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Daph Duck -> Community Postivity (2/10/2016 2:46:02)

I am seriously SO TIRED of all the negative nancies on the epicduel community. Every day I dont see any one being happy for each other.
If some one loses a battle they have to call the other per son a noob. Like shut up and be happy! Accusations of botting and cheating. Like seriously. I do not understand! Can we not just be HAPPY for each other for once?! Goodness gracious!
Can we like do something about all this negativity? No one is going to change unless we all change... So if your feeling a little cuckoo up there just let it out (by yourself !) And then go compalment someones build! Tell a friend how nice they are! for once just be NICE ON EPIC DUEL! This community is just so sad and toxic, Like pardon moi i used to be one of these people who would just spew Hatred and negativity all the time but spewing all that negativity and being surrounded by soooo much negativity just made me sick and it was detramentle to my personal health! Now Maybe im just a emotionally weak childrens . . . . . . But seriously we need to stop being so negative with this community. We are all people behind our little computer screens... Next time you tell some lucky noob to kill themselves think about what if that was your little 12 year old depressed brother getting all those blocks... We dont need to be so mad all the time... Who cares if someone copies your Build theres only so many builds out there... Just shh and have some positivity for once...
I Know im just spewing preachy cry stuff out here but I am so over this community. Because the matter of fact is that we are all Bullies... and we will probably go down as one of a worst communitys in history but I will start by saying we must wake up.
I dont know if its the omega. Beta ppl had their drama but were so mucch nicer. Wish we could turn back time to the good ol days man now were all just stressed out.
But the way this game has become is not an excuse of how you treat real people. Your mother would not be proud of u if she knew how u treated people on ed. So let's start with some feedback and a little positivity... Shoutout to the Few of you who are still nice even though these people give you so much wack
Shoutout to the People trying their best every single battle even when everyones calling you a noob
Shoutout to the creative build makers out there
Shoutout to the mods who deal with us
Shoutout to the People who have been affected by this toxic cloud and are still fighting it
Shoutout to the Helpers
Shoutout to the Beautiful Artists
yall put a smile on my face!
Sorry I would call out many names but I dont think thats allowed. So Shoutout to all of you doing happy and good things instead of yelling at people for asking you to press a button!
[:)] Always the Daph Duck. Lets turn some paiges out here and spread some rainbows!

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Community Postivity (2/10/2016 19:18:35)

I noticed people on the forums are generally a lot more arrogant than how they used to be... lots of "I could beat your build with my build", "my ideas are objectively better than yours and if you don't agree with them you must be dumber than me", etc...

I feel like we could all improve from expanding our minds a bit more and being more open to the ideas of others. If we're going to reject something at least have a good rationale to do it and not some biased one.

The berserker killer -> RE: Community Postivity (2/10/2016 19:31:01)

And I do second that @Penguin. A lot of the time I see ideas being shot down, I mean it's really vulgar the way these ideas are being shot down by fellow players who don't offer the slightest bit of constructive criticism. That seriously needs to change.

RageSoul -> RE: Community Postivity (2/10/2016 19:36:01)


I noticed people on the forums are generally a lot more arrogant than how they used to be.

Eh , i'd say that's pretty normal to become like that when you play a game that encourages competitiveness with no other satisfying options while not reducing the toxic residue left while taking a break . The past days in the forums had Founders asking they need more compensation ( more compensation than others who aren't Founders) when they already had one of the best equipment set ( Founder Armor and Weapons ) prior Omega and Delta , and people getting looked down when being in X class ( being old TLM back in Delta for an example ) .


I feel like we could all improve from expanding our minds a bit more and being more open to the ideas of others. If we're going to reject something at least have a good rationale to do it and not some biased one.

If only everyone can do that easily though , but eh , reality tells otherwise .

Daph Duck -> RE: Community Postivity (2/10/2016 21:16:09)

Ragesoul i totelly understand what you mean. It can be so hard to have hope that ppl will change. And time and time epic duelists disapoint us but we must remember hundred's of years ago every single person u meet would laugh when u say that one day there will be a magic game on a magic box where u kill people for fun and can talk to others through a magic screen. But this has happened as we can see and we must all do our part to change in the future

Cookiesaregood -> RE: Community Postivity (2/10/2016 22:03:52)

I agree with the ideas that were thought out being shot down in an instant but I do believe there are some ideas that were flat out ridiculous and plain wrong that were shot down.

shadow.bane -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 6:50:13)

the toxicity of this community is not arrogant players ! it's new players ... immature kids ... that moment when ur in battle u win or u lose u get called a noob and be cussed at ! but the problem in the forums no one respect another individual's idea thinking they have better brains that other players ... dudes each rises will fall again someday don't be arrogant nor disrespectful , u might need that person u been mean too someday ! I mean let's take me for example : I help people in ed with bosses builds strategies where to find this where to find that ! what do I get in return ? one day helped this dude with armor hazard after the kill he deleted me and left the room without even saying thank you and that made me swore not to help anyone with bosses ... and this one time I helped someone with legendary merged , he bailed on me on 2 k hp lol and never showed up again ! idk if it was a troll or not intentional but at least relog and apologize , that's how u earn people's respect , not by calling them noobs and cussing on their families !

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 6:52:26)

Personally I've met a lot more positive people in-game than trolls, surprisingly. Most people are just silent - but if you engage them by complimenting their strategy or gear or looks, they often respond politely and in kind.

shadow.bane -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 7:05:00)

^ yeah but those types are a rare breed lol !

SonicTbear -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 7:10:02)

@SSM: I've never seen you in game before. You're part of the staff, and you might or might not be a mod, but if I'm not mistaken, you should have mod powers and maybe a colored name. (that is not blue) So the same can be said for the guest artists and stuff. Idiots are gonna act all "innocent and pure" in front of someone who can mute and/or ban them for catching them breaking the rules on the spot. That's how most, if not all, MMOs go. I remember going on to Dueling Network. If someone breaks a rule to win, they curse each other out until an admin can come and settle the problem. Then, while the admin's there, everything is all lovey-dovey with the players being like, "We need help settling a dispute maturely. We're confused as to what we do." When the admin leaves, "Good job on catching me cheat, noob." "If you have to cheat, then who's the noob here? You suck." Even in AQW, while there aren't many fights, there is a lot of people talking about some... pretty TV-MA, R, NC-17, and Triple X rated stuff when mods are not around to watch them behave.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 7:16:16)


No, I don't have a special coloured name and lots of players in-game don't believe me when I tell them I'm staff. I'm from the other side of the world so I usually play in US morning time, so perhaps that's why you don't see me. Main character's name is just Silver Sky Magician.

Yep, no doubt there's a lot of nasty players out there (those who don't believe that I'm staff also usually try to scam my account), but the point I was trying to make is that everyone can do something to better his/her environment. Trolls can cast a pall over the game through verbal abuse - but on the flip side, you can spread cheer by taking the initiative. It's difficult and sometimes discouraging, but try it sometime and you may be in for a pleasant surprise.

SonicTbear -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 7:25:49)

Oh. I guess it would be that fact that you're female then. Most boys will be nice to females because they think it'll make women think the man is actually a nice person overall and that they'll get a date or can become their boyfriend. Then when it's male vs. male, "GG noob." "Shut up and don't you EVER call me a noob again!" "Noob. :)" I RARELY seen people acting nasty towards my female character. There have been males who have said stuff to me, but it's happen to me like 5-10 times in my female character's whole career and most boys are friendly with them asking for friendship, inviting me to their faction, or even... ugh... flirting with me... -_- On my main, I constantly have to keep telling people to shut up about calling me noob or when they're getting salty about losing a match because I use Varium. I don't use it to buy weapons, I just have it when I buy promo items. (see my Biobeasts set)

shadow.bane -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 8:02:24)

^ sonicTbear is right ! people know u as a guest artist that might rat them to devs or mods so they be nice when ur around ! or the fact that u have a female account ! but tbh I played a lot of games and this is the most toxicated environment I ever seen

8x -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 12:13:23)


Oh. I guess it would be that fact that you're female then. Most boys will be nice to females because they think it'll make women think the man is actually a nice person overall and that they'll get a date or can become their boyfriend.

When I play on my female alt people give me all sorts of compliments. They tell me what they'd like to do to me and which parts of me they like the most.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 13:09:10)

^ Lmao.

The berserker killer -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 13:37:22)

One of the problems is that no one respects varium players nowadays. They don't recognize that this game would be nowhere if it weren't for the varium players.

shadow.bane -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 14:06:15)

^ one of the problem is no one respects anyone in this game.

8x -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 14:08:57)

@The berserker killer
If you ask me, varium players shouldn't expect or need to be respected.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 14:36:21)

and why is that? No matter if you're a f2p player or varium player, Respect should be given.

Alkimos -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 14:45:37)

The social dynamic of Epic Duel has been gradually changing; to better understand what is going on with Epic Duel in particular it’s best to provide some examples. Again, because this is a very competitive game, it attracts competitive people. People that usually have something to prove to themselves or to others. Because of this, and with the age group playing the game in general, many “clicks” or social groups form.
What Epic Duel is experiencing is the transition from a small group gameplay, to a large group gameplay. I’ll provide an example to make the concept clear:

If you go to a small church, you know everyone’s name. You know their business, they know yours. Basically, everyone knows everyone and simply because of the size of the congregation, there is a universal feeling of fellowship. For some people, this sort of environment causes anxiety and fear.

This idea can be extrapolated to Epic Duel’s evolution as a game. From the time of early beta, the player base was relatively small. Smaller still was the elite varium base and because of this people really got to know each other. Because of human nature, when old players talk of that part of beta, it’s often romanticized. The “old days” were great days for some, and hard days for others, it just depends on who you speak with.

We as players need to adapt to getting used to getting beaten by faceless people we will likely never see again. However, regardless of whatever size Epic Duel becomes, one thing is certain: if you have a positive attitude that breeds good humor and camaraderie people generally won’t give you a hard time. If you maintain some fashion of a superior or elitist attitude, you’re likely to be ill-received.

Anyone remember that famous quote from Angels Holocaust?? "Winning is Right, Losing is Wrong. Evolve Or Die."

There is so much turmoil about non variums versus varium players that I do not know how to accurately justify my own views without openly disappointing certain people.

Generally, my opinion runs as the following: Varium players support the game by paying money for the game to continue. There would be no paychecks for the developers, no new weapons or designs for weapons for either non varium or varium players. In short, without a paying player base there is no Epic Duel. Period. Because of the large sums people pay to support the game they should be rewarded with benefits that aid in their enjoyment of the game.

Notice, I did not say they should be getting a handout for freebie wins and have the ability to just run over all non varium players. People that pay have a right to be superior, it would be a very poor business decision if you could be just as successful as a non varium as the top tier varium players.
There is a clear difference, between all non varium players getting abused, and just some. As cutthroat is that sounds, to be a successful non varium player you need to have put in immensely more physical work (not physical dollars) into your character. Titan and Nightwraith have done an excellent job it making hard working people get extra benefits.

You need to learn from your losses, not just complain about them.

My win record isn’t the greatest, currently I have 40,051 wins and approaching 13,600 losses (although rather slowly). I attribute a lot of my losses to simply having spent a large portion of my time as a non varium player. That being said, I know I learned more about my class as a non varium than I ever did as a varium member.


Most people are just silent - but if you engage them by complimenting their strategy or gear or looks, they often respond politely and in kind.

I am one of those silent players, I keep to myself and just mind my own business. But every time I run into Silver Sky Magician, I know I will have a pleasant intelligent conversation with him/her. It gives me a reason to talk, and I thank you for that, keep it up!

8x -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 15:30:38)


and why is that? No matter if you're a f2p player or varium player, Respect should be given.

Sure, I agree that respect should be given. But if you look at the post to which I was replying, The berserker killer seem to think that varium players should be respected just because they buy varium.

ambien -> RE: Community Postivity (2/11/2016 23:15:16)

that is right the game face has changed , l am so glad that the devs put in mute chat button for battles . so when l battle l have it on all the time so l do not talk very much anyway but l will turn it off if l know some one from my blist. only time l might talk other wise l have no time for smart----------- talk. so if l do not talk l have mute chat on. it got real old from the younger players with the trash talking mouth they have. again ty devs for the mute chat.

my thoughts on this very sore subject

always the syfy

shadow.bane -> RE: Community Postivity (2/12/2016 5:00:01)

I think there should be a block chat forever button for a certain player and u can unblock in settings ! so u can block a spammer or someone that u don't like ! what does this button do ? I disable u from seeing his chat and him from seeing your chat ! even in battle .

SonicTbear -> RE: Community Postivity (2/12/2016 7:03:40)

@Tbk and 8x: True. Varium players shouldn't be respected just because they support the game and keep it alive. I, as a Varium player, don't want to be respected for the wrong reasons, but I definitely do not want to be disrespected for any reason. I payed to buy Varium, yes, but I was claiming the gifts that come with it. Those cost Varium in game if you don't buy the promo package, but do not disrespect me just because I pay for cosmetics. (That may be more powerful than most cosmetics in the game.) Also, as a Varium player, when I play with the Biobeasts set, I cam still lose to free players who have certain builds whether they have cores on their weapons or not and if they're using the Basic weapons and if they managed to save up enough Credits to buy a robot (such as IA) or, regardless of all that, luck plays a role in my loss and a free player's win. Those free players who lose to Varium players need to get better builds and weapons to counter them instead of being stupid and raging over a loss to them.

@ambien and shadow: Yes, you can ignore players in battle. But that doesn't stop them from being smart asses while you can't see what they're saying.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Community Postivity (2/12/2016 7:13:08)

Moderators take a part of the responsability here too, in the past, we used to feel the presence of mods, both in all PvP battles or crowded places (some were even exploring the game, especially when dummying was a thing, if someone doesn't know what dummying is, well when challenges used to count towards your 1v1 record, players abused that and started creating dummies, characters 5 levels below you, with no defense/resistance, which you can basically defeat in 2 turns, granting you unlimited easy/free wins per day.), but in general, the mods were there to give perma bans to such accs and also those who used them. Sadly this cannot be applied to botters since it is not possible to detect them.

As for now, 90% of mods are mods because of personal interests (getting all gear, free Varium and whatnot), unlike before when such individuals were chosen based on their interest in-game, hence why most of them are on PVP lbs (Wiseman, Dax, Donna Matrix..)
You may ask what is the relation between that and current in-game negativity, well just the fact that you see green names in PvP and in crowded places, you will automatically know that any negative behavior from you will result in a quick action taken against you.

What do we have now? Reports that are being treated 6 months after being sent, mods chosen because well, they know the head mod, mods who hesitate to take actions against their friends.

I've seen some individuals cursing near mods while they are happily watching, I've seen players who cursed and entered into an infinite amount of beefs and still receive 24 hours mutes. Solution? Bans.

Cursed? 1 day ban, again? 3 days ban, again? 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, 9 months, 2 years, still cursing? Perma ban.
Apply this and we shall see if this in-game negativity continues.

PS: With all outmost respect for some few current mods and also past ones too, for doing a great job.
PS 2: As for those who can't take criticizm, forums are not made for you. If you love criticizong the devs, you should very well accept getting criticized.

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