Bandit Leader (Full Version)

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Slayer Zach -> Bandit Leader (1/8/2016 23:13:27)


Bandit Leader

Location: Edamlet

Quests given

Shops owned

Bandit Leader: Ok, boys! Teach that cheesebrain a lesson!

Bandit Leader: Oh, that's just great! Falconreach's hero!

Bandit Leader: Yeah, mate, that is not going to happen.

Bandit Leader: Gavin! Come and play with the hero, yeah?

Bandit Leader: Aw man! He's making a mess of it now!

Bandit Leader: I'm glad I'm not in your shoes then. Roady, Bernard see if you can beat him! Go now!

Bandit Leader: We HAVE to stop this maddening butchery!

Bandit Leader: Of course it's the cheese puns! They are the worst.

Bandit Leader: Gavin, Roady, Bernard, give it your all!

Bandit Leader: No! NO! It's "Have at you now!" That's IT! I'll put a stop to this nonsense myself!

Bandit Leader: You've no idea! My men, they always fail.

Bandit Leader: My play! It's ruined now! Oh woe is me!

Bandit Leader: That's right... I wrote this play and now it's done.

Bandit Leader: We're not, these are just costumes for the play. Tonight was supposed to be the dress rehearsal!

Bandit Leader: While moving between towns we lost the script. That oaf must have found it along the road.


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