[RESOLVED] BloodMage Bludgeon (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> [RESOLVED] BloodMage Bludgeon (3/24/2016 12:36:47)

When bludgeons scaling was changed it only affected Techmages and not Blood Mages..

Edit: Meaning that bloodmages have to invest more dexterity points into bludgeon than techmages

Daph Duck -> RE: [RESOLVED] BloodMage Bludgeon (3/25/2016 15:04:52)

i tink maybe is dat way because on tecmage bludgeon is 2nd tier skil but on blud mage bludgeon is 4th tier skill?

Optimise -> RE: [RESOLVED] BloodMage Bludgeon (3/25/2016 16:01:40)

Daph Duck is correct. A similar topic about Malfunction was brought up last year, and was resolved as the answer being that the said skill unlocks at a different level for said classes. For reference, you may have a look at the thread of which I am speaking of by clicking this link here.

The berserker killer -> RE: [RESOLVED] BloodMage Bludgeon (3/25/2016 16:15:49)

I thought so too Daph Duck so I did my research and examined all dns for the past year and noticed that Rabble said "Bludgeon" in general, not just TechMage bludgeon.

WhiteTiger -> RE: [RESOLVED] BloodMage Bludgeon (4/2/2016 1:38:27)

Stat requirements for skills depend on their level, so this isn't a bug. I did a quick search and couldn't find any DNs that mention stat requirement changes for bludgeon within the past year so feel free to PM me with a link to the DNs you're referencing if you think that change wasn't applied properly.

Tagged as resolved.

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