Battle Elf -> RE: Advertisment might help (6/22/2016 15:19:43)
Short and sweet, advertising money is going to be spent on AQ3D before anything else. However, I don't think advertising for EpicDuel would "kill the game", it might not be the best investment of that money, but it would still bring new players to the game. A lot of the balance problems in EpicDuel don't really occur until you've invested a fair amount of time in the game, or spent a fair bit of money. It's easy to forget that if you're dedicated enough to post on a Forum, you're probably close to max level and have been playing for a while. If I'm a casual player who gets around 10 or 20 matches in a day, some of the underlying faults, like rank issues, won't bother me. There's a good amount of "stuff" for new players to experience (items, missions, achievements, bosses). Just because you guys have already played through all of it, doesn't mean it isn't there.