked into, because when you say a class that dominates different builds, that wouldn't leave a chance for other classes to shine. Same thing goes with TMs/BHs dominating high dex builds preventing other classes from using it, so on and so forth. *ED devs, notably Rabblefroth, loves mathematical related posts, but the thing is here, basing balance on mathematical proof without testing, and I'm 110% sure that there won't be any testing because Mecha Mario has probably quitted being a tester, Rabblefroth will just come back to comparing skills out of their context which is the skill tree, without testing, without many things, entering the game in much more complicated situations.