RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (Full Version)

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araxia -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/25/2016 15:03:02)


I'm pretty sure that is impossible, the highest hp monster you can solo with shaman is jir'abin and i have not gotten more than 65k in a crit at the last second.

I didn't specify that it needed to be a Shaman solo, just no classes that boost your damage up like Stonecrusher or Legendary Hero. Personally the highest I've gotten was around 60k, so you already beat my record anyways. Since getting to 100k is painful, I fixed the challenge to be 70k.


Description of Challenge: Group Blinky but with nothing but the lowest lvl adventure enchant you can find for weapon helm cape class(even tho not sure there is one for a class)
Time Limit (if any): N/A
Restrictions: 40+ lvl and no healers
Challenge completers:

Is defeating Binky without healers, nevermind the level 1/2 enchantments, even possible?

Icetex -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/25/2016 15:36:44)

Thats why i said "MLG challenge" i think it possible with some effort

Metakirby -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/25/2016 16:29:12)


I didn't specify that it needed to be a Shaman solo, just no classes that boost your damage up like Stonecrusher or Legendary Hero. Personally the highest I've gotten was around 60k, so you already beat my record anyways. Since getting to 100k is painful, I fixed the challenge to be 70k.

The thing is, soloing will give you the most time to stack which means higher chance of getting to the higher numbers.
70k seems possible if you can keep your crits at bay.

araxia -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/25/2016 16:51:00)

Not entirely. You could have healers off to the side who could heal you when necessary but keep their target on you so as to not do any damage at all to the monster. This lets you tackle higher hp monsters that you can't handle with only shaman's heals.

HealerQuest -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/26/2016 4:40:40)

Name of Person Issuing Challenge: Shadowhunt
Link to Challenge Post: Here
Proof of Completion (if possible): Proof

Metakirby -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/26/2016 10:23:40)


Not entirely. You could have healers off to the side who could heal you when necessary but keep their target on you so as to not do any damage at all to the monster. This lets you tackle higher hp monsters that you can't handle with only shaman's heals.

This is where the biggest problem comes in. There aren't that many bosses over 1 million hp or bosses with huge amounts of hp that somehow lets you stack more.
The only ones i can think on top of my head are raxgore, jir'abin and ultra snow in extinction.
If raxgore locks either ancestral flame, dry lightning or EE the whole run would be killed.
Ultra snow deals about 1.2-1.3k damage on hit which would need you to have well-coordinated healers, and they would run out of mana pretty quickly if they don't attack. They would also need to tank hits, so no "heal and go to another screen to rest" trickery. Although this problem may be solved if you can just have stonecrushers with you just using the shield, but with your wording of the restriction, im not sure if that would be against the rules.

Name of Person Issuing Challenge: araxia
Link to Challenge Post: Here
Proof of Completion (if possible): I was too late[:(]

I missclicked and didn't hit the printscreen button, and when i actually hit the right button the numbers were gone.
But i did over 77k for sure.
I tried 2 more times to get a good pic of it but the second time i killed it with a lot of non crits in a row, and on the third try i didn't crit with dry lightning.
The other account was my alt which i used to get rid of the curse once i had enough stacks.
If you want to know approx. how much damage the lightning will do it's ancestral flames damage x 3 x ~2.5 (the crit ratio).
It takes at least 20 minutes to get to that much damage on the doomkitten, so i don't feel like doing it again right now.
Conclusion: 70k is a challenge which requires concentration, patience and a little bit of luck. 100k would make the luck play a bigger factor and make it even more tedious to do.

Kiyone -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/29/2016 20:27:27)

Welcome to Kiyone's Hold the Line and Abolish the Undead. A Simple challenge to get things start while I work up harder challenge for ya.

Description of Challenge: An evil Necromancer is invading doomwood with an army of 255 Undead monsters. The only thing preventing them from breaking throughs is a lone paladin holding line. Where the Paladin senses an evil magic coming from the monsters. Which protects them from most Paladin magic and can making healing skills deadly to the user. The Paladin must kill 255 undead monsters in doomwood in gauntlet challenge with restrictions. Where you must fight 255 invading undead monsters non stop in doomwood instance, screen 4 on the wiki. Wheres the counter on the screen showing how many you killed. Where during the invasion you cannot heal or rest. Where you limited on skills you can use.
Time Limit (if any):No time Limit
Restrictions:Must use Paladin Class or dress up as a Paladin while using Warrior Class. Can only use default attack or skill 2. CANNOT USE HEAL SKILLS OR ITEMS. CANNOT USE REST. Health Vamp I would prefer you not use it. Most solo this. So please use a private instance. Have fun!
Challenge completers:

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (4/29/2016 21:45:52)

^ Does the restriction on healing apply to Health Vamp as well? I think that would probably fall under "Healing items" but I just wanna be clear on it [:D]

araxia -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (5/1/2016 0:44:09)

Name of Person Issuing Challenge: Kiyone
Link to Challenge Post: here
Proof of Completion (if possible):

Given the rate at which you naturally gain hp as well, as the slow respawn rate of the monsters, you will literally gain hp faster than the monster can deal damage to you, as long as you can deal with the monsters within 2-3 hits.

Metakirby -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (5/1/2016 3:49:26)

Name of Person Issuing Challenge: Kiyone
Link to Challenge Post: Here
Proof of Completion (if possible): THIS IS SPARTA!

This took me longer than it should, because on the first run i got disconnected when i had about 240 kills.
It isn't hard to do but it may have something to do with my lvl and using BLoD.[8D]

Can only use default attack or skill 2.

Do you mean skill 2 as in the skill after the auto attack or the second actual skill?

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (6/3/2016 13:15:09)

Description of Challenge: Have 1,234,567 Gold!
Time Limit (if any): No time limit
Restrictions: None at all!
Challenge completers:

Good luck to anyone who takes this on! Spend Gold, earn Gold, do whatever it takes to get to 1234567 Gold.

Cons -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (6/3/2016 14:05:01)

Shadowhunt, in the description you say 1,324,567 while in the last sentence you say 1234567 Gold. Which one is it?

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (6/3/2016 14:18:12)

Stupid commas [:@] I never use those so of course they threw me off. It should be 1234567, or 1,234,567. Thanks for the catch!

Cons -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (6/3/2016 14:34:01)

Omg. I just got 1234565 and then got disconnected. When i logged in i had 2 440 756. So close.

I basically had it, i will let you know how now:

I had ~ 2.4 mil so i bought the guns from yulgar for 200k.
Then bought items from yulgar for 100k or so to get to 1.2 mil
Then bought items for 10k
Then 1k
Then 100 (in /join oaklore 2 items for 50 gold)
To create an odd number i defeated the monster on the 3rd screen of /join oaklore who gives 33 gold when defeated
Then buy and delete peasant rags from yulgar armor shop (cost 2 gold).

Side-note: Why y u reset my gold aqw? :(

Profanity removed. Censored or not, please refrain from using inappropriate language. If you're going to post please keep it civil and constructive. For more information, please read the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules > Posting Behavior. ~Shadowhunt

Jake Harrison -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (6/3/2016 14:52:02)

Challenge: Get Rank 10 reputation for every chaos Lord storyline with one of their respective classes for each faction at rank 10
Time Limit: None
Restrictions: Cannot be bought with ACs

Tyroniter -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (10/23/2016 22:03:36)

Description of Challenge: Get a crit above 20k with Shaman Class
Time Limit (if any): 3 days
Restrictions: No usage of damage boosting weapons/items/potions
Challenge completers: No one :(

Pro-Tip: Try fighting some monster with HP greater than 250,000, might work for a bit lower than this, but usually that's the benchmark I'd set when trying to get higher numbers.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Challenge Thread (11/16/2016 23:15:57)

Description of Challenge: Get all six of the Pickaxe drops! The Emerald Pickaxe, Amythest Pickaxe, Rose Pickaxe, Ruby Pickaxe, Sapphire Pickaxe, and Tourmaline Pickaxe.
Time Limit (if any): None
Restrictions: None
Challenge completers: None so far!

If you don't want to actually hang on to them, you can just take screenshots of you with the drop dialogue, but it's easier if you can get all of them in a single screenshot. Good luck to anyone who tries this out, none of the bosses are too terrible but they're a pretty rare drop, so it may take some dedication to get all six of them!

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