=AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (Full Version)

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Azan -> =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/16/2016 20:12:07)



0061 Patch Notes
By Cysero on Monday, February 15, 2015

0.0.61 Patch Notes

Today's release doesn't have anything new for you to do but here are the changes that have been made to the pre-beta in version 0.0.61


- Jimmy the Eye has ventured out into Greenguard North! (testing NPC vs NPC/Monster functionality. Could mean a lot of things including aggressive monsters attacking neutral monsters while hunting for food, aggressive monsters attacking other aggressive monsters defending their path or even NPCs helping you kill aggressive monsters that attack you while chatting.)

- Neutral Mobs (monsters that will only attack you when attacked but will leave you alone otherwise).

- Player Auto-facing enemy while in combat (no more casting fireballs over your shoulder or through your own chest to reach your target).


- Player will now move into combat range when using a single-target combat ability

- Larger Hit Boxes for larger mobs.

- Attack reach of some mobs has been adjusted

- Bridge Skeleton and Big Bones General have had their stats adjusted

- Target will now be automatically deselected when out of range

- Miscellaneous fixes related to targeting and the new auto-move functionality

- General Stability Improvements

- FIX: Runestones in Greenguard are visible again


We rely on you testers to help us find bugs and report them to Artix.com/bugs but some of them we already know about. Here are some of the more commonly reported ones

- Lighting issues in certain spots (flickering, turning red, blue, black, all of the above)

- There are issues with quest progress saving; players have reported losing progress in their quests; we are still in the process of investigating the issue.

- There may be texture issues which appear when using the Shadow Detail slider. This can be fixed by equipping a different item to refresh.

- Trees in Greenguard North will periodically break, making them unclickable; we are investigating this issue.

- Switching maps while zoomed in on an NPC breaks the camera

- With the updated combat animations, there will be times where the animations don’t “blend” perfectly; we are still in the process of working on these!

Have fun with AQ3D Pre-Beta 0.0.61


In other areas, Kraken continues to work on the STEAM builds, now working on both PC and Mac and the new quality options have a noticeable positive effect on lower end mobile devices (which is the point, so yay). Korin and the team are reworking the run animation and its looking a lot better. Artix and Yergen and I have been working on building out player experiences and experimenting with different cutscene methods. Finally, Artix, Dage, Yergen and Circa have been working on revamping the UI and are fast approaching a new UI that will be close to the final product.

Every day we are making unbelievable progress toward our goal. On a personal note, it feel great. We've got a solid goal and everything is building toward the goal instead of away from it.

Tagged. ~Jorath

konintje -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/19/2016 8:36:58)


it is odd that nobody else seems to have replied to this.
I think this update went way too far in making things hard.

There is pretty much nobody in doom wood tower, or defeating slime lords.
Kiting on the General and the Slime Lord does no longer work, the frequency of hits is too high, and I don't think its because the AI got improved ;)

I feel terribly bad for the new players, especially for non-guardians. Even more for folks who don't know about the Zed sword.. Doomwoodtower is just silly without it, which seems kinda wrong to me.

To be sure, I do love all other areas. Perhaps, as a mild suggestion, you should institute a gold cap (say 100,000) and revert the 'monster combat balancing' of this patch.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/19/2016 18:51:51)

I guess, you could reply if u wanted to vent, but I personally see no reason to, as no dev will see it [:(]

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/19/2016 18:55:51)

Don't worry; we are constantly tweaking things. Usually changes come in phases; so we'll make some changes and see how it pans out - and then keep tweaking it. As we keep implementing new functionality and new features, further tweaks will have to happen to balance out all the new additions. Please don't feel discouraged, as we are always keeping our eyes on things and are already aware of the concerns that you might have!

Edit: You can always check the patchnotes here: http://aq3d.com/patchnotes to see what we're working on; as you can see there are a lot of new things being added on almost a daily basis

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/19/2016 19:40:22)

WOAH!!! I've never seen you on AQ3D's forums before!!! This was actually an awakening for me... I guess you guys are normally just so busy you just don't always have enough time to "show us" you're here :P Well, I'm glad to see you are here; This just got interesting for me...

also @konintje I don't think they should add a gold cap as that's sometimes just side goals that keep people playing. AE never has and I'm sure never will crush dreams.

Also about your 'revert the monster balancing' suggestion (I will use 'apostrophes' for awkward terminology)

I think the way combat is now with this update is how they intended it: based on your level, items, and the amount you have fighting alongside you. What you seem to be looking for in AQ3D is a test of skill. You want monsters that a lvl 1 can defeat if he has enough skill. Personally I feel that if AE meant it to be that way they would have added a 'dodge' button and cross-skill combos or something [so that combat is more 'interactive' than it is now; For reasons such as the phone's limitations, we may not be seeing a more developed or interactive combat system. Or parkour or anything like that]. AE seems to want to keep it to ONLY being based off of your level, items, and partners in battle. Kiting was more of an exploit of this system, kinda like a bug. I doubt they would bring back something like kiting just because it was easy, but if you really want to use skill in AQ3D, you could request a dodge button, combos (maybe even being allowed to build your own) for more than just the effects of our few current skills, or some other factor that effects combat that is based one skill. I had a suggestion for a combo creator but I don't think any dev like it if he or she saw it :P I tried to make it not demanding and work with the system as [MUCH] as possible, but I guess there's a flaw in this or something. Oh well, the point I had in this wall of text was that kiting's probably not coming back... oh well, I guess if I'm wrong I may be corrected :D

Edit: I accidentally said as little as possible istead of as much as possible so that's why there's [MUCH]

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/20/2016 11:31:19)


The flaw I see, despite it's simple and effective style (which is exactly what AE is looking for), is the power creep potential.

Let's say they completely forget about balancing classes and removing /commands (like in AQW).
They will start releasing classes similar to StoneCrusher or Legion DoomKnight due to the high demand and cash they'll gain.

The largest playerbase is definitely AQW's and the members who are most active on Twitter (where the staff are most active too..) are those who follow factions like Legion or Nation and as of now these factions are very extreme, difficult to join, have the best gear etc.

They will expect, perhaps feel entitled, to having items and item rarities in the style of AQW.

A premature playerbase, one that is already experienced in endgame levels and move on to a new game, starting from nothing again, will demand endgame style gear.

Thus leading to the creation of classes like StoneCrusher or Legion DoomKnight.

What makes it really worrying is Cysero's plan of selling classes first and THEN implementing ways to earn them.
This will only encourage the current mindset of AQW players to migrate into AQ3D.

If they use your idea and it plays out like this (which is highly likely), people will buy the current strongest class, place the two strongest skills into the combo creator and overuse the combo it creates.

How does /join fit in?
It allows for soloing and private rooms, therefore fueling the demand of endgame-styled classes as public areas can generate a lot of lag, especially when running on mobile's design.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/20/2016 12:04:54)

Well, it's a good thing /join is going, in that case. But I still doubt that means the end of 'private rooms' and whatnot.

Your feedback is well taken. They could give one class an OP combo for $50 and it would definitely kick up a lot of revenue- which is good for the company but bad for power creep's sake.
At the same time I feel like power creep doesn't directly affect my suggestion because it's just how the system is, and I meant it to work with the system. Power creep is almost inevitable in any game and the way AQW and AQ3D is right now, it's bound to happen even without this suggestion. Hopefully, if it starts to happen, someone could come along like Ash did in DF and balance everything out. Then you have the 3 tiers of classes in AQ3D like DF. (And of course DmK on the top)

I think no matter if there's a combo or not there's going to be at least one class with OP skills and power creep will happen. I only wanted combos that YOU can build so that all players could develop unique fighting styles.... and actually fight people and not know what to expect in PvP for example. Imagine finding someone in PvP who abuses HoT combos and you find them hard to kill... maybe the strategy here would be having a DoT combo up your sleeve as well. Then you expect the same with someone else with the same class and he whips out a "Life Steal" that takes your health and gives it to him. Now you'll have to try to make combos with your classes that give YOU the best fighting style in AQ3D. Now take that and imagine monsters' effects that you learn to counter. Now you can learn what combos to use against certain types of monsters and have a fresh experience all the time in PvP.

Still the key here would be that no set of combos is more powerful than other; that they just sort of cancel each other out like in elements. That's what would make this system the best.

But the reson I suggested this and not a "Dodge" button was because I know the mobile will limit them everywhere else and if you take a simple idea like combos and throw in a combat system where combos cancel out like elements, you've got a much more interactive combat system, and I hope to see that for AQ3D.

Fallen Crest -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/21/2016 17:44:13)

Yeah, what's up with all these buffs to monsters going around? Like the bosses are ridiculous in this game right now.
I don't care about soloing but if I'm worried about 3-4+ people beating this monster, there's a problem.

"I'm a gatewraith that has 450 attack, and 1600 HP with a 50% chance to crit you for a 50-65 every attack".

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/21/2016 19:22:56)

The reason for that is because we are not finished with combat mechanics and class mechanics. Class synergy and group strategies are not complete yet either, so we have to "balance" based on what is currently available in the game. Like I said, once more features are added then we can start further balancing on bosses (and monsters as well). Currently the only "strategy" is to just zerg a boss to death; so we have to compensate by making it more difficult. I'm quite aware that there is actually no difficulty in this strategy, but the alternative is to just make the bosses have 1 billion HP and never have players die (boring and allows for afk killing). Keep in mind that these ARE bosses, and should never be soloable - they ARE intended for multiple players.
Almost everything will change once more classes and skills become available; for example once we have classes with the ability to absorb damage ("tank"), then we can start adjusting the damage output of bosses. Once we have classes with the ability to heal, then again we will be able to adjust damage output. Once monsters get skills / ranged attacks / AoE abilities, then they will be tweaked again as well to compensate.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/22/2016 17:42:42)

That makes sense. Basically what you're saying is that this is all temporary stuff to give us a challenge and keep up busy while u guys work on the other features and then do the same until we work towards a more (closer-to-final) version [is what i took from that]

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/23/2016 11:25:28)

You are exactly right :) It's part of the pros and cons of participating in a Beta! The up-side is that you get to see all the new and exciting stuff that comes out. The not-so-great-part is that stuff that comes out often isn't perfected and still a work in progress (or just broken). A lot of players will often have certain expectations that won't be met at this stage, or they can get too used to things being a certain way and can get upset when it changes.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/23/2016 15:52:12)

Right, right. So I guess that explains @Fallen Crest's question and is a good enough reply to @konintje.... it probably won't be 'reverted' as in everything stays the same except kiting and stuff comes back, but it may be changed over time closer to how it was before as far a boss stats go. But I doubt we'll get kiting back; that seemed like a players' exploit.

Though I still do wonder, is there a slight window for more skill-based combat in aq3d? Especially since there's only five skills... kiting was okay but it's not actually part of the game... if there was something that involved timing in aq3d's combat, it would be much more interesting; especially if it became possible for someone without the stats to solo a boss. I'm not going to pitch any specific suggestions, but I am curious as to whether or not there is an okay chance of this being integrated into AQ3D's combat system.

I did notice that fellow players seemed to have the most fun while kiting was around, but I think that's a pretty cheap way to show and use skill. If (I guess it'd be mostly Zhoom or Rolith) the team were to develop something like that [where if the player has enough skill he has a chance of beating a monster a much higher level than him or something] opposed to having it completely based on equipment, level, and luck, I would have a LOT more fun with 5 skills in aq3d. I know you may not know if this is possible (maybe it just isn't likely at all) but Oishii do you think that there is a chance of this happening? (or do you have any information on this topic or similar?) Thanks.

P.S. - I am not trying to set Oishii up with the last question b/c if she says it is possible, that also means it may not happen. So as a disclaimer this is not anything concrete this is just a small idea of possibilities [just putting that out cuz i don't want players to be like "but oishii said this" and make false accusations, as I only asked if there is a window.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/23/2016 16:47:33)

About involving timing in combat, don't some classes include timing in AQW? I think Evolved Lepharchaun had something that did more damage if the enemy had a status effect caused by an other skill, and even more damage if there's less time left on the effect, and Beta Berserker kind of had timing included, with using Forgone Conclusion (increased haste and once the effect ends you restore a part of your damage healt as HP) and then Blood for Blood (deal more damage if at low hp) when at low health while Forgone Conclusion is active to heal more. Somethings like those could be cool to see in this.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Design Notes February 15th, 2016 - 0061 Patch Notes (2/23/2016 17:12:05)

@Frost moglin

Well that's more based one skill effects. That's like saying the warrior's war cry gives you 200% crit on your next hits for the next 10 seconds, but every second the crit drops 10%. I'll say that would be a cool skill, but that's not exactly what I'm talking about [but it kinda is]. I'm not saying that it'd be cool to have skills that leave a status on a monster (like rending cut) and then allow another skill's buff to be increase by having a smaller amount of time between the two; no that'd just be effective synergy between two classes IMO... not as fun if those 2 skills are in 1 class.

Anyways what I was sort hinting at was maybe, some sort of indicator or hotbar or something that tells you when it's the best time to use a skill, and then a best time to dodge by pressing 'jump.' Kind of like blade haven except with your AQ3D skills (I mean if u only got 5 skills) and u dont swipe. Maybe there is an effective attack time (a time when you attack or effect skill is most effective [including heals + buffs]), and effective dodge time (that allows you to dodge/absorb damage based on your jump timing). So most effective is when you hit or block your max (excluding crits which are based on luck)

And that's only one example as this can be done many ways; my question was more broad. I was asking Oishii if there.... if it is possible [possibly planned] that a system renovation similar to this [or remotely close] would take place (really just one that uses your skill, as well as equipment).

But tbh, I think that the AQ3D team would think that a skill system like that may be too big of a change from the way it is now, so I feel like the combo idea I had earlier would be more appropriate. Not so skill-based during combat, but at least you don't know what to expect in PvP and you can sort of change your combos based on where you are to kinda counter the effects of the monsters in an area (for example you need to make HoT combo for an area with venomous monsters' DoTs) basically extensions to the skills that are already there or, if u will, extra skills hidden in combos.

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