Levels (Full Version)

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nowras -> Levels (7/8/2016 20:00:19)

Instead of having the title ''member'' for every single member even if he/she's new or old, there should be also, levels depending on the total number of posts you have written.

Level 1: 0-10 posts.

Level 2: 11-50 posts.

Level 3: 51-100 posts.

Level 4: 101-250 posts.

Level 5: 251-500 posts.

Level 6: 501-1,000 posts.

Level 7: 1,001-2,500 posts.

Level 8: 2,501-5,000 posts.

Level 9: 5,001 -10,000 posts.

Level 10: 10,001+ posts.

Rickyb20 -> RE: Levels (7/8/2016 20:11:47)

Suggestions similar to this have been posted here before, and as much as I like the idea, this won't work because it'll just encourage people to spam in order to gain levels.

nowras -> RE: Levels (7/9/2016 10:18:11)

Actually, no one would really spam. Well, only those with low IQ would spam and I'm pretty much sure that people with low IQ don't use the forums anyways.
This system is being used everywhere especially, by successful companies such as Google and SuperCell and since AE isn't as successful as them then it has to learn from them and try to follow their foot steps.
In fact, it will just encourage them to post more times and suggest their ideas on the forums more than before and this might be beneficial for AE as there might be simple ideas that would make their games way better.

T7388 -> RE: Levels (7/18/2016 20:00:01)

A lot of people would spam random comments to get ranks, and with so many users on the boards it would create too much work for AKs and they'd have to create a minimum character limit to post, and even then people would find a way.

And as far as insulting peoples' IQ, that's a bit low in itself.

I'm not saying the function would be bad, it's a great idea and most people would love it, but it's unlikely to ever happen.

People suggest what they'd like to see, giving a reward for posts would only encourage spam or even unrelated topics just for the post count, as AKs tend to lock rather than delete most threads/items unless they feel the need to.

Have a nice one.

flairtorc -> RE: Levels (7/20/2016 16:56:51)

I think this is a great idea, would give another, if frivolous, way of incentivizing people to post.

To the problem of people spam posting, you could just give people the ability to flag a post as spam, and if there are enough flags, it hides itself, and is deducted from your overall post total.

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