Lord Machaar -> RE: Legendary shop for rank 80+ players (6/27/2016 18:54:09)
^ We had this discussion 2 - 1,5 years ago, me, Ranloth and other individuals who cared about the game, before even BB make it to life and devs get so busy with it. The only solution it is to remove it and replace it with something that doesn't give too much of PVP advantage. That's what is logical, waiting for a revamp now is quite impossible with BB project going on. You get the feeling now that some players deserve all that PVP advantage, you don't. In every other game, the only advantage given by paying money or playing hard is gaining special cosmetic items or shortening time to achieve X things, not earning permanent advantage versus new players. The legendary system was good on the short term, when not too many players have reached rank 60. If the game was botting-proof, it would have maintained a few playerbase with maximum ranks. But since some individuals have found ways to bot NPCs (50k NPCs + who give creds/exp and those who give creds only), the playerbase with maximum ranks has become more dominant than the playerbase with minimum ranks. You never see in any game this inverted pyramidal graphic. It's always like this: http://puu.sh/pIlGL/998a680004.png I'm not against buffing legendary mode, especially medical master and energy efficiency, because of some reasons mentioned by some individuals here, I'm against it because there many individuals who don't deserve them, hence giving them an advantage is called encouraging them to find more efficient botting ways and even more efficient escaping punishment ways.