Need help with alpha knight verification (Full Version)

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Heromanguy_12 -> Need help with alpha knight verification (6/6/2016 16:10:00)

Hello. I have heard that people who played during AQ3D Legends Of Lore are qualified to get alpha knight badge in AQ3D. But then the problem comes in.
I changed my email of my artix master account that i used to play during that time to other one about a month ago and i need to verify somehow that
i am owner of that character that i played with. I know for the fact that i am owner but where do i send info that can be compared to verify that i am the owner ?

Edit: Issue is sorted out now and i got alpha knight badge.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: Need help with alpha knight verification (6/6/2016 20:16:57)

If you changed the email on your master account just sign up for aq3d (make an account on the website) and the afterwards log into your master account when prompted to gain alpha access. No other verification needed.

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