Axe Master Emblem (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Axe Master Emblem (4/11/2016 5:46:01)

Axe Master Emblem

Location: Yulgar's Beginner Shop (5, 25, 45) ; Yulgar's Intermediate Shop (65, 85) ; Yulgar's Advanced Shop (105, 125, 145)
Element: Neutral
Type								G
Level	5	25	45	65	85	105	125	145
PowLvl	5	25	45	65	85	105	125	148
MPLvl	5	25	45	65	85	105	125	147

Price	8	19	103	780	6237	50232	404937	3264682
Sell	4	9	51	390	3118	25116	202468	1632341
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «As the listed SPCost» for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • All Normal Player Attacks and Weapon Specials with Axes* (which includes Halberds) get a damage boost:
    Normal Player Attacks/Weapon Specials (if Melee or Ranged)
    Damage	1.02	1.08	1.10	1.12	1.14	1.15	1.17	1.19
    Normal Player Attacks/Weapon Specials (if Magic)
    Damage	1.027	1.107	1.133	1.16	1.187	1.20	1.227	1.253
    SPCost	2	8	9	10	12	13	14	14
    ``Normal Player Attacks:
    • If the attack's current attack type is Melee or Ranged, you deal «as the listed Melee or Ranged boost» damage.
    • If the attack's current attack type is Magic, then you deal «as the listed Magic boost» damage.
    • The Boost takes into consideration type conversion things. For example, if you wield a Melee weapon, but use an armor that converts to Magic type attacks (like Wizard Robes), you will receive the Magic boost.
    ``Weapon Specials:
    • If your wielded weapon's attack type is Melee or Ranged, it deals «as the listed Melee or Ranged boost» damage.
    • If your wielded weapon's attack type is Magic, then you deal «as the listed Magic boost» damage.
    • The Boost follows your weapon attack type regardless of what the individual hit's weapon type is and applies to all hits of the Special regardless of the hits' individual types. For example, if you wield a Melee weapon with a special that has Magic and Ranged hits, you receive the Melee boost on both hits.
    *This emblem only works with axes!

    This is carried by those that are experts with an axe. Be it a battle-axe, hatchet, or throwing axe, it will strike with even greater force while this is active.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Additional thanks to Dragoon23 and Paradoxical Enigma.


    August 14, 2014: The misc was released.

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