RaXZerGamingZ -> the most unfair thing in the entire game (4/19/2016 12:49:59)
Arlright , you all know what im on about , the azraels will core. "amazing core" yeah for you it is but for me its not , i ragequited epicduel a few months back and when i came back everybody is darth vader ( best pun ) , why it annoys me ? because its so unfair , i fight level 40's 85% of the time(im level 38 atm ) , and 85% of the time i lose. because of what ? exactely the force gun , i would beat most of these level 40's but guess what ? it costing energy doesnt make it bad , it doing 85% damage is also not a nerf to me , because they force and then rage infernal android. and how much energy does infernal special cost ? exactely , none. i want this gun removed ( atleast the core , the design of the gun is pretty nice ) , it brakes balance in more then half , and this game doesnt have much. and as i said before , i dont have this thing , its super unfair to me. when this thing comes available again i wont wanna get it but i will because why ? because everybody else will have it and il lose way too much , if i fight anybody without force and i would have it then i would feel very bad for winning with force because its the same as making someone skip they're turn. this core needs to be removed , i dont want a "nerf" to this thing because it doesn't deserve that , drag in it in the trash can to make me happy ( and many more people )