Dragonlord Armor (Full Version)

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ronelacecallao -> Dragonlord Armor (5/15/2016 4:22:47)

Good day, Sir/Ma'am. I really really love the dragonlord class but, I was hoping if I could equip the older version of it? The no sheild armor.
If I can, how?
I want to look like Master FrostScythe :/.

Rickyb20 -> RE: Dragonlord Armor (5/15/2016 4:39:57)

I assume you're talking about AQW?

There's an armor version of the Dragonlord class in the DragonLord Shop in /tower called Dragonlord Original, that's probably the closest, if not an exact replica of the armor Frostscythe is wearing.

Additionally, if you have anymore questions about AQW. you can post them in the AQWorlds Q&A section.

ronelacecallao -> RE: Dragonlord Armor (5/15/2016 4:43:12)

No, I meant Dragonfable, Sir xD.

Rickyb20 -> RE: Dragonlord Armor (5/15/2016 4:49:43)

Oh, my apologies.

I don't know anything about Dragonfable, so I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your question, sorry. The people who frequent the Dragonfable Q&A section might be able to answer your question though. Try posting your question there.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Dragonlord Armor (5/15/2016 13:15:36)

This forum is for forum related questions only.

Please use the DF Q&A forum, linked to by Rickyb20 above.


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