Vial of Mutative Slime (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Vial of Mutative Slime (5/9/2016 6:57:40)

Vial of Mutative Slime

Location: War of the Fangs: Evolution
Element: Neutral
Type								G
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
MPLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	152

Price	10	30	185	1440	11554	93103	750572	6051293
Sell	5	15	92	720	5777	46551	375286	3025646
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: As the listed SPCost for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • You can activate it to regen «» HP for «» SP per turn if your subrace is Werewolf. This doesn't work if your subrace isn't Werewolf*.
    HPReg	5	10	15	21	28	35	43	53
    SPCost	8	14	22	31	41	52	64	78
    *This vial of mutagen only works for Werewolves!

    A sample of the mutative slime that creates 'The Cure', genetically adjusted to enhance a Werewolf's subracial powers. It will allow you to use your natural regeneration even when in human form!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


    February 22, 2014: The misc was released.

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