Oreads' Ado (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Oreads' Ado (2/21/2016 8:07:59)

Oreads' Ado

«Accurate Wind pet. Mastercraft; Can lower the monsters defences.»

Related items:Location: Bridge to the Sky - Quest for the Fujin Set
Level	45
PowLvl	45 MC

Price	226
Sell	113
Element: Wind
Training Difficulty: -66

Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Wind
Damage	3-7
Stat%	88.88
BTH	22
  • If all three hits connect, then the monster makes a save at a +10 bonus*:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    ``If it fails, then it takes Defence Loss** (1 round, -3*[WindResist] MRM) from Wind element attacks.

    If you also have the armour and shield of this set equipped and the monster fails the above save, then it's also Blinded (1 round, -7 BTH)***.

    ***Your enemy brushes away your «pet name» and keeps fighting!
    ***Your opponent spends the turn swatting at your «pet name», unable to defend itself properly!
    ***Your opponent spends the turn swatting at your «pet name», unable to attack or defend properly!

    This annoying little rascal is probably more gnat than dragon, but you're not complaining as long as it's only bugging your foes!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to battlesiege15.


    Starts off as a Mastercraft pet:
    Level	45
    PowLvl	45
    Damage	9-22
    Stat%	298
    BTH	11
    Pet gains +10 BTH and deals *85/95 damage. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    MC: Used to inflict Defence Loss without penalty.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in the above numbers.


    July 11, 2014: The pet was released.

  • Carandor -> RE: Oreads' Ado (2/21/2016 8:08:11)

    Oreads' Ado Z

    «Accurate Wind pet. Mastercraft; Can lower the monsters defences.»

    Related items:Location: Bridge to the Sky - Quest for the Fujin Set
    Type	Z
    Level	11
    PowLvl	45 MC
    Price	716
    S <48h	644
      >48h	358
    Element: Wind
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    Damage	3-7
    Stat%	88.88
    BTH	22
  • If all three hits connect, then the monster makes a save at a +10 bonus*:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    ``If it fails, then it takes Defence Loss** (1 round, -3*[WindResist] MRM) from Wind element attacks.

    If you also have the armour and shield of this set equipped and the monster fails the above save, then it's also Blinded (1 round, -7 BTH)***.

    ***Your enemy brushes away your «pet name» and keeps fighting!
    ***Your opponent spends the turn swatting at your «pet name», unable to defend itself properly!
    ***Your opponent spends the turn swatting at your «pet name», unable to attack or defend properly!

    This annoying little rascal is probably more gnat than dragon, but you're not complaining as long as it's only bugging your foes!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to battlesiege15.


    Starts off as a Mastercraft pet:
    Level	11
    PowLvl	45
    Damage	9-22
    Stat%	298
    BTH	11
    Pet gains +10 BTH and deals *85/95 damage. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    MC: Used to inflict Defence Loss without penalty.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in the above numbers.


    July 11, 2014: The pet was released.

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