Reduce post cooldown time for forum games (Full Version)

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Silver -> Reduce post cooldown time for forum games (3/5/2016 7:15:53)

Hayy guys. Just a small suggestion. I thought that it'd be a good idea to reduce the cooldown time for posts made in the forum games section (that is, the minimum time you need to wait between two consecutive posts). Some games involve the user posting something really short, and I think it should be possible for players to participate in multiple games like that at once. What do you guys think?

Scakk -> RE: Reduce post cooldown time for forum games (3/8/2016 19:12:06)

The least amount of time that can be input is 1 minute, which it is currently set at. To go any lower would have no time limit between post which could allow a person(s) to spam many forums with no cool down between post. So it will remain at the 1 minute cool down time frame.

PS: We have tried with no cool down and were inundated with a spam fest from many people in many forums.

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