Earth Shield (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Earth Shield (4/9/2016 13:07:07)

Earth Shield

«Earth Shield.»

Location: Yulgar's Beginner Shields [5, 30] ; Yulgar's Intermediate Shields [55, 80] ; Yulgar's Advanced Shields [105, 130]
Element: Earth
Level	5	30	55	80	105	130
PowLvl	5	30	55	80	105	130

Price	32	107	1115	14814	200927	2729352
Sell	16	53	557	7407	100463	1364676
Melee	1	3	7	9	11	13
Ranged	1	3	7	9	11	13
Magic	1	3	7	9	11	13

Earth	-2	-13	-19	-22	-24	-25
The vines and stones that form this shield will serve as a sturdy defense against your foes' most powerful Earth element attacks!


Numbers thanks to Kaelin. Old numbers thanks to Kamui and BlackAces. Image thanks to Balu. Description thanks to Dragoon23.


March 15, 2012: The shield was released.
June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Level	1	30	55	80	105	130
Price	60	1080	7530	46680	150870	521880
Sell	30	540	3765	23340	75435	260940
April 7, 2016: Tiers were renamed and stats were updated. Old stats were:
Name:	Pebble	Plant	Boulder	Forest Terra Gaia
Level	1	30	55	80	105	130

Price	30	107	1115	14814	200927	2729352
Sell	15	53	557	7407	100463	1364676


Melee	0	3	7	9	12	13
Ranged	0	3	7	9	12	13
Magic	0	3	7	9	12	13

Earth	-2	-13	-19	-22	-23	-25
Wind	+7	0	0	0	0	0

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