Future of Epic Duel (Full Version)

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Front45 -> Future of Epic Duel (4/9/2016 17:39:35)

Hi. what things are going to big change in Epic Duel? i mean new phase, or delete ranks, or old rare items back, or something

is there some plans? there is nothing write in design notes so many times. nothing happening in game, only war going.

What dev team are going to do for Epic Duel players, for game. Tell us

From 2012 december when came omega phase game is crying, also (maybe) from 2014 when ranks came same it was worst update. what they will going now

i am interesting. good or bad? delete passives was also bad idea and etc. people wanna something better

Is they are going to delete ranks and make balance? or increase underdog mode or something. we wanna something new, but big

Lord Machaar -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/9/2016 18:14:57)


From 2012 december when came omega phase game is crying


Exploding Penguin -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/9/2016 18:15:40)

Other people have said the exactly same thing you're saying now.

Hopefully as soon as BioBeasts are done the staff starts doing a huge overhaul such as fixing overlapping skills and then introducing a new phase along with that. Omega's been here WAY too long.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/9/2016 23:21:30)

The future for EpicDuel most likely starts with future proofing the game from flash support being pulled by the major browsers. That is what it sounded like NW said was one of the biggest concerns moving forward

veneeria -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/9/2016 23:54:10)

Sort of a goner on this forums, though i think it is safe to say they are eager to start working more regularly on expanding epicduel too.

But you'd be wise to be patient even after the development of bio beasts, since development of any kind takes really a long time, so you MIGHT still be looking at the same stuff for a couple of months.
Personally i'd love to see some expansion on influential systems and the longer overdue of adding a new branch of skills past the 3rd tier. (and maybe a new skill tree dedicated to passives)

There is just a lot to wish for, really.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/12/2016 13:55:58)

IMO, BioBeasts is going to die down before they can even complete it. I also think that the longer they foucs on BioBeasts, the smaller the ED player base gets.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/13/2016 16:37:05)

well...i just hope the staff listens...

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 1:03:19)

^Unfortunately they stopped listening years ago. (Some time Omega)


IMO, BioBeasts is going to die down before they can even complete it. I also think that the longer they foucs on BioBeasts, the smaller the ED player base gets.

Everyday hundreds of new mobile games are released. For how long can someone care about 1 game?? Especially that doesn't even involves any kind of PvP. What a waste of time. I myself and many other people did suggest them to do something PvP, like ED 2 but oh well....

Cyber Dream -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 1:06:28)


They're also hundreds of new mobile games with the same idea as BB. I understand that it was made to gain experience with unity? But to much time is being spent on it IMO. It's a good game, but it's not a game that can last.

ROOPJEET SINGH -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 6:23:48)

Even i told them in a review that The game needs PVP .. it needs to hold people's interest in it .... but sadly we dont have what it needs

Also my wish is to have a 3d epicduel MOBA or MOTA {massively online tactical action } game but i suppose that is very big project for small team like atrix :C

rejaylob -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 9:27:26)

They are doing the same mistakes like HeroSmash team did. They left the game behind and released so few updates coz they are making the AQ3D game. Now HeroSmash is so dead that they arent updating it anymore. Just Like how they are focused on BioBeast mobile game. I loved HeroSmash before but now its dead coz of the mistake they did. If they keep this up, you will know what I mean.

Devs.... Hear me

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 9:52:43)

Funny how the teens know the basic thing about running a gaming company than the adults.

Maybe AE should hire teens to guide them or something... I mean games are after all "for kids". At least that what the society from decodes have been implying.

Digital X -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 11:11:25)

Would be interested to see how many people are set and dedicated to each game, for example AQ has a team of 6, DF has a team of 8 etc, rather than having them work on all/a mix of games. Surely that'd decrease the amount of work that gets done if they're darting back and forth?

The berserker killer -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 15:18:31)

How many times are we going to keep making threads like this? Devs already made it clear that BioBeasts is more important at the moment atm, they don't play ed enough to understand balance, and that they're content with a war system that repeats itself. Theh have all the suggestions they need to make this game fun for the time being and they still have not implemented something that will distract us while they spend months on biobeasts. Even a simple Turn leader board on every boss would keep players busy as it will force players to compete against each other for a while. C'mon guys, EDS future wont begin until biobeasts is completely finished. And biobeasys wont be completely finished.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/14/2016 19:28:49)


There are* also hundreds of new mobile games with the same idea as BB. I understand that it was made to gain experience with unity? But to much time is being spent on it IMO. It's a good game, but it's not a game that can last.

This. Devs are getting close to 2 year of working on BB. After all this means their major intention wasn't to learn unity, or make a future ED 2 on mobile, because BB is just one genre of many mobile games genres, spending 2 years on it is kinda time wasting, financially speaking too. Even the most successful mobile games become left overs after a while, reason? Mobile games remain shallow compared to other console games despite the huge developpement, hence why we are seeing sequels, Real Racing 1 , 2 and 3, FIFA FUT each year, new Simcity each year... etc... each year I'm saying. Even such games that are built by major companies and are more complex than BB, they get abandoned for many reasons:
- Phones are evoloving allowing more features.
- Players losing interest.
- Devs can't add more stuff due to X limitations. Hence the game remains shallow, and players lose interest after awhile due to the lack of depth.

ED devs are wasting too much time on one genre of games, I really find it a bad thing, and the worst thing is, it's taking them forever, when a company makes two completed games in 2 years, ED devs are struggling to complete one in 2 years, it's not even completed. If it takes them 2 years to build a mini mobile game, then I don't know when a future ED 2 will be available? Maybe for our grandkids? ED 2 on mobile will be more complex, intergrating many gaming genres, thus meaning devs will have to make other games of other genres to be able to make a fully functional ED 2 game.

I'm not saying that BB is a bad game, it is indeed good, and if it was advertised in a proper way (sadly devs can't do that due to financial limitations), it would be a hit. But that's not the case, BB will remain a regular game beside the hundred or thousand others that get released each month, we are talking about a fierce competition here. Making more games is the key, working on multiple projects is the key. If devs don't run the extra mile, they will never achieve what they want, but sadly that's not the case, like I would really love to know what is the devs' daily routine? What's taking so much of their time? Are they working 3 days a week? 4 hours a day? That's the only explaination of them not running the extra mile and doing a good progress. No one ever said it will be easy, and I hope devs know that it isn't only them that are asked to do impossible stuff. Whether it's work or study, only those who run the extra mile, achieve what they want.

ROOPJEET SINGH -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/17/2016 6:49:36)


thats not true i play a game wihich is 16+ and we all players dont want <18 to come there as we dont wanna child screaming OP this and that ...

kids play mobile games while we teenagers play PC and better games

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/17/2016 6:59:36)

^Age hasn't stopped anyone on the internet or playing any game..

ROOPJEET SINGH -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 5:33:33)

Also i read somewhere where Devs wrote they are going to focus on moblile games cause PC games are no longer successful

I mean really i think no one saw dark souls 3 [:D] also Epicduel neeeeeeds alot of love i think what they should do is revert omega phrase to delta and say nothing happend.... there are a few improvements while alot of bad things

Front45 -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 6:54:05)

There will not be any future of epic duel. i even can't do daily missions. losing 15 battles and winning 5 because of high ranks. game is fully destroyed and no one cares

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 13:33:40)

I want to correct a gross misrepresentation in a previous post. The PC game market isn't going anywhere but unless your name is riot, blizzard, or Hi Rez being absent from a large market place is incredibly dangerous. That is why you are seeing a steam release of AQ3D instead of just the normal AE practice of having it play in browser. Also AE is moving away from the flash style of games to the unity engine which means they can finally create stand alone clients for their games.

TL:DR AE is not leaving the PC market it is shifting it's production to a more modern version of the PC market

8x -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 13:35:05)

Not just any PC games. Web browser games are the ones that getting less and less attention.

The berserker killer -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 16:51:07)

Not true. Theres this game called League of Angels that is a mmorpg pvp game, and a web browser game, that is booming. Web browser games aren't getting les attention. People love web browser games because theyre quick and easy to log on to and play. All you need is a computer and internet. Stop trying to put the blame on something else. EpicDuel is failing because of negligence to the game and blatant disrespect to the paid players, not because "Flash is dying". Lmao.

Charfade -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 17:18:58)

I looked into League of Angles on google trends. Following the same curve as our flash AE games. http://puu.sh/opJKW/d70b0dd1a4.png

With out more data, I cant comment on the success of other Flash browser games. I just know browsers and adobe are stopping support for flash in the near future. I'm not here to convince anyone and/or defend anything, I just know with the information we have we are planning for longer term investments.

Today actually we made a great break through and got a EpicDuel.exe working. Look we made a vine! https://twitter.com/BioBeasts/status/722856564227444736

There was even progress made on other AE titles that Artix tweeted

NW is working on a post that is detailing what this means. In the mean time I ask all of you to continue to look to the future with us.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/20/2016 22:48:13)

With a client version of ED (Or aqw, which i'm specifically asking about), would the art already be in the client or will it be rendered while online?
One thing I noticed is that there's usually more loading times and and lag when having the quality set to high than when its on low.

Would the client version relieve this issue?
Would this mean having to download updates when a new update comes out?
And would this allow for higher server populations?

Cyber Dream -> RE: Future of Epic Duel (4/21/2016 1:29:39)

Hm, I like what I read!

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