=ED= January 6th, 2016 - Coming Attractions 2016 (Full Version)

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Therril Oreb -> =ED= January 6th, 2016 - Coming Attractions 2016 (1/6/2016 18:03:54)


January 06, 2016
Coming Attractions 2016

New year, new list of goals and milestones. 2015 was a hard year with a lot of late nights and steep challenges, but much was learned and accomplished, enough to prepare us to attack 2016 head-on!

AQ3D Kickstarter 200% FUNDED!
This is old news, but still fantastic! I’ll just use Cysero’s post since he put it so eloquently:

    All Hail the Backer/Founders of AdventureQuest 3D!

    You did it! You really did it! AdventureQuest 3D is happening!

    What an incredible way to start our New Year of adventure together. Including Kickstarter ($368,503) and Paypal ($34,265), our final total is a colossal $402,768. ALSO, you have gotten AdventureQuest 3D greenlit on Steam and unlocked ALL of the posted Stretch Goals! Absolutely amazing! Way to go everyone!


    Thank you!

    On behalf of the entire Artix Entertainment team, thank you. This is all because of you and our amazing community. As a direct result of successful support on this campaign, we will now be able to finish building and deliver AdventureQuest 3D. Thank you for seeing the potential of this project. Most of all, thank you for giving us the opportunity to build this amazing cross-platform, massively multiplayer game for you. As a Backer/Founder, we invite you to join us as we build it!

The incredible success of the AQ3D Kickstarter is an incredible opening to 2016! “Why is this good for any other game,” you ask? “How does it affect EpicDuel?” Well, Artix Entertainment is more than one product: it’s a network of games. When one game does REALLY well, the traffic to all the other games increases. This benefit extends to our mobile games, including BioBeasts, of course. If AQ3D delivers on the promises of the Kickstarter, there’s no reason it won’t be orders of magnitude more successful than AQW, which could mean a new breath of life into the legacy games as new players discover them for the first time while veterans return after many months or years away, their hearts brimming with nostalgia.

Gifting Conclusion
This week, the 2015-2016 gifting event reaches its conclusion. We had a bit of a hiccup as addressed in the previous post, but we’re still very impressed with the amount of gifting in this second iteration of the popular event. After the event concludes, we will award the prizes as soon as we are able. Keep in mind that this is a manual, not automatic, process so it will take some time to distribute the prizes.

BioBeasts is so, so very close to releasing. After many weeks of polish and overcoming technical setbacks from Unity, BioBeasts is probably as ready as a game could be to launch. We were hoping to possibly release before Christmas, but since even a company as huge as Apple takes a vacation around that time, we weren’t able to get a final build approved.
Yes, we were already approved, but if you change anything in the game, even nudging a logo or fixing a typo in the game, a new build must be submitted for launch approval. This is part of the reason it’s so difficult to put an exact launch date on mobile titles. The Android process is much easier, but we feel it’s crucial to the success of the game that we launch on iOS and Android simultaneously.

In the name of full-transparency, let me show you the final tasks remaining for BioBeasts:

  • Polish Tutorial
    • Ensure clarity in every tutorial step ( this is mostly done, there are just some minor tweaks we want to add to the tutorial which we hope will add clarity. )

  • Third-Party Integrations
    • Test Apple and Google purchase platforms
    • Test Ad integration via Unity Ads
    • Test Analytics via Unity Analytics

  • Finalize Marketing materials
    • BioBeasts Video
    • Image graphics for Google Play and Apple Store
    • Image graphics for AE network

  • Launch and play final beta testing build!
  • Hit the big red submit button!

Central Station War
The Central Station War is still coming later this month, as Legion and Exile collide once again in Delta V’s classic starting zone. The defenders will commandeer the communications array in the middle of the station and seek to destroy Propaganda Towers broadcasting unsanctioned materials, while the attackers will attempt to subvert the alignment propaganda being spewed towards newcomers with some of their own.

What Comes Next?
After the launch of BioBeasts, we expect a few content updates to add a few “wish list” features and implement the inevitable, but hopefully minimal, bug fixes. We will do everything we can to promote it through every channel available to us so that will consume much of our time immediately after launch. What happens after that depends greatly on the success of the game. We have plenty of ideas from the testers and in-house to potentially expand the scope and depth of the game if it really takes off.

As for EpicDuel, we are continuing development as planned. Our Guest Team is actively conceptualizing future events, writing new mission chains, reorganizing existing content, and preparing to launch a new War. New Years and Heartbreaker gear will also return as planned.

Tags: Nightwraith

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 19:08:03)

about the ed future i only want to know 2 things

1 with biobeast failure there is a risk of epic duel be deactivated and all ed content, accs etc be deleted for use the hardwares for others purposes?
2 if in the best hypothesis bb became a enormous success (as like or more than flapbird) and the unity ED 2.0 development start, the normal ED will continue to exist and ED2 will be other game and all players will start from lv 1?. or all accs will be transferred to the ED2 and the flash ED will be deactivated?

if this was a poll i would vote for the transfer all accs to ed2, start from lv 1 not only would be really annoying, but also have everybody in lv 1 would make ed2 not even be ed, just other new game only called EpicDuel2

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 19:49:29)

The success or failure of BioBeasts does not directly affect EpicDuel. There are currently no plans for ED2 and thus no word on what it might entail.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 20:18:43)

@Silver Sky Magician: That's simply not true, however, ED being directly impacted by BioBeasts is not a bad thing and does not have to be seen in a negative light.

Every second spent on biobeasts is time that could theoretically be spent on epicduel. Every dollar spent on biobeasts, as well as every dollar made by biobeasts is also a dollar that can, in theory, go toward EpicDuel.
ED has already been directly affected, if they weren't making biobeasts their plans would be purely ED and we would have seen more substantial ED content during the biobeasts release cycle.
Whether or not the current plans for epicduel are unaffected by BioBeasts, it does not change the fact that those current plans are in place because of BioBeasts.

To truly have no impact, it would have been designed by a new team, as well as using funding that was never going to be in the hands of the ED devs (because if that was an option they could theoretically spend it on more ED development).

Thing is though, that time spent on BioBeasts is going to make epicduel even better than if they had spent that time and money directly on EpicDuel without ever making BioBeasts!
It's something you can get your players excited for, how BioBeasts is giving the developers new experience, ideas and assets to work with for EpicDuel and even giving ED and all other AE games a new IP to crossover with.

This fact is also better for the public image of everyone in the company. If you say BioBeasts isnt impacting epicduel, it makes EpicDuel's latest updates look really bad because of how barebones they are. It gives off the idea of "The devs are still putting in the same amount of work to ED as previously, but the content updates are getting scarcer and contain less". Not only that, but that idea also mixes in with "The devs are still focused and 100% on epicduel" which then gives off the idea that they are going to half-ass biobeasts. While neither of these things are necessarily true, it's very easy to see the kind of mindset it puts players in.

It also makes players feel off when you say something like that, because there is just absolutely no way it's true with the same teams being behind the games.

You want players to know that ED WILL be affected. ED will be directly affected because the developers have more experience, AND experience with a new engine. New experience gives new ideas which they can use to improve EpicDuel!
BioBeasts can allow them to test certain generic systems out (like how damage mitigation works. Sure it's real time, but there are ways to use that to help balance turn-based) for an overall feel so they have better ideas of how they may or may not want to implement some of them in epicduel, or replace existing epicduel mechanics with it.
Since biobeasts is a small-scale single player game, it has a state of completion unlike EpicDuel. Once this state is reached, very little funding needs to go back into it other than minor content updates, bugfixes, etc. . Much less than the development. For players, this means that if they rally together and show their support to make BioBeasts successful, the extra funding is going to give the developers more freedom to both make EpicDuel even better, as well as work on more new projects.

With this BioBeasts experience, it also opens up the potential of an EpicDuel 2 or a spiritual successor to EpicDuel on the Unity platform. If they had simply spent the time and money on EpicDuel, then EpicDuel would actually be doomed because of the death of flash. BioBeasts is effectively capable of saving EpicDuel from inevitable death while also allowing EpicDuel to be better than it has ever been. This is great news!

You want to get your players excited about the way that BioBeasts will directly impact ED in a positive way. Saying it doesn't both makes the players feel like they are being lied to, even though you aren't lying, it's more just that you're looking at things a different way and as an artist likely don't have a particularly large amount of experience dealing with financials, which is of course not to fault since that's not your job. Biased and misinformed player mindsets also makes both the state of ED updates look worse ("Why are ED updates so lackluster if BioBeasts isnt affecting them?" mindset) and BioBeasts development look worse ("How are you going to make BioBeasts good if you're focusing all your energy on epicduel?" Mindset).

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 20:24:38)


What directly affects EpicDuel is the process of developing BioBeasts due to shifted development time and the experience the devs have gained from that process. The success or failure of BioBeasts will have no foreseeable direct impact on ED's development, unless the devs decide to commit more time to developing BioBeasts if it proves a wild success.

Money gained from BioBeasts, like all other AE games, goes to AE and will be distributed by management, so it doesn't directly go to the ED team.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 20:33:10)

Failure of BioBeasts does have an impact, but it's not quite as tangible.
When a game fails, the value of your experience is heavily diminished, and also brings along doubt, anxiety and uncertainty among a myriad of other issues such as PR and review scores negatively impacting your future crowdfunding, preorder, and micro/macrotransaction uptakes, etc.

Regardless, saying that it won't impact it has no positive connotations in any way, only negative ones.
What you just said, if true, is implying (again not necessarily true, you just need to realize what is implied) that if BioBeasts is a huge success, the ED team will not see any of that extra funding that they poured their valuable time, effort and care into returned back to them in order to make even more great products. Also, from a logical standpoint it doesn't make sense to not funnel more funding to a highly successful team.

Again, a negative to claiming it has no impact. Now if AE does decide that BioBeasts theoretical massive success is worthy of them granting extra budget, then that just negated your claim. So in the end, we have either a false claim, or a parent company that people will see as treating their in house development teams without respect. Neither of these are good.

If you focus on the positive instead of denying a potential negative that isn't even likely to happen (BioBeasts is really unlikely to fail), not only do you garner up more excitement for the future of EpicDuel but you also hype up and encourage the support of BioBeasts (which then makes it even more unlikely to fail, as well as increasing your install base).
Again, it also makes players feel like you are being more transparent with them. It's all about dealing with the community and players, and getting them to see the same great potential in both of these games that the developers see.

The devs have a vision for BioBeasts that i'm sure involves it directly impacting the future of EpicDuel to make it the best it's ever been, whether that bee with a nice content update and then ending support with the game in a good state, or whether that is creating an ED2 or a spiritual successor. That vision needs to be shown to the players in ways they can understand so they are excited that time is being spent on BioBeasts, and that it will improve, if not the EpicDuel we know today, the concept of this development teams ideal 2d turn based PVP RPG.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 20:41:14)

Sorry, I feel that I may not have been clear enough.

As stated in the DNs, much of what lies ahead depends on the success of BioBeasts. It is important to us that it succeeds, for many of the reasons you have stated above. If nothing else, it gives the devs confidence to pursue development of a more ambitious new game, possibly ED2, whereas failure would be cause for caution and delay any such plans.

However, success or failure of BioBeasts will not directly affect ED in that we cannot possibly make the statement 'BioBeasts succeeds/fails, therefore ED will be affected in so-and-so way', as in dfo99's questions. BioBeasts' success is definitely important for ED's future, but that impact is not direct - by which I mean that that impact is unclear and that it would not be reasonable to expect ED to change in defined ways as a direct consequence of BioBeasts' success or failure. In other words, whether BioBeasts succeeds or fails, players shouldn't have the expectation of 'therefore so-and-so will happen to ED', because the connection isn't direct.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 20:48:25)

Exactly: You aren't clear enough, and it's because of the focus on negative semantics. This is why your statements are going to cause these negative player mindsets and generate bad PR, despite the actual message behind what you're saying being a positive one.

It's direct causality. You're trying to constrict the usage of the word direct too much here.

I fully agree that players cannot predict the outcomes of it, but it still stands that there is a direct causal link between the level of success BioBeasts sees and the future of EpicDuel.
If anything though, the absolute most important reason to focus on the positive is for all of the PR reasons i stated above.

You are focusing on saying something with negative, easily misunderstood phrasing when you could instead say the same thing, get what you truly mean across more effecvitely AND hype up both BioBeasts and the future of EpicDuel at the same time.
There is just no benefit to the way it's being portrayed now, only downsides which i've described above. If the negative mindsets i outlined above are what you want players to have then you'll achieve your goal. If you're trying to reassure players that the developers decision to create BioBeasts is going to be good (or not negative) to EpicDuel, you're doing the opposite.

So in the end, it comes down as to whether or not you're interested in the future of the game, or if you're interested in saying what you want to say only in one specific way, rather than simply changing the delivery to come across in a more accurate, easily understandable manner.
Your title, regardless of whether you personally consider it significant or not, gives your voice more reach and substance within the community. Why not use it for good?

Not only that, but what you're saying is incredibly easily misunderstood, misinterpreted, and any other number of mis-X by native english speakers. Imagine how much harder it is for a non-native speaker to truly grasp the message you're trying to get across? This game has a fairly substantial non-native english speaking community.

EDIT: And all of these things needing to be taken into consideration is exactly why PR, community management, or any sort of community interaction is difficult. It's really easy to say something where you know what you mean and it has a positive message behind it, but then when you really start to dig and cut at it, you start seeing how things can be misinterpreted. I'm not trying to bash on you for the way you're wording things, I'm just trying to offer more clear insight from someone who is in the game industry in ways that you can get your same message across, but in a clearer light that garners respect for the ambitions of the developers and excitement for their future endeavors.

I also am not looking down on you for it, It's quite a difficult thing to have a voice that commands any amount of authority because of just how easy it is for things to be interpreted differently, etc. when you are seen as being a voice that represents the Devs.
Any number of things that nobody would bat an eye at if said by a standard player are suddenly very pivotal or dividing statements for some players. Now, you don't HAVE to do any of what I've been suggesting, but as someone who is seen as representing the Devs, if you are willing to put in the effort to always be analyzing and re-reading how you are wording what you post on the forums, you can become an incredibly valuable asset in ensuring that the developers launch a successful game. An artist AND able to help the playerbase become excited about current and future ED related and AE related products? That sounds like a huge win to me, and a person I would want to keep around.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/6/2016 21:04:59)


Very true, I admit. I'd like to clarify that BioBeasts' success would have massive potential benefits for EpicDuel. We can look at AQW and AQ3D as examples - AQW's massive financial success gave AE a significant degree of stability and the resources to keep loss-making games on its servers. It also gave AE the resources to pull through 2015, an extremely challenging year, and restructure to regain competitiveness for the years ahead, resources that it would not have had it just relied on the classic games. For players of the classic games, this is great news - whatever else you might think of AQW, it's a near certainty that AQW's success is the reason AE is still around and the servers for the classic games still up. In 2016 and beyond, AQ3D will hopefully share that flagship role.

BioBeasts' contribution to ED is different, of course, but there are some similarities to the above example. If BioBeasts succeeds, the 'stability' the ED team would gain is the confidence to further develop ED, as well as a pool of new players - incredibly important at a time when ED's player base is dwindling. This potential influx of new players alone can inject new life into ED. With the experience the team has gained from BioBeasts' development, be it in coding, marketing, design or development processes, ED2 may yet be an exciting possibility - especially if BioBeasts' runaway success gives management the confidence to give the ED team a large budget for new game development. So while it's hard to tell what exactly BioBeasts' success would entail for ED, there are plenty of potential positives ahead.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 5:34:52)

Talk about failures, Ballyhoo and faction co-founder features are still a dream :/

Quick question. What's game reset time nowadays??

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 7:59:39)


You can check the reset time by speaking to Conductor in Central Station. Or just check the server time at the bottom of the forums - the game resets at midnight server time.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 9:30:37)

^ Yaaaa.. i realized that later. totally 4got. Thnx anyway :)

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 19:11:56)

Can we keep ED design notes mainly about ED? No offence to anyone, but we play ED now so we mainly just want to know whatsup with ED. Like we just want cool insiders, leaked weapons, colorful sketches, and POSSIBLY A "INFLUENCE PER BATTLE WILL BE COMING BACK"

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 19:17:00)

silver sky

is all other ae game developers working in biobeasts?

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 20:05:43)

I mean if the idea is to get ED players to play, why not make a DN about how for a limited time if you download biobeasts you will receive a unique item in game?

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/7/2016 21:51:09)


No, just the ED devs.


Cross-game promotion would certainly be great, I'll bring that up to the devs.

Foulman -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/12/2016 0:38:12)

Will there be something for ED with Biobeasts like the Dragonknight package for AQW? I think there should be an ED reward for buying making IAPs, and an AQW one as an added incentive because there are more AQW players than ED ones.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/12/2016 18:33:36)

only the ed devs is working on bb and all the profits goes to all ae games, ED merge with the AE seems the worst decision ever. but it is hard to believe that the aqw devs is not giving even a bit of help.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/12/2016 18:56:57)

That tends to be how money woks when you are in a company. As for your other statement while not all of the art is done by the ED team, Memet created the design for the Salamancer and Cysero made at least one enemy type, the overwhelming majority of the work being done just by the four members of the EpicDuel team as it is their personal project designed to teach them how to use Unity

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/12/2016 19:24:30)


On the flip side, the far more massive profits AQW gleans go to all the games as well, so ED benefits.

shadow.bane -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/13/2016 3:48:34)

we kinda wan't an only ED design notes , some of us don't really care about kickstarter nor biobeast . we need balance in ed we need new features not new games ...

veneeria -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/14/2016 0:52:47)

I feel like the downfall of flash is both as a blessing and curse at the same time. One of the few things, i can actuality call like that.
Though i come and go as quick, i sincerly hope for the best for you folks and i can't wait to see what comes out from you once the biobeast project is finished.

Although, it concerns me that the time to, if the occasion appears, develop epicduel for unity or so, takes far too long.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/14/2016 3:14:13)

Lets be honest here, the whole flash leading to the downfall of ED is just straight nonsense. If a game is fun, people will play it. That's the way it has been and thats the way it always will be. The mobile digital platform is, indeed growing but if you want the players opinion on what they play on more (PC or mobile) just check Rabbles Q&A in game.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/14/2016 6:44:02)


The repercussions of Flash's decline are immense. Artix provides an outline of the challenges posed by gaming industry trends in his letter here. Pacman and Donkey Kong were widely beloved, but they are now nothing more than relics of the past due to the advancements of the gaming industry. If AE and EpicDuel do not evolve in line with industry trends, they will end up likewise. It's not just a matter of content and gameplay - new platforms are needed to appeal to a new generation.

BTW, PC is far broader than just browser games.

Charfade -> RE: =ED= Design Notes 6th of Januray, 2016 - Coming attraction 2016 (1/14/2016 12:35:01)


Lets be honest here, the whole flash leading to the downfall of ED is just straight nonsense. If a game is fun, people will play it

If a game is fun, people will play it. This is so true! But its also true that people need to know about the game first to be able to play. Keep in mind Flash isn't just for games,making art or creating fun animations. Flash was used heavily for ads and marketing. Most of which have been replaced by images and html5. Last decade we could put out ads for EpicDuel streamlined for PC, and they could click and immediately play. Now people view ads on mobile phones/tablets. Its not wise for us to advertise on mobile sence they would be taken to EpicDuel page and be prompt with a flash icon. Every PvP game in history needs fresh players coming in and playing, we are no exception. And that's part of the challenge we face. Think about where you look for new games to play. I'm going to share you mine; I look on the steam store, app store, or recommendation from a friend or online personality like a youtuber. All the places EpicDuel isn't really present in. This has been a slow but steady industry shift one we need to be prepared to switch over too. Also take in consideration there are more game developed then there ever has been in history now. So the competition of standing out and being unique in a sea of other games that are just as fun and unique is also a huge challenge as well.

Facts are mobile penetration of the market reached over 50% in 2015. Which means half of the people are on PC and half are on Mobile. Some are on both like I am. But as new generations grow up, more and more people will chose just to be on mobile. There is some interesting data that came out in 2015 here for anyone to read and look over. http://www.gsmamobileeconomy.com/GSMA_Global_Mobile_Economy_Report_2015.pdf ( please keep in mind with any kind of stat and data, its wise to look at several samples and case studies, this is just one detailed report in a sea of thousands. All roughly coming to simular conclusions. )

Needless to say we are doing a lot of research on this topic. We have very long term goals and short term goals we would like to achieve. Times are changing, and like the old saying goes, evolve or die.

I will reiterate, we still are developing for EpicDuel and will do so for as long as we can. We do not have all the answers and I can't predict what the industry will do and how that will effect us. Yes we can do more for EpicDuel and there are a ton of things I would still like to do with it. You don't spend 7 years of your adult life building something to walk away from. EpicDuel, just like it is for you is a major part of the devs lives. We have to look at a huge big picture and overcome new challenges everyday. 2015 was a great year, we really did learn so much from the BioBeasts project and I feel more confident in a better 2016.


if you want the players opinion on what they play on more (PC or mobile) just check Rabbles Q&A in game.

The poll is heavily skewed towards PC players, so it makes sense people would click PC / web. The poll represents a sample of just the EpicDuel players, not everyone who plays games. if you were to do that Poll on a mobile game, mobile would win hands down. So you have to look at what demographic you are polling from and take that into consideration. Rabbles Question was to get an understanding of how many EpicDuel players played on mobile devices.

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