Carnax and Erebus (Full Version)

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Christophoses -> Carnax and Erebus (5/2/2016 21:53:50)

Since AQ3D is almost a continuation to AQ, shouldn't two of the most famous villains return in 3D? They played a pretty big role in AQ, so I don't see why they shouldn't be brought back.


Rlogg -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/3/2016 3:46:30)

First of all it's not a continuation AQ but would still love to see the two.

SonicTbear -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/3/2016 8:01:35)

In the AE universe as a whole considering AQ3D is not a continuation of AQC, Carnax is more popular despite the fact that he appeared in only two of AE's games (Adventure Quest Classic and Worlds and he probably made an appearance in EpicDuel as a house item, I'm not sure, I don't use most of the Arcades in ED, only the Frozen Fury and Nightwraith's Wrath), so players would love to fight him or play through his story. Erebus might not get a lot of attention because those who don't play AQC won't know who he is.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/3/2016 19:37:20)

@above thats even more reason for Erebus to be included

right now it'd be best to be more concerned with that giant skeleton in doomwood which will most likely rise and start causing all kinds of hell...

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/4/2016 0:03:48)

Yup I can no wait for Carnax, but Erebus no he will not be that good in this story line

ShadowMoon -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/4/2016 0:58:07)

@above what story line? the game hasn't even started yet. all we really got is a summery & a demo.

Rlogg -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/4/2016 11:04:06)

All we know about the storyline is that grimsbane would be one of the villians.

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/4/2016 19:47:26)

@ShadowMoon what I mean that is he wont be as well known

Christophoses -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/12/2016 0:39:27)

Glad to see that everyone is hoping for Carnax to return. I still think Erebus would make a great addition, though.

Emrys -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/12/2016 18:37:56)

artix and dage have implied pretty strongly that carnax will be in the game, and fighting him will be more like fighting a city sized monster than it could have been in aqc. they talked about it in the livestream and have concept art for carnax and the platform you fighthim from. as for erebus, i dont really play aqc so i dont know how big of a deal he is, but i think the balance aq3d is trying to go for is being attractive to new players and ae vets, which means having the memorable iconic characters but not importing every npc and storyline that only people who have played ae before will get

Christophoses -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/14/2016 21:08:04)


Erebus isn't one of the most well-known characters in the AE universe but he's one of the most interesting. I suppose instead of Erebus they could just bring back the Mysterious Stranger since more people know who he is.

As for Carnax being in AQ3D, I CAN"T WAIT! It's going to be an awesome boss fight for sure. Hopefully he gets a story arc, though. It would be a waste of a good opportunity if he didn't.

gordonas -> RE: Carnax and Erebus (5/16/2016 15:54:25)

They said Carnax will return. As a raid even. We'll have to battle through a gigantic city on it's back

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