cVantez -> The AQ Sub and Forum Visibility. (3/8/2016 22:09:17)
| Does anybody here visit it? Are any of you mods? It seems like if that was the case there would only be one post there, and it would be called "Visit the AQ forums." There is so much information accumulated here that it is basically impossible to move anywhere else, and since you are already coming here to look up information, it becomes much easier to just use the discussion boards. They get about 2 posts a week, mostly along the lines of "Hey I haven't played in x years, what do?" Being one of those players myself, if I didn't remember these forums existed / didn't bother to check if they were still active, I wouldn't have stayed engaged with the game for long. So maybe there is to be said for increasing visibility? I think that it definitely helps coming back to the game to have an engaged community.